Saturday, March 18, 2023

Echoes Of A Better Nation (Trailer Park Rome, Ten.)

No sympathy for the devil; keep that in mind. Buy the ticket, take the ride...and if it occasionally gets a little heavier than what you had in mind, well...maybe chalk it up to forced consciousness expansion: Tune in, freak out, get beaten. ~Hunter S. Thompson, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

Oh, fuck off.

I'm so tired of this asshole.

Now that he's facing the real possibility of being booked like a common criminal, of course this petty Mobocrat is going to try to rally the mob to his defense and create his shitty little mobocracy.

Fuck all that. I wasn't even going to comment on the possibility of Trump's impending arrest, until I saw this.

But then, there was more BS. There always is with these people.

You know who I'm even more tired of?

The shitty little bootlickers like Kevin McCarthy.

Like what the fuck is this guy even doing?

They're so desperate for proximity to power and the taste of a fascist jackboot on their tongue that when Trump ceased to have direct power they simply begged Vladimir Putin to put on his old KGB uniform so they could get the sweet, sweet taste of Communist boot-leather like 1989 and all those democratic revolutions that Republicans once celebrated never happened.

Democracy? Freedom? Peace? What?

What do you mean "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall??"

Modern Republicans could give a good goddamn about the Reagan Revolution or anything else the Gipper did or said at any time, for any reason. 

The cult of Dis Pater could flourish is a place like Rome and has to hide in a place like America for a reason.

Cults of (your) death and (my) wealth are, understandably, not popular in a democratic nation where most people are used to a high standard of living.

Republicans know this. That's why they hate America.

In fact, they'd rather imagine themselves standing on an alternate history's platform in some gimcrack Soviet uniform with medals they didn't earn, standing next to Comrade Chairman of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union Vladimir Putin as they salute marching soldiers, missile TEL's and tanks rumbling by in the annual Moscow May Day parade and then issue pro-forma denunciations of the "Decadent West."

I mean, shit, they're already doing that last part and they live here.

Because they could give a flying fuck about the ideology or the politics. They just want to have proximity to power and all this right-wing shit gets them a lot more attention and money from stupid people than anything else does. Trailer Park Rome lives and dies by the success or failure of Trump's grift.

If being card-carrying members of the Communist Party would've done the same, they'd have done that...and they would have done it gladly. I mean, sure, they might've had some kind of rationalizations, but they'd have done it.

And the rationalizations, such as they were, would have been complete and total bullshit.

Because the only fucking thing that matters to them is political power. What kind it is, or even how much of it they really have doesn't matter. As long as they've got the title and some bullshit feeling about how "Special" they are, nothing else matters.

The reason so many Republicans hate the Ukrainians is because the Ukrainians are doing what people like them were supposed to do, if they were ever the people they said they were.

But they weren't.

And the existence of a people fighting for their freedom against the Orcs of the Red Horde makes them feel called out.

Too bad, Republicans, of course most people don't want to be bootlickers like you do.

I'm utterly tired of the people ranting about "TAKING OUR NATION BACK" who'd gladly turn our nation into some theocratic monarchy with overtones of populistic mobocracy that's exactly the kind of thing our nation, such as it is, was founded to oppose.

And I'm old enough to remember echoes of a better nation.

I'm an American veteran. I've read the Constitution. I've carried weapons in defense of it. I did so as a young Republican in Bill Clinton's America. And I did it gladly, because America isn't (and isn't supposed to be) defined by who its President is. We The People *ARE* America

Not Trump. Us.

To make it anything else, will make us stop being America.

You can't have my country, not while I'm alive anyway. Fuck you.

Not least because you idiots would just turn around and give it to somebody like Donald Trump, who has disgusted me as long as I've been aware of him.

If you want a better country, you have to be a better citizen. Mobs don't build better nations. they only tear them down.

And if you can't understand that, what the fuck are we even doing here?

The dark is generous and it is patient, and it always wins.
But at the heart of its strength lies weakness.
One lone candle is enough to hold it back.
Love is more than a candle; Love can ignite the stars.
~Matthew Stover, Star Wars Episode III: Revenge Of The Sith novelization.

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