Saturday, July 30, 2022

Death Cult Burn Pits

If we lose freedom here, there is no place to escape to. This is the last stand on Earth. And this idea that government is beholden to the people, that it has no other source of power except to sovereign people, is still the newest and most unique idea in all the long history of man's relation to man. This is the issue of this election. Whether we believe in our capacity for self-government or whether we abandon the American revolution and confess that a little intellectual elite in a far-distant capital can plan our lives for us better than we can plan them ourselves. ~Ronald Reagan

This week, Republicans blocked the PACT Act in the Senate after previously supporting it, and then they celebrated afterwards.

This would have provided funding to support veterans suffering from the effects of exposure to toxic burn pits.

People are pissed off, and of course, the fact that a famous, widely-respected comedian is one of the main supporters of the lobbying effort that led to the PACT Act in the first place can only help in the long run. Something will get done, this is personal to a lot of people, including me.

I'm a United States Air Force Security Forces veteran, I *Was* deployed and exposed to this kind of shit, but not nearly with as serious of effects as some of my bros who served longer, got sent to places like Afghanistan and Iraq and dealt with it for longer and had much more prolonged exposure.

Fuck these motherfuckers.

There's an awful lot of veterans that I know who are pretty pissed off about this mess, including plenty of Republican ones. It'll certainly be enough to flip quite a few votes. Add that to the expanding list of things people are legitimately pissed off about right now, and yes, Republicans could be looking at serious losses in November.

I mean, fuck.

The House just passed an assault weapons ban, effectively reinstating the one from the 1990's that expired in the early aughts...if it gets by the Senate and Biden signs it, that is.

It won't do much about the weapons already in circulation, but it might stop the bleeding for awhile, until the arms manufacturers figure out all the loopholes just like they did back then, and so on.

But it's a start...if it passes the Senate.

Here's the thing, though.

As to the core problem, none of this stuff matters worth a damn.

It's a cult. This has to be addressed.

I mean, seriously, what the fuck has Donald Trump or Matt Gaetz done for anybody other than themselves? And this is a problem that goes way back, a buddy of mine from my old old Black Vietnam Veteran who served eight years in the Marine Corps said the same thing about Gerald Ford "What the fuck did Gerald Ford ever do for anybody but Gerald Ford?" 

And Ford...or Reagan...or, hell, old Tricky Dick Nixon was a hell of a lot less openly malevolent than current Republicans are.

There's a reason all these old shits could stand there on the Senate floor and fist-bump and laugh it up after they'd blocked a bipartisan bill that had massive popularity and support...purely as retaliation for the Democrats (and some Republicans) passing a measure to combat inflation and price-gouging.

(Which really amounts to "Democrats took away the stick Republicans had been beating them with." That's all, and they mad.)

Their voter base simply doesn't care

The massively non-veteran-majority, completely oblivious MAGA-Republican base could absolutely give a shit. And, egged on by foreign trolls and Russian bots, they've already bent and pounded and refashioned what is a massive defeat...for some of their loved ones too...into a victory for themselves. 

It's a fucking Death Cult.

They simply claimed that (nonexistent) unrelated spending had been added to the bill. In fact it had not. This lie has been addressed and countered by people and groups as diverse as Adam Kinzinger, Jon Stewart, the fucking VFW (Hardly a bastion of Democratic Wokeness) and VoteVets.

And here's the thing.

It will continue until we, as a people, stop tolerating this garbage. Stop fist-bumping and laughing it up with murderous assholes, cut them off, ostracize them, stop fucking them, etc.

And more to the point, you want to know what we can do to start stripping all this crap away?

Stop putting up with the people who want to paper everything from their ignorance to shitty legislative decisions over with some Jesus and Blah Blah Blah and then we'll make some real progress. Send people to therapists instead of a fucking church camp. Somebody starts talking about Jesus? 

Walk away.

I spent most of my life as a Christian, this MAGA-Patriot-Christian Crap ain't what I was taught. I'd love for someone to do a follow-up and see how many of these couples Mike Pence is talking about are divorced now because things got better for two weeks after that bullshit program...and then got worse. Yes, I've been to this rodeo.

And that's how it fucking ends up, every goddamned time.

How do these assholes justify supporting authoritarians like Donald Trump or Vladimir Putin...despite increasingly horrific murderous bullshit on the part of the latter?

They start talking about Jesus and generally jerking off with themselves, because apparently Communist Dictator Vladimir Putin pretends to love him some Jesus, or something.

And it very rapidly spirals out into rabid Creationism and conspiracy theories, because once you've believed one impossible thing, why not more? It's like fucking drugs for some people.

And ironically it was Commies like Putin who, themselves, called religion the Opiate of the Masses. Now they exploit it, same as Republicans do. And they'll keep at it until the masses that follow them are reduced to cannibalism and dancing around a fire shouting "Unga Bunga."

But the "Conservatives" ended up with all those people's money, so it worked out (for them.) On a certain level they don't really care if they have to live out the rest of their lives in a bunker somewhere and can't spend it. They "Won" and they don't really care what they won. 

See how this works, really?

We really need to stop putting up with this shit. Nothing is going to improve much until we do.

And it can ever and always get worse. These fucking people would happily burn down civilization and call it an offering to their shitty, selfish version of God.

Which they've really just made in their own image.

Start here


And Here

 Слава Україна!

For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. ~Matthew 24:27

Thursday, July 28, 2022

75% Goddamn It. (Soylent Red, Three.)

We have become a Nazi monster in the eyes of the whole world, a nation of bullies and bastards who would rather kill than live peacefully. We are not just Whores for power and oil, but killer whores with hate and fear in our hearts. We are human scum, and that is how history will judge us. No redeeming social value. Just whores. Get out of our way, or we'll kill you. Who does vote for these dishonest shitheads? Who among us can be happy and proud of having all this innocent blood on our hands? Who are these swine? These flag-sucking half-wits who get fleeced and fooled by stupid little rich kids like George Bush? They are the same ones who wanted to have Muhammad Ali locked up for refusing to kill gooks. They speak for all that is cruel and stupid and vicious in the American character. They are the racists and hate mongers among us; they are the Ku Klux Klan. I piss down the throats of these Nazis. And I am too old to worry about whether they like it or not. Fuck them. ~Hunter S. Thompson


Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn (“In his house at R'lyeh, dead Cthulhu waits dreaming.") ~HP Lovecraft

I saw this the other day.

According to a Politico poll, 75% of Republicans are opposed to interracial marriage, In 2022. 75% What the fuck?

Racism has basically eaten the Republican Party as it once existed, like some kind of evil elder god rising from a watery grave because the stars aligned just right. 

These fucking people seem to think they're going to die if they can't discriminate against somebody...hell, anybody. Because they're absolutely terrified that if they don't, by way of showing their "Power" somebody will turn it around and discriminate against them, treat them the same way they've treated everybody else basically forever.

Fuck these motherfuckers.

And fuck Lee Atwater and fuck Nixon and his Southern Strategy and every other son of a bitch who let these people in the door of the Republican Party, and fuck Reagan for letting the religious nuts in and sanctifying the whole goddamned mess.

For the record, some of the most devoutly Christian people I've ever met in my life were...interracial couples. Often it was their shared faith that brought them together in the first place.

But of course it was never really about that.

Abraham Lincoln fucking wept.

Something suggests he ain't the only one, though.

Tou Thao, one of the cops who stood by while Derek Chauvin murdered George Floyd over the course of eight minutes, was sentenced yesterday.

As some kind of a plea for leniency he gave a 22 minute speech in which he sermonized that LGBT people should be killed...I mean, what the actual goddamned fucking fuck?

What does that have to do with anything?

Other than illustrating exactly why this motherfucker should've never been a cop or had power over even so much as what's on a sandwich, like, ever.

Dude, you stood by for eight minutes while one of your bros literally sadistically murdered somebody, who gives a damn what you think? According to the Word, you're the one who's going to hell, not the gay people. You could have stopped a murder and saved a man's life. You literally didn't.

A simple "Dude, what the fuck?" from a peer would have likely backed Chauvin off and saved George Floyd's life and he'd still be alive, be known to the world as little more than an arrest statistic and the plaintiff in some kind of lawsuit and Derek Chauvin would likely have only faced the union having to do some fancy footwork so he could keep his job and he might've got fired anyway but at least he, and you for that matter, wouldn't be in prison. But no, your useless ass stood by and did fuck all to stop a literal crime being committed right in front of you. And that really is these fucking people's ideal of a Christian society.

"Let's see who we can get away with killing."

Thou Shalt Not Kill was unavailable for comment.

A modern "Christian Society" would have to be diverse, multicultural, multiethnic, and multiracial as fuck...and a society by definition based on love. If it was going to work, that is. If it was according to the Word, that is.

Somehow it never is. Thus, it will never be. It cannot exist...because the privileged people who talk this shit could give a fuck about Jesus or His Word.

Tou Thao could have...should have...been that guy. He's a Hmong immigrant.

But it was never about that, and the only way to get in the door with people like Emerald Robinson and Josh Hawley is to embrace their vicious hate. 

If you fuckers don't know right from wrong, don't quote the fucking Word. It's that simple.

Oh, right, it was never about any of that anyway.

It was never about America.

It was never about Christianity.

It was never about conservatism.

And it sure as a motherfucker wasn't about Jesus.

It was always about fooling the feeble-minded and trying to get more money and power.

Never mind that with These Fucking People in charge, the money wouldn't be worth anything before long, and sooner, rather than later the only power they're each going to have is over a scruffy band of broke-ass bandits, fighting with the band of the same, next door, over food supplies and potable water with AK-47's and technical trucks.

Or with sticks and stones.

But that's Okay by the Republicans, so long as they get rape little girls while denying them any health care or recourse, and practice nothing but wanton cruelty and slaughter while shouting Allah Akbar "Jesus Loves You" so they can feel good about themselves while they murder people.

As long as they get some kind of material gain out of it. 

If you think these fuckers wouldn't murder people for a dented, rusting $0.67 can of Spaghetti or a dirty, moldy piece of cheese pulled out of a garbage can...or for strips of human flesh grilled on an old truck have another thing coming. 

It doesn't matter the amount or the scale of anything, it's the cruelty that's the fucking point.

Repeat this until you understand it.

In a civilized society these sons of bitches would be nothing but street hoods, in and out of jail and not allowed anywhere near power or profits...or weapons.

But here we have a former US President hosting a Saudi golf tournament...and defending Saudi Arabia from his fellow Americans...because money and it strokes his authoritarian priapism. And the rabidly anti-Islamic far-right not only says nothing, but where the Saudis...or even Daesh or the Taliban...are concerned it mysteriously doesn't exist anymore.

But some Iranian woman protests for equal rights, and that's a fucking problem?

Why? Because it might give the American ones the idea that they should not put up with your bullshit??

No wonder these motherfuckers all love a petty nihilist given power, like Vladimir Putin. Even Trump doesn't really seem to cut the mustard anymore. 

They're actively trying to find worse. I'm beginning to think I understand why God rained fire on Sodom and Gamorrah. Could you even find ten decent Republicans?

And they're looking for worse than this? 
Or to be worse than this?


And it will rise up. Soon. Be prepared for this.

Be prepared to defend yourself, it will come to that.

Fuck you, Republicans.

Слава Україна!

If we lose freedom here, there is no place to escape to. This is the last stand on Earth. And this idea that government is beholden to the people, that it has no other source of power except to sovereign people, is still the newest and most unique idea in all the long history of man's relation to man. This is the issue of this election. Whether we believe in our capacity for self-government or whether we abandon the American revolution and confess that a little intellectual elite in a far-distant capital can plan our lives for us better than we can plan them ourselves. ~Ronald Reagan

Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Evil Elder Gods Nationalism (Soylent Red, Two.)

Every one of the thousands at the airport, about to leave for Jeddah, was dressed this way. You could be a king or a peasant and no one would know. Some powerful personages, who were discreetly pointed out to me, had on the same thing I had on. Once thus dressed, we all had begun calling out "Labbayka! (Allahumma) Labbayka!" (Here I come, O Lord!) Packed in the plane were white, black, brown, red, and yellow people, blue eyes and blond hair, and my kinky red hair -- all together, brothers! All honoring the same God, all in turn giving equal honor to each other.

That is when I first began to reappraise the "white man." It was when I first began to perceive that "white man," as commonly used, means complexion only secondarily; primarily it described attitudes and actions. 

In America, "white man" meant specific attitudes and actions toward the black man, and toward all other non-white men. But in the Muslim world, I had seen that men with white complexions were more genuinely brotherly than anyone else had ever been. That morning was the start of a radical alteration in my whole outlook about "white" men. 
~Malcolm X, letter written following the Hajj.

I saw this a couple days ago. At a TPUSA event there were literal Nazis, White Supremacists, out front protesting and talking up a bunch of dumb shit, like saying that "White people kicked Black people's asses in the Rhodesian Bush War."


Metrically, Provably, Bullshit.

It's provable that this is bullshit simply by looking at a current map and seeing that Zimbabwe is on it, and Rhodesia is not. The only way it could be more obvious bullshit is if it'd actually fallen out of a bull's ass. The ZANU-PF Black Nationalist guerillas won, and the Rhodesian Security Forces lost. A negotiated settlement and reversion to British rule under Margaret Thatcher's Tories to stabilize things before new elections was the best deal they were going to get and they knew it.

Being only one out of the many rather than the rulers beats the shit out of, you know, Death.

Yes, you can argue all day that the Black forces suffered higher casualties (In point of fact the casualty ratio was nearly ten to one.) That's not even close to the point of any war, especially an insurgency. The objective is not to destroy the enemy, so much as it is to break the will to fight. That goes double for an insurgent war like the Rhodesian Bush War In fact, by the end of it, it wasn't an insurgent war anymore. The racists had done so badly at counterinsurgency, at winning hearts and minds, that Both sides had heavy artillery, tanks and shit.

And the Rhodesian security forces would have been outnumbered two-to-one. Against a conventional invasion using Soviet doctrine and likely backed by Mozambique, especially when your own forces are built for highly mobile counterinsurgency rather than massed mechanized combat. That's bad odds even if the other side is using old Soviet cast-off T-34's vs. your own Polish-produced, South African-provided T-55's.

More to the point, though there was a core of professional White soldiers, and some elite units like the Rhodesian SAS and the Selous Scouts were all-white and they had American and other foreign white volunteers (many of whom were anti-Communist, Christian and racist extremists.) the majority of the active-duty Rhodesian Army always consisted of Black soldiers and that only changed in favor of the Blacks...especially by the end of the war.

Change was going to come, anyway, even if they successfully resisted.

It's hard to look a man in the face and tell them they can't have a say in how their country is run when they're both in the majority of the population and bearing a salad bar on their chest full of military decorations and the scars from earning them.

More to the point, despite initial alignment with the East Bloc (and Zimbabwean alignment with China that continues today) Beneath a thin veneer of socialism, Robert Mugabe governed basically as a standard conservative though he of course extended full economic and political rights and freedoms to Black people. I know Zimbabwean people...Zimbabwe is devoutly, massively, overwhelmingly Christian.

None of that matters to These Fucking People, none of it ever really did.

Change came, a lot of the Whites left because they didn't like having to compete on an even playing field with everybody else, they weren't 100% In Charge with a gold-plated certificate from God anymore, and nothing else mattered.

And that's exactly what These Fucking People are afraid of here, even though change has long since come and simply become the new goddamned normal a long time ago, "Conservatives" have only in the last few years caught on to this because they often live in an increasingly radicalized echo chamber, and have done so for a generation.

If you don't think these motherfuckers would try and break off a piece of America for their own shitty little Banana Republic that's beholden to China and Russia and fucking Saudi Arabia, you have another thing coming.

Change is visible to them, now, even in rural areas like where my Mom lives. And that's the real problem. So, suddenly, they want to try to Make It 1953 Again. Fuck all that. Nobody else but you wants to go back, motherfuckers.

And they're starting to figure out that people are a lot less likely to cater to them, now that they bet everything on "Fuck you, I've Got Mine." Relative Status doesn't help anything when you're an old person and you're starving to death and on the street because politicians cut or took away your Social Security which was all you had for retirement because Republican Ayn Rand economics meant you had no pension.

Again, my Mom has a 401(K) and a pension and all that. She still can't make it without Social Security.

Feeling proud because you supported the rich person getting that stupendous mansion at everybody else's expense won't keep you fed or housed. You might get a brief feeling of power out of the idea that "The Black People will get it worse!" But that doesn't do you any good...and chances are they're doing what they have to, to survive, while also fighting for your rights, too.

People should fucking know by now not to expect decency or gratitude from Republicans.

And again, it's worth noting in case any Christians, Libertarians or Reaganite Republicans happen to read this that Ayn Rand was a Russian Jewish Atheist who was on Social Security when she died of lung cancer. It's all bullshit, and even she knew it in the end.

This new "Christian Nationalist" angle is pure bullshit. The Confederacy was Christian Nationalist, the KKK was Christian Nationalist, Rhodesia was Christian Nationalist, Apartheid South Africa was Christian Nationalist, somehow it's never actually about Christ or the Nation. Somehow it's always about packaging racism, right-wing politics and Whiteness as religion in the hope that they'll get away with something more than they would have otherwise. 

You know who some of the most passionately Christian people I've met in my life were? Interracial couples...because very often it's shared faith that brought them together in the first place. I literally owe some of these people my life and the fact that I have any sense of spirituality at all, in the face of all this stupidity in recent years.

It's not about Christ. It never was.

It is, ever and always, about dividing people and these motherfuckers seeing what they can get out of it.

And even more than that, it's about avoiding accountability for Donald Trump, because they all bought into the bullshit and lies. Thus, it's about avoiding accountability and responsibility for themselves.

You think this son of a bitch, this traitorous terrorist, were he still alive and still an American citizen, wouldn't have voted for Donald Trump twice and be arguing for even worse than him today?? 

Some of these fucking people were enough of racist assholes that they were considered edge cases and shitcanned from officer training and prestigious military units and forced into lesser ones in an explicitly racist white state. Why? Because at least some people recognized exactly what kind of war they were fighting and that increased brutality and use of chemical weapons against the enemy would probably make things worse.

But again, for These Fucking People, battlefield valor or even "Defending Western Civilization" aren't really the point. They simply want to abuse and kill people under color of authority.

And when they can't do it to the rest of us, they'll use and abuse the fuck out of their own people. They'll be more than happy to eat their own, as long as there's a pecking order of who will be eaten first.

It's a cult, and while their stated goal seems to be making things so bad that [their version of] Jesus has to show up and save them...I quite wonder if there aren't darker powers at work here. Would these insane assholes even know the difference between Cthulhu and Jesus?

They sure enough don't seem to know the difference between Jesus and Donald Trump...or Vladimir Putin. I wouldn't put Evil Elder Gods Nationalism past these fucking people.

There seem to be few enough darker powers they won't buddy up to, if they think it'll hurt the liberals and people they don't like.

So where the fuck do you think that leaves you or me, people who are just trying to survive without these idiots being up our ass about it?

Vote these motherfuckers out...all of them...kick their Nazi Storm-Trumpers to the curb and then be prepared to defend yourself, because it will come to that.

They won't have it any other way, and they're already telling us this.


Слава Україна!

Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn (“In his house at R'lyeh, dead Cthulhu waits dreaming.") ~HP Lovecraft

Saturday, July 23, 2022

Eating Their Own (Soylent Red, One.)

If we lose freedom here, there is no place to escape to. This is the last stand on Earth. And this idea that government is beholden to the people, that it has no other source of power except to sovereign people, is still the newest and most unique idea in all the long history of man's relation to man. This is the issue of this election. Whether we believe in our capacity for self-government or whether we abandon the American revolution and confess that a little intellectual elite in a far-distant capital can plan our lives for us better than we can plan them ourselves. ~Ronald Reagan

I saw this the other night.

Unfortunately, I was out at my Mom's house where the Internet is powered by a large, but very ADHD Blaze ferret waddling on a treadmill. It sleeps most of the time, and can't hear when people complain anyway. In other words, the internet sucks out there.

During the J6 Committee hearings this week, video was released of Josh Hawley running away from the mob he helped to gin up. So, wait a minute, I said. You're telling me that Mr. Big Balls Fascist Hard-ass Christian who even kisses his wife in a rather *Chaste* manner...runs like an interior decorator?

Well I guess that explains the whole wife thing. She's the goddamned beard. And I'm sorry for comparing Josh Hawley to gay dudes, I apologize for what's almost certainly a massive the gay dudes.

Not that I ever was afraid, but if this is the face of Republican fascism, I'm not only not afraid of it. I'm laughing at it. Gilead will fail for the lack of people who can physically handle a ruck march or sprint to cover under fire. These fucking people will break and run the second anybody shoots back.

And if they all run like Josh Hawley does, a lot of them simply won't make it to cover. I'm sorry, that's just the truth.

But it gets worse...

Evidently, between the J6 hearings, Roe Vs. Wade overturn and Republican threats against social security...Republicans are losing even many of the old people now.

Perhaps more to the point, why the fuck do these weirdo little shits think they have the right to tell the rest of us how to live our lives in the first goddamned place?

And it still gets worse. Instead of asking "Just what the hell are we even doing here?" These motherfuckers are doubling down infinitely on the crazy.

Last week, a majority of House Republicans voted against codifying protections for Birth Control, and both Interracial and Same Sex Marriage. This happened in 2022, are you fucking kidding me?

And the bills passed anyway, elections fucking matter, people.

For fuck's sake, when y'all have managed to place Liz Cheney firmly on the right side of history, there's something fucking wrong here.

These fucking people want to tell you who you can fuck, how you can fuck them, and that you cannot practice safe sex while doing so. And then, they don't want to do anything at all to help educate or support any kids that might result from all this?

How the fuck is any of that "Pro-Life?"

More to the point, I've had Black, Latino and Middle Eastern girlfriends at different points in my life...and I practiced safe sex with all of them. Why? Because that's what I was people who were mostly Republicans at the time.

Even from any recognizably conservative standpoint...especially fiscal or social conservatism...there's no societal benefit to bringing unwanted children into the world, nor to failing to expand social services to compensate if this is done. Upsetting the apple-cart for the sake of upsetting the apple-cart is, by definition, not conservative.

And remember, the Id of These Fucking People, (again) convicted felon Steve Bannon, self-described as a goddamned Leninist.

But he only wants Communism for the wealthy, nothing but jackboots and religiosity for the rest of us.

The Prosperity Gospel is heresy, it doesn't prove you're righteous when other people are very creates generational cycles of problems that have tons of hidden (and not so hidden) costs for everybody. It benefits no one when the aged don't have any money, Republicans often obsessively bitch about the economy and say they support business. Well, especially in places where I live, Social Security and other social safety net programs generate a hell of a lot of money for the local economy, and birth control, condoms, and reproductive health care are all multi-billion dollar industries in their own right.

More to the point, Roe Vs. Wade, Social Security, all that stuff very much is and was for all my life part of our societal structure. These are the threads that hold us all together. Preserving the status quo is supposed to be the whole basis of conservatism...not a revanchist reach back to some almost entirely imagined "The Way Things Were" that bears only superficial resemblance to the various shitty ways things were before many of the people now living were even alive!

I've seen a number of things lately that suggest the Trump clique is getting smaller, meaner, and acting more and more like some kind of government in exile...or a terrorist faction, awaiting only the creation of a military arm to break off a piece of the United States for it to rule. 

And yet, it very much seems like Fox News and Official Conservatism are abandoning Trump in favor of Ron DeSantis.

And I think both sides will be surprised to find themselves being bossed around by radical Catholic factions whose primary base of power isn't even in this country.

The MAGA's all seem to crave Russification and Neo-Soviet Totalitarianism and being forced to join the Russian Orthodox just so long as they can freely hate The Gays and only five people in the world who they all approve of have anything that looks like freedom.

And more to the point, Trump's wannabe "Government In Exile" is transparently nothing more than a massive scam to steal everybody else's money.

But ya know, when 96 percent of Republicans say a dude doesn't have the right to use Rubbers, that strongly suggests it's not going to work out quite the way they think it will and when it comes to getting money for doing basically nothing, nobody tops the Churches on that...especially the Catholic Church, which for most of the last decade has had the first Pope in a long time who didn't feel the need to dress like Liberace's stunt double or who even pretends to give a shit about normal people.

And the Catholic "Conservatives" hate Pope Francis.

Some of these fucking people think that the only things government is actually for are enforcing social conformity (their kind) and fighting wars.

But it ain't the Middle Ages anymore.

These fucking people want gods and leaders that are all very like Donald Trump, yet they want to live in a society that's basically just Putinist Neo-Soviet Russia. One of these things is, believe it or not, not actually like the other one.

And the tensions between unfettered capitalism, neo-Soviet totalitarianism and outright religious fuckery will just rip shit apart here, just like they'll do over there eventually, too.

And if you think the Catholic Fundamentalists would stop there, you have another thing coming. These idiots long to create the exact kind of society that the Founders of our country didn't want. If you want to avoid the Wars of Religion that would surely result from these fucking people having that much power, and preserve our society as it now exists (Which would be, you know, actually conservative) you need to vote Republicans out.

If you want a better country....rather than a mob-ocracy where all We The People have to eat is each other, unlimited weapons to make that possible (not that anybody can afford them) and any and all debasement and debauchery is long as the people present a properly decorous and "virtuous" face to Power and don't eat the have to be a better citizen.

And if you think that's not the kind of world these fucking people want...where citizenship is an archaic concept, but literally eating your neighbors is not...ladies and Gentlemen, I give you the New York Times.

You get what you tolerate. We really need to stop putting up with this horseshit. They wealthy would rather have us on the dinner table than seated at it as equals.

And some of us are just fine with being food for pathetic Nazi-wannabes, so long as people they don't like get eaten first. Republicans don't want to support the unwanted, uncared-for children they'd see brought into this world. But they'd sure buy and sell them...including as food? Eww.

I'm beginning to think all the screwed up shit that the End Times nuts predicted was just projection.

This is the future Republicans Want. Soylent Red, yo.

Don't give it to them.

Слава Україна!

For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. ~Matthew 24:27

Saturday, July 16, 2022

Unga Bunga (Apocalypse Later, Part Four.)

 If we lose freedom here, there is no place to escape to. This is the last stand on Earth. And this idea that government is beholden to the people, that it has no other source of power except to sovereign people, is still the newest and most unique idea in all the long history of man's relation to man. This is the issue of this election. Whether we believe in our capacity for self-government or whether we abandon the American revolution and confess that a little intellectual elite in a far-distant capital can plan our lives for us better than we can plan them ourselves. ~Ronald Reagan

I saw this the other day.

Errol Musk, Elon's father, has had a second child with his stepdaughter.

Hold on, does any of this seem fucked up to you?

Now, think about that for a second, and imagine these fucking people's might be like for women who aren't some kind of upper-class rich person. Or, for that matter, what life might be like for men who aren't owners of emerald mines or part of billionaire families that have their own dedicated Wikipedia page.

More to the point, we need to understand that this kind of creepy, Dark Ages-aristocratic, incestuous bullshit is the future conservatives want. Mostly because rich right wing elites...and for that matter a lot of the morons that compose their idiot base...each see themselves as the new Charlemagne in such a scenario...forgetting that only one man gets to be king.

And they are, make no mistake about it, attacking literacy, reading, even access to books. 


Among other things, an illiterate peasantry won't know to care that the son of a given President or Senator...or an addled hunchback because of generations of inbreeding...nor that perhaps several generations of local officials have all had the same last name.

These chucklefucks have all bought into some bullshit idea that in the Middle Ages, White Christian Men ruled everything, women "knew their place" and everybody in Europe (which was the seat of civilization in these people's moronic fantasy) was White and Christian except for various outsiders fit only to be enslaved or fought against.

Here's the thing. The Cathars and the Pagan populations of Eastern Europe were white, too.

The actual seats of western civilization, such as it was, were Baghdad and Constantinople...each cities of a million-plus citizens at that time.

The Islamic World was creating or preserving the building blocks of both modern civilization and Western society after Europe had beaten itself into illiterate, feudal, religious savagery after the fall of the Western Roman Empire. All those Greek philosophers these idiots supposedly venerate?

We have so much of their writings because of the Muslims...who themselves had a deep fascination with Greece and Rome.

And none of the things these motherfuckers believe, even about European society at the time, are actually true.

And I quite wonder where Nick Fuentes thinks his last name, much less his sexual proclivity for Nazi catgirls and/or catboys would land him in his own whitewashed fantasy. 

I'm here to tell you as a former conservative my own damn self, dude, I can remember when just being named Fuentes let alone being Catholic would keep you out of the club.

These fucking people's idea of "Western Civilization" looks a whole hell of a lot more like 1990's Taliban-era Afghanistan than anything else, except with more drugs and more guns.

Oh, and probably even more abuse of women. Let's not forget that part.

'Cause I'll tell you what.

The more these fucking people talk, the more this whole "Conservative" thing since at least 1994 looks like not one goddamned thing more than cover for a whole bunch of debased sexual fantasies involving grown ass men raping girls and young women.

I used to be a conservative, a Republican. I'm a veteran. I still know how to use a rifle.

And I won't stand for it. I'll die before I live in that type of shit. Fuck you.

We as a people have been lied to in nothing but extreme bad faith by these sons of bitches for at least a generation. Now that they've gotten rid of Roe Vs. Wade they can't shut up about their plans to burn books, to murder anyone who wants a better future, to rape our daughters, our sisters, our wives and our gay neighbors, and to take the world back to illiterate, feudal, war-torn savagery.

These idiots see what the Russians are doing in Ukraine...and Putin's re-Sovietization of Russia and how quickly that happened...and they want to try to take it like a hundred steps further and perhaps try to Re-Visigoth the West.

For no better reason than they think they'll get something for it, and you won't.

They have no concept of the fact that there's people out there...hell, people in their own neighborhoods much less the Projects down the street...who are way worse than their most inflated, puffed up visions of their own toughness.

And they all have guns.

Most people, and most of the businesses Republicans claim to love above all else, would never survive without the various things that are part and parcel of modern society...including things like Medicare and Social Security and social welfare programs. 

In the kind of violent fantasy these fucking people think they want, most people...including most of them...will die. These idiots would rather burn down the world than see other people get a fair share.

And they don't care if they die, too. Blood for the Blood God, even if it's theirs.

I was taught a different understanding of the world. I was taught that people once fought and died for the right to read the Word of God in their own languages and worship Him in a way they could even understand rather than be forced to sit there while some old priest who's dressed like a goddamn Pride float mumbles through the liturgy in a language none but himself and a few of the elites even understand.

Civilization as it currently exists only exists because people fought for it. Freedom ain't free.

And unless we want to go back to that kind of world, let alone forward into the "Conservatives" twisted whitewashed version of it...which will collapse into barbarism and starvation for lack of basic survival skills and from the kind of sexual debasement where simple things like incest taboos get ignored because some idiot thinks it's fun...we'd better vote these fuckers out, drive them from power and make sure they can never have it again.

And until they either abandon their debased fantasies or said fantasies die with them, preserved only in bad science fiction.

The Republican white base thinks they're the ones who are going to be dancing around the fire shouting "Unga Bunga" they never consider that they might be the ones roasting on a rebar spit above the fire.

And they sure as hell don't consider that it would be people like Tucker Carlson eating them.

We want to keep civilization...for us and them...we're going to have to fight for it.

Do you understand me?

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For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. ~Matthew 24:27

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

The Monticello Heresies, One.

My black face fades,
hiding inside the black granite.
I said I wouldn't
dammit: No tears.
I'm stone. I'm flesh.
My clouded reflection eyes me
like a bird of prey, the profile of night slanted against morning.
I turn this way—the stone lets me go.
I turn that way—I'm inside
the Vietnam Veterans Memorial
again, depending on the light
to make a difference.
I go down the 58,022 names,
half-expecting to find
my own in letters like smoke.
~Facing It, by Yusef Komunyakaa, US Army Veteran

I saw this the other day.

Some old white man bitching about the fact that they talked about Slavery during a tour of Monticello he supposedly went on. It was a literal Slave Plantation, you goddamned dumbass. 

More to the point, the power and station in life and the wealth that Thomas Jefferson got from being its owner is the only reason he was able to do the things he did, or that the beliefs he articulated in all of his writing have any relevance in our society. You can debate all day whether that's right or wrong, but given the state of the world in that time it's an amazing thing that an elite like Thomas Jefferson believed in freedom at all, for anybody...because most people didn't.

If they could even understand the idea, as illiteracy was also pretty widespread.

It makes the things Jefferson did all the more wondrous by comparison to the rest of the world at the time, where emperors and kings and queens, princes, petty despots, sultans and satraps of every kind made people's decisions for them. 

Injustice was fucking normal.

And I find it interesting that so many of these racists don't want to talk about slavery, it's almost like they feel bad about it or have some sort of a guilty conscience. Isn't that system something they've covertly (or not-so-covertly) idealized for a long time? 

Wasn't that the entire point of the Lost Cause/State's Rights bullshit?

Oh, right, trying to hide the racism was the whole goddamn reason these motherfuckers drummed up the "Pro-Life" movement in the first place. It's almost like they know that it's wrong and they have something to hide.

Like, that to "Conservatives" injustice should just be fucking normal because "That's the way it always was before."

As if that was ever a good goddamned reason to do anything. A lot of those ways got cast aside because they didn't work for people.

But back in the day, either you benefitted from the system, or you submitted to it. If you fought back you either became a national hero and sometimes the new ruler...or you were executed by some horrible means...and all of the above happening to one person was not unheard of either. 

And to be an elite who failed in some way, much less a king who was defeated, was usually to suffer a horrible death. For the common people, again, injustice was just...normal.

As was having leaders that were nothing but well-dressed buffoons, surrounded by corrupt advisors and manipulative priests.

And people wonder why Europe had so many bloody revolutions and wars of religion?

But for some people in ruling classes, adaptation or at least less injustice was seen as a chance at self-preservation.

America was an experiment, precisely because even some of The People got to determine their own destinies or change rulers or governments without death or violence or have rights at all, and the whole world truly was watching. 

If History isn't nice to old rich white conservatives, maybe there's a damned reason for that?

And the worst part is, Jefferson is doubtless considered scandalously liberal by the Fox News crowd, who seem to think that Fascism or some kind of neo-Feudalism backed by economic Libertarianism should be the way of things.

Fuckers should possibly be trussed up Clockwork Orange style and forced to watch as someone Googles "Causes of the October Revolution."

Or causes of the French Revolution, or the Civil War, or what happens every goddamned time rich elites and their hangers-on decide they want to take a shit all over everybody else, and keep doing it.

And the worst part is, rather than deal with cultural and social change or be just One of the Many that is supposed to be one people, these fucking white conservative assholes would rather burn America to the ground and throw the ashes in the sea than be equal to Black people or liberals or Muslims even though our Constitution and form of governance has stated exactly that since after the Civil War if it didn't before that. 

Jefferson specifically used Muslims as a test example on the subject of religious freedom, for a reason.

Not that the average dumbass Evangelical even knows this.

(And deliberately so.)

These motherfuckers don't want to be part of a system that doesn't at least pretend to kiss their ass and at least claim to let them set the agenda or the tone all the time, and if they can't at least think they're in charge they don't want to have anything at all. Remember, even Barack Obama felt the need to sound conservative now and again, and invited people like Henry Kissinger to the White House.

Because the Chicago Boys set and the underground NatSec fascists in orgs like the CIA must be tossed a bone now and again or something.

But that's not working anymore, and hell, even the NatSec people have even been kicked to the curb by Republicans.

And here's the thing, if we want to keep our current system, if we want America and capitalism and freedom to survive in the world we can't do any of that...because the current system needs Black folks, immigrants, LGBT people or whatever participating as full members now in order to maintain its functionality. 

Now, not three or four generations down the line when they're fully assimilated into Americanism and only the very eldest speak their original language or know their original religion at all and the family name is little more than a relic of a place none of them know except from a map.

Now, not when White Conservative Evangelicals get around to it. If they ever do. 

Even today the only way these assholes will accept a Black person is if they are a Republican first, and performatively abandon all else, including Blackness.

There was a plaque of a Norwegian dinner table prayer in my grandparents' dining room. It had belonged to my great grandmother. She, my Grandpa and his brothers were the only ones in the family who spoke Norwegian on any kind of conversational level, and only my Great Grandma was the sort of Evangelical Lutheran that was once the dominant faith in that country. Most of my family was Baptist, Catholic, or just plain not religious.

And because basically nobody in my family is or ever has been the kind of nonsense performative Evangelical that became such a thing in the 1980's and 1990's we still don't really exist to those fuckers.

For fuck's sake, it's only in my own lifetime that racism by white people against other white people ceased to be a thing. Shit, ethnic jokes and slurs were still a thing when I was a kid and had only faded down to being unacceptable by my late teens. I mean, shit, anti-Catholic bigotry only went underground in my own lifetime!

20 years ago, I was getting shouted down on "Christian" message boards for saying "Hey, this is America, it's a free country and you should show some basic humanity."

I've been suspicious of anybody who talks too much about "Christian Love" ever since. Ain't no hate in the world like "Christian Love." And I say that as somebody who was a Christian for most of my life.

Because none of this was ever about Christ or Christianity.

I saw this earlier, some Republican railing against Juneteenth being a national holiday, saying "We don't need another one. What's next, giving American Indians their own holiday?"

Now tell me why there shouldn't be a national holiday for Native Americans, or LGBT people, or Muslims, or Women  or whatever. 

Show your work. 

I mean, fuck, the Federal government could just follow the lead of a number of states and designate Columbus Day as Indigenous People's Day. 

Columbus Day (originally a bone thrown to Italian Americans by a society that then still regarded most of them as criminals and fit only for manual labor or prison) doesn't mean much to most of us anymore. If you don't work in a bank or the Post Office all it means is "Fuck, the Bank is closed" or "Shit, I forgot, there's no mail today."

Black people, Latino people, LGBT people, Immigrants, Native people, etc. etc. etc. have been in America and part of America and bleeding and dying for America as long as there's been an America. Why shouldn't they be recognized as part of a full part of America, not as a curiosity or some kind of lower castes.

And how in the hell did we ever get to the goddamned point where White working people, of no discernable privilege or wealth, would rather be on the table as a meal for the privileged and the wealthy than seated at that table in a spirit of brotherhood with Black people, or LGBT people or even people who have different political or social beliefs?

So long as somebody else gets eaten first. 
These fuckers would prefer cannibalism to equality.

And if these assholes can't have that, they'd rather no one have a table to eat at, period.

These fuckers done told on themselves by buying into Zombie Apocalypse fiction a little too hard.

I'm a fucking white guy. How the fuck does "Christianity" or "Whiteness" these days seem to connote only a specific kind of reactionary white man? And no, nobody else's Christianity seems to matter either. 

And why the fuck is this narrative even being tolerated...even by conservatives, who surely must know how that ends for them, too? Why the fuck do we have even a tiny minority of people who want to live in some kind of medieval Catholic feudalism when it's no secret that this exact situation led to, and ended in more, generations of war and death?

And what the fuck do right-wing Protestants think they're going to get out of that?
Zero-sum wars of religion they'd likely lose? How many of these "Christians" are even Biblically literate? How do you think you're going to win if you don't even know the rules of the game?

Especially when the other side's been gaming the system longer than the religious movement you're only dimly even aware of being a part of has even existed?

When the Constitution was written, the memory of Martin Luther, of the Reformation, of European wars of religion was, if not exactly fresh, still fresh enough. Enlightenment rationalism was seen as a way to avoid repeating all that.

Which, by the way, was precisely why the founders of our country designed its system the way they did.

Nowadays you'd be hard-pressed to find a Christian in America who knows who Martin Luther was or what he did, even if they're theoretically part of the movement he started by writing down his complaints and nailing them to a church door.

Ignorance, if widespread enough, is prelude to savagery. But, some people regard dancing around a fire and shouting "Unga Bunga" as something to aspire to.

The day may come when teaching real history in some places is an underground profession, or when learning or teaching the real history requires being in another country. It's already that way in China and Russia. There's a reason for that.

History means understanding the truth of how things came to be. Truth gives people a means to push back against Power. The day may come when Reading Du Bois In Dallas is the new Reading Lolita In Tehran.

Freedom to learn, and to know, IS freedom. It's the beginning of all the other kinds of freedom, too. Knowledge Is Power. Why the fuck do you think current selfish elites glorify ignorance and shit like teenage girls getting pregnant?

Ignorance is only strength to those who have power and don't want anybody to be smart enough to challenge them.

Understand that now, and act on it, or the day will come when the writings of Thomas Jefferson are published under the title "The Monticello Heresies."

These assholes are already trying to call true history "heretical." Racism is the glue that holds all this right-wing shit together. Take that away, and it falls apart into a melee of competing factions.

Either we're all free, or none of us are. Either you believe in freedom...for all...or you don't.

Why the fuck do we have Americans who identify more with Russification and Sovietization than they do with America, diversity and pluralism?

Either you're an American or you're not. 

Together we rise, or none of us do.

When the earliest settlers poured into a wild continent there was no one to ask them where they came from. The only question was: Were they sturdy enough to make the journey, were they strong enough to clear the land, were they enduring enough to make a home for freedom, and were they brave enough to die for liberty if it became necessary to do so? And so it has been through all the great and testing moments of American history. Our history this year we see in Vietnam. Men there are dying; men named Fernandez and Zajac and Zelinko and Mariano and McCormick. Neither the enemy who killed them nor the people whose independence they have fought to save ever asked them where they or their parents came from. They were all Americans. It was for free men and for America that they gave their all, they gave their lives and selves. By eliminating that same question as a test for immigration the Congress proves ourselves worthy of those men and worthy of our own traditions as a nation. ~Lyndon B. Johnson.

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