Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Chlorination Nation.

To recap (and I'm sure this is not all of what JonTron said), JonTron said, in what he thought was perfectly fine for a debate:

- Foreigners dilute the gene pool
- Black crime in America is the same as in Africa (like, he fuckin' brought this up TWICE)
- Racial issues can be summed up via mixing different colors of paint
- Statistical data means nothing because Clinton lost the election
- Destiny wants to kill black people
- Black Lives Matter is a violent organization
- the richest black man commits more crimes than the poorest white man
- Tribalism is a valid theory
- Immigrants are destroying every single country they are let into
- America is gonna become Mexico
- Racism is over
- Muslims are organizing to make it seem like Christians are protesting abortion clinics

And Destiny didn't even fucking ask the most obvious fuckin' question: "If you're so concerned about immigrants, why do you keep bringing up blacks?"

"Foreigners dilute the gene pool."

That's some straight up Nazi shit right there. Sorry, but I thought that Eugenics was pretty much discredited by the fact that most of the only people who actually tried to put it into practice ended up dead.

Also "I'm going to show that 'racism is over' by saying a bunch of racist shit?" What kind of fucking logic is that?

This shit was brought to my attention by my co-worker C.J. last night at work. (The original thread being here.) My basic response is "Fuck this shit, the gene pool needs Chlorine at this point, BAD!"

Each of you owes me 100 Nazi scalps...and I want my scalps.

But I digress...

 I'm going to be crude and probably pretty damned offensive here, and if you don't like it, too bad.

Seriously, I'm just sayin' here but some young punk ass gamer geek (I'm assuming that's what this little Jon Jafari/JonTron asshole is) who's sexual choices at this point most likely consist of Right Hand or Left Hand has one hell of a lot of nerve complaining about anyone, much less foreigners, diluting anyone's gene pool. If there's one thing that seems to be a common thread with these angry alt-right Nazi racist basement trolls who seem to spend all their lives on the computer, it's that they #1 haven't been laid yet. #2 they resent this fact, and #3 it's everyone's fault BUT theirs.

Just sayin' if running out of whack-it lube or shitty bandwidth denying access to your porntube subscription or Hentai videos is a tragic event, you might want to get out of the house.

Turn the computer or the console off, go outside, and talk to some real live human beings.

Like I told my friend Aaron awhile back, every last one of these motherfuckers ought to get smacked right in the mouth. At this point I'll add, preferably by a woman of color.

This guy sounds like he should be a member of Milo Yiannopoulos little retinue of sheltered-white-boys-who-need-an-ass-whuppin.' AKA "Alpha Males" who come off like their job is to be boy toys for the Gay Nazi or at least Faggot eye-candy so Milo can feel good about himself. The article I read about that made me think of how, back in the early 1990's Michael Jackson always seemed to travel with a retinue of young boys...which somehow seems less weird now.

Most of these people who go around claiming the "Alpha Male" label strike me as the type who are one Felony conviction away from knowing what another man's penis tastes like. Most of these motherfuckers are sheltered, weak-minded dudes who think their penis is some kind of magic key that unlocks money, power, and the secrets of the universe and entitles them to have sex with attractive women. No, It Does Not Work That Way.

Listen, people, I was taught if you wanted something you went out and earned it. You whether black, white, male, female, Christian, Jewish, Muslim or some rama-rama-ding-ding shit you had to have been to India to hear about and whether you came from a poor family or a rich one, aren't entitled to one goddamned fucking thing. Or you shouldn't be, anyway.

Doesn't matter if your parents are rich, once you leave the house, go make your own money. Yes, occasional family support is fine but once you get past a certain point, maybe a couple years out of college or should be in a position where you don't need it too often.

Yes, everybody needs help now and again (and our society makes people jump through sometimes-ridiculous hoops to get it, and often in so doing helps the wrong people, while not helping those who are actually trying to accomplish something. That's not an argument against the social safety net...I'm saying we need a better one than we have and we need to apply intelligence to it and do the best we can to weed out the malingerers) some people have money and some people don't. Some people are good at this or that, some people are not. That's just life. Nobody wins at everything all the time and anybody who tells you that you can or gives you a trophy just for showing up is a fucking liar and needs to be punched in the face.

That's a lot of the problem. People have grown up not being taught that Action = Consequence, they are not being told, "NO!" They have been taught that their "feelings" are paramount, that their "individual liberty" is more important than anything, up to and including the freedom and rights of our whole society. People need to be told "No" sometimes, period. For some reason, most of the people who get this shit the worst are men.

Some people are socially successful and some people aren't, some people gamely try and don't quite make it, but still end up on your good side or are tolerated because at least they're trying.

I'm just gonna throw this out here right now, that the absolute last fucking thing any Man worthy of the name is entitled to is to get another person, whether male or female, to share their body and their soul with you. It's not about money, it's not about power, an awful lot of the time all it takes is not being a dick, having some mutual interests with a girl, a little courtesy and some common fucking decency.

Unless you've got a thing for mercenary gold-diggers who'll stab you in the back or women with a raging mental illness, guys, absolutely nobody is going to give a shit about how much money you make, or your I.Q. or the length of your penis. It just Doesn't. Work. That. Way.

Then of course there's the entitlement, and the racism. Jafari...not a very WASP-y sounding surname, that, just sayin.' Is this kid trying to out White-Man the White Man? That doesn't usually seem to work.

Instead, no, a lot of males have this idea that "Oh, she thinks I'm a dick." Hmmm, "Well, I guess I'll be an even BIGGER dick and then maybe she'll find that interesting?" I suppose it's not a big leap from that to thinking that Black folks will give up their rights and all they've fought for, for 150 years, in exchange for a job?

Of course, this also seems to be the governing philosophy of the Trump administration. "If we're big enough dicks to everyone else, and show our power by sheer ham-fisted obnoxious stupidity and unnecessarily hurting enough people, everybody else will get out of the way or submit and we can just do what we want!"

I'm here to tell you, that's also the lizard-brain mentality of the average 13-year-old boy. Acting like that, though, would tend to get me a hard backhand across the face from my Grandma. Old ladies especially usually aren't having it when it comes to that kind of crap.

I'm here to tell you, neither the ladies, nor those that certain people judge as less-than, nor the rest of the world is going to keep putting up with this bullshit forever, and those who practice it are going to be made to pay. If we Americans don't get this shit under control, and fast, our country is going to be made to pay. This glorification of crazy assholery for the sake of crazy assholery and the biggest dick bag wins is going to be the death of us.

You know how we fix this problem? We bring back the ass whuppin.' Full stop. Start beating the shit out of these motherfuckers. Hell, we may have to just straight up shoot a few of 'em. (I say start with the guy who said "foreigners dilute the gene pool" but that's just me.) We make this shit...entitlement, poor treatment of women, racism, and general shitty behavior both socially and otherwise unacceptable by inflicting as harsh as possible of consequences on people who act like that.

Richard Spencer (for example) seems to be keeping a much lower profile after getting punched in the face a few times. Do your civic duty, punch a Nazi. If you don't believe in violence...stand up, refuse to put up with this bullshit just the same. (Oh, and by the way, Fuck You Geert Wilders.)

Actually, the hell with that...

Forget punching Nazis...

Kick a Nazi in the balls, HARD. That'll chlorinate the gene pool real fucking quick.

Maybe if there's some risk to the dick, these guys will stop thinking with theirs.

Do your civic duty, kick a Nazi in the balls. Chlorinate the Gene Pool.

Monday, March 13, 2017

Fuck you, Steve King.

Blood that has soaked into the sands of a beach is all of one color. America stands unique in the world: the only country not founded on a race but on a way, an ideal. Not in spite of but because of our polyglot background, we have had all the strength of the world. That is the American way. ~Ronald Reagan

So, yesterday, Iowa Representative Steve King tweeted this:

For any who don't know, Geert Wilders is an Atheistic dick bag of a Dutch politician who's made a career out of hating on Muslims for no fucking reason that I can figure out. I don't know what the fuck any Muslim person ever did to him, but he's basically such an asshole that nobody wants to work with him so even if he wins the upcoming election in the Netherlands, he loses. He is the only actual member of his own party and so far as I understand it, none of the other parties want to work with him. So he can't become Prime Minister. Christ, how much of an asshole do you have to be for the famously tolerant Dutch to tell you to go fuck yourself?

As regards King; Before we move on, I'd just like to say "Fuck you, fuck you, and oh yeah, fuck you." As I've mentioned before I'm of Scandinavian descent. If culture and demographics are my destiny, well fuck it all then. I'm going to get a crew together, some kind of a boat and some weapons, and sail down the Missouri River to go a-Viking in King's district, because fuck him, that's why. But, ya know, this is America and he's lucky I ain't gotta be like that. I'm so sick of this right-wing shit by now though, that I might just get around to pillaging somebody's village yet.

The goddamned Fascist moron with the corn-cob up his ass Also said:

"We need to get our birth rates up or Europe will be entirely transformed within a half century or a little more. And Geert Wilders knows that and that’s part of his campaign and part of his agenda." 

Okay, so more of the usual "OhMyGod, Brown People are coming and they're going to fuck your daughter!" Racist bullshit.

Sorry if you don't like it, you sheet-wearing cow-fucker, but if I had a daughter and she got with a black person, or a person of any other non-white ethnicity, well that'd be her goddamned business so long as they have morals and treat her good. I say "Person" because if I had a kid (or have one that I don't know about...a real possibility given my own unfortunate sexual history...but in my defense I was trying to piss off my nut-bag ex-wife) I don't care if they're gay. If their partner happens to be religious...great! If their partner is Muslim? I'd probably actually be encouraged because I have quite a bit of experience with Muslims and know pretty well what I can or can't expect in terms of behavior. See, a little knowledge about things other than bestiality, cousin-fucking, horse cock porn and right-wing bullshit actually comes in real handy for reducing the amount of stress in one's life.

...And then, in response, This happened:

As I've said before regarding Trump, when assholes like David Duke are supporting your dumb ass, it's probably time to rethink your life. Duke has falsely claimed to be a Vietnam Veteran (he's not a veteran at all) he was part of a plot to overthrow the government of the Caribbean island nation of Dominica (supposedly to establish an anti-Communist government, but in reality there were extensive financial motivations) by American and Canadian white supremacists. The plot was foiled by the FBI and pretty much everybody but Duke went to prison either in Canada, Dominica or the US. Then eventually, he became a (basically hated, and ironically replaced by now-sitting US Senator David Vitter) one-term member of the Louisiana house of representatives and he eventually was kicked out of the Klan for stealing money from them. David Duke is such an all-around loser with enough of a rep for doing dumb shit that I'm surprised he hasn't pissed off the wrong person and been chopped up and fed to alligators by now. A compliment from this dude should end one's political career. I hope (and given his record, I wouldn't be surprised) that some day a cache of gay porn featuring black men is found in the possession of this Nazi shithead. I'll laugh like a motherfucker.

When pressed about the issue, King said:

"I'd like to see an America that's just so homogeneous that we look a lot the same, from that perspective,”

No, dude, just No. That's not how this works, not even close. Maybe you want to live in some kind of weird Stepford-America where everybody acts the same and goes to the same kind of church and looks the same and shit but I don't. I'd find such a country to be pretty damned deadly boring, you know, kind of like Iowa. I've driven through that state quite a few times and I can't say I've ever done anything more than stop for gas and take a piss now and again there, it's pretty much several hours of nothing between Illinois and Nebraska...and Nebraska is of course even more of nothing but miles and miles and miles, of miles and miles and miles of nothing! But since I legitimately don't consider the smell of cow manure to be attractive nor do I regard a picture of cow udders to be pornographic, I think I'll pass on your idea of what America should look like, Representative Ass Wipe.

Funny thing, but it's a good goddamned thing that for him that I've had some positive experience of Iowans and don't actually regard Gauleiter King to be all that representative of the people of his state. That might've changed since I was in Mrs. Nitz's 4th Grade class at Peace Lutheran School in Tustin, California...but if that is so, you can count on me to be even more pissed off. That teacher and her class is exactly why books like Pilgrim's Progress, James and the Giant Peach, Where the Wild Things Are and Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory became relevant to me in the first place. She was a mean old lady originally from Estherville, Iowa, a devout Lutheran and a retired secular teacher, who was fiercely committed to education. What she'd say about Steve King, I don't know. My guess is that it'd probably involve the wooden paddle she kept behind her desk. One of the few times she ever used it was when one kid called another one a racial slur.

This is America, a country of stolen land with assimilated, borrowed and stolen culture, partly built by literally stolen African people who were in part freed by German and Irish immigrants impressed into the Union Army fresh off the boat. After that war (which Duke's side lost) we that replaced THAT source of agrarian labor with immigrant industrial labor from even more other countries to fuel our industrial revolution. Our car and consumer cultures were largely established by Henry Ford, an arch-conservative (and anti-Semite) who brought Arabs-both Christian and Muslim-over here to work in his factories, with the goal of establishing them as a constituency to oppose the Jews. That's why my own home state has the largest percentage of Arab Americans in the United States. We won a war with and have defended the post-World War II liberal democratic order mostly with technology created by emigrated or yes, stolen Austrian and German scientists. and I sit here typing this today on technology that is what it is because of a Lebanese immigrant and an American college dropout who started out with basically nothing who between the two of them, founded rival companies and got our modern computerized technological age going. Can't restore our civilization with somebody else's babies? 

In the immortal words of Barack Obama (himself the son of a Kenyan immigrant who along with Obama's Kansas-born mother, was a college student here, I believe) Yes we can.

This is America, and restoring and rebuilding and reinventing our civilization with "somebody else's babies" is exactly how the fuck we do it. It's the only way we ever have. Americans aren't like the Arabs or the Dutch, or the Japanese or the Russians or the Swiss. We aren't a people based on the land we live on and one unified culture. We don't have a common religion like the Greeks or Laotians or the Saudis or even my own Lutheran Scandinavian ancestors did. We're Americans, all we have and all we what we want to be. Somebody else's babies? Well if they're here, they're ours, because their parents wanted to be Americans. Guess what? That's Okay. Unless you're Native American, your ancestors were once in the same boat.

If you don't like that, fuck you.

I'll say this much with certainty, if people from the rest of the world stop wanting to be Americans? People like Donald Trump and Steve King will be exactly why that happens.

And it'll be a damn shame, too. 

This is what we came from:

Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
MOTHER OF EXILES. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.

"Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
~The New Colossus, Emma Lazarus

That's the America I want to live in, and I'll fight to keep it that way and don't you forget it.


Wednesday, March 1, 2017

The Heart Attack Burger and the Orange Man.

Are you going to eat that?
 ~Brooks Hatlen, to Andy Dufresne, the Shawshank Redemption

I was at work last night (I work in a kitchen at a casino) and I happened to be the trash guy last night. That's about as fun as it sounds. After I get done working I want to brush the crud out of my green fur, go home, crawl in my garbage can and go to sleep. Yes, it really is a job tailor made for Oscar the Grouch. It's also one of those jobs where one isn't assigned to a particular area. I was on this particular job for a number of years in my workplace because I'm one of the people who gets shit done instead of fucking off all night.

Along the way, I've observed a lot from the small-but-diverse slice of humanity that I work with.

Last night as I'm making one of my rounds I observed that the cooks for one of the restaurants were making up these burger patties that had big chunks of butter in the middle. I asked a couple of questions, got my answers and found out in the resulting back-and-forth that one of my co-workers wanted to eat one of these monstrosities. Me and the other guy from my department who was right there both thought the same things; Who'd want to eat such a thing, and how quickly would one have a heart attack after eating it? If I ate a burger like that, I'm quite sure that I'd find out I could rap (or at least beat-box rather well) with my behind. I say this as somebody who's worked consistently in various jobs in the food service business ranging from dishwasher to line cook and all the way up to manager in a cafeteria...the burger...and the idea of me eating it...are ridiculous.

Who would find such a plated monument to culinary excess appetizing? For the record the guy who wants to eat one is the young, socially awkward Libertarian on our shift. He has a good heart and an idealistic nature as people his age who take up such philosophies often do. So, I won't hold it against him...but I had to give him some shit about wanting to eat what sounds to me like Death on a plate, or as I had tentatively christened it "The Heart Attack." As I'm leaving the kitchen to go out to dump my trash the little old Japanese-American bakery lady (who'd heard the conversation) had to add that "Yes, you're right, that IS heart attack burger." So, I got to thinking about it. Why does this exist?

It exists because people's souls are empty, so they compensate by filling their bodies.

It exists because delayed gratification, let alone self denial, have become foreign concepts to many Americans. It exists because we have no problem with establishments like the one I work in throwing away enough food to feed a respectably-sized African village on a daily basis (although I'm pretty sure that Africans have more sense than to eat some of the kinds of food we serve.) Anyone familiar with the term MRE (Meals Rejected by the Enemy/Everyone/Ethiopia) and the culinary quality thereof can imagine what I mean when I say that I refer to the food we get in the break room as "Meals Rejected by the Customers."

It exists because we're Americans, Excess is what we DO, Excess is what we've become. Excess and the glorification of it for its own sake is why anybody at all in this country would vote for a man who feels the need to have a gold-plated toilet be something that he owns.

It wasn't always that way. Grandparents on both sides of my family were all children of the Depression, they taught me to not waste food. They taught me values and work ethics that I have always relied on. My religious views (including respect for other people's religions) and work ethics trend old-school small-c conservative. My social views? I'd have been a New Dealer if I'd been alive back then because that's what my grandparents (conservative Democrats and liberal/Rockefeller Republicans respectively) either were or understood the need for. Only in recent years have I come to fully appreciate all this, even as my body starts to break down and my health gets worse because of my own accidents and chemical and culinary misadventures and drinking and ridiculous behavior and sexual stupidity (and I was taught better than that) which could be ascribed to youthful dumb shit. Note the "Could" honestly the worst of it hit in my later mid-twenties after my own life had gone to shit not once, but twice and I'd gotten divorced AND the Divorce (from my Pentecostal religious nut ex-wife) had damned near made an Atheist of me.

Nothing wrong with Atheists, but I probably wouldn't be a good one.

I'm a stubborn son of a bitch, I tend to learn things the hard way. I've also tended to need something greater than myself to look to when things go sideways. and another human being just won't cut it. My own spiritual beliefs are thus a pretty agnostic form of Christianity.

So, yeah, while I'm not necessarily a Big-"c" conservative nor a Big-"l" liberal and I'm not sure if it's because of or in spite of my lack of conventional religion, I look with equal parts genuine alarm and unapologetic disdain at what American "Conservatism" has turned into.

Oh sure, we've always had nuts. We've always had greedy power-mad shitheads and old motherfuckers whose main, if not only, concern was staying in office, and/or staying in power. But, we're at the point now where it's either Far-right or Left, with no real middle of the road. We've reached the point where Republican Representatives and Senators are literally running away from their own constituents and where even moderate and sane Conservatives like David Brooks and Evan McMullin sound like liberals compared to Congress and Trump. A hell of a lot of Republican voters are having second thoughts (and worried about their health care, among other things) with many more about to be left behind...and what's the main thing Congressional Republicans seem to care about? Staying in power...

Meanwhile, even their own voters are getting pissed off...

The rest of us are going to have to start finding ways to work with those people, to allay their constant, often unfounded fears (or as I keep telling people, turn off the damn TV) before we end up in the position of having a competent, focused, intelligent autocrat taking over who isn't obsessed with how he looks to the media and his personal popularity. Like I've said before, Trump is in the position of being very unpopular and looking like a weak autocrat...and few things have a shorter lifespan than an unpopular and weak autocrat.

But, once the Trump mess is over with (and I don't have any idea how, at the rate he's going, he's expecting to serve a full term) we'll likely have to deal with the Pence mess and/or the Ryan mess. In both cases, those guys are a lot more conventional/predictable and thus easier to oppose, and I don't see either as inspiring the same kind of fanaticism that Trump does, but still each caters to different, solidly entrenched aspects of the Republican Party (Fundamentalist Christianity and Ayn Randism respectively) and each one would likely have their own strong base...which would likely be stronger, or at least smarter, than Trump Supporters, and probably not the flash-in-the-pan that Trumpism is likely to be. I can't help but notice that Milo Yiannopolous appears to have dropped off the face of the earth...and minus Bannon, many of the alt-right Nazis have done the same.

It's not just reaching out to the other side that's going to be needed. We've got to come up with somebody that's worth following and likely somebody new or at least not that high up on the seniority list...kind of like how things worked out with Obama, in point of fact. It's not like the other side hasn't made it easier. One by one, the right-wingers have conceded belief in a decent environment, civil society, common decency, facts, reality, patriotism, policy, truth and even standard conservative traits like religiosity and support for the military to the other side, as if they are irrelevant.

Maybe they are, if you're one of those people who thinks giving the rest of the world a giant middle finger out of hate and rage is some kind of wonderful thing. I've seen videos of these Trump rallies where people act as if being able to express hate or say racial slurs is the greatest thing ever...and so far as I know such things haven't been socially acceptable for at least as long as I've been alive. Yeah, the crowds are getting smaller, have been for a while. But, the fact that this garbage ever appealed to anybody in this day and age should give people pause and cause us all to re-think some things.

For fuck's sake, as another friend of mine pointed out at around six this morning "Fox News is engaging in rampant self-abuse (i.e. Masturbation) because the President used the words "Radical Islamic Terrorism" in a sentence. He then added that this is apparently code for brown people. I pointed out that there are plenty of white Muslims out there...

He remarked that I'd have to turn off my brain if I wanted to think like these people do...

And that's it, right there, isn't it?

I've said more than once that when this is over we might have to send a lot of these people back to school, and bring back the ass whuppin' too. 'Cause if I acted like that, that's what I'd expect to get even today.

We might have to go 'old-school' in some other ways too.

There's a lot of people who have qualities that might appeal to displaced conservatives feeling buyer's remorse: conservatives like former CIA agent Evan McMullin might be able to be recruited, people like Senator Tammy Duckworth (Army Veteran) or Rev. William Barber (African American Pastor) or even unaffiliated but well-known people like Jesse Ventura or Mark Cuban. If I were the Democratic leadership, I'd be making an effort to reach out to and recruit moderate and sane conservatives, and to promote Democrats with the type of qualities that right-wingers say they want to have in terms of leadership. The Democrats themselves are in a position where (Bullshit-ass, Man's Approval-seeking Evangelicals and Melania Trump's leading the Lord's Prayer aside) at the rate this is going, give it a few more weeks or months of this crap and they'll be able to claim religion (as well as religious tolerance) as a defining value...while a lot of people are already wondering just what the values of the Republican Party even are anymore, aside from money and staying in office.

Damn it, we can do better.

The Republicans are basically in the same position the Democrats were in 20 years ago, but without the ability to coast on popularity.

We have some real problems in our society these days, up to and including that a lot of people have fallen through the cracks and even more are being marginalized and of course the leadership either doesn't care or is actively encouraging this crap. The golden toilets, heart attack burgers and in many ways even Trump's traveling clown show are nothing more than a distraction from that. The real problem we have right now is Congress, that can be a pretty damned local issue. If we don't find a way to impeach Trump, we may have a revolution in this country. Once that happens, this country is probably going to fly apart like the old Soviet Union did.

If you want to stop that, put down the cheeseburger, turn off the TV, and go outside into the unseasonable climate change weather and get to work.

I am certain that my fellow Americans expect that on my induction into the Presidency I will address them with a candor and a decision which the present situation of our people impel. This is preeminently the time to speak the truth, the whole truth, frankly and boldly. Nor need we shrink from honestly facing conditions in our country today. This great Nation will endure as it has endured, will revive and will prosper. So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself—nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance. In every dark hour of our national life a leadership of frankness and vigor has met with that understanding and support of the people themselves which is essential to victory. I am convinced that you will again give that support to leadership in these critical days. ~Franklin Delano Roosevelt, First Inaugural Address, 1933.