Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Bloody Hands, Part Two.

If we lose freedom here, there is no place to escape to. This is the last stand on Earth. And this idea that government is beholden to the people, that it has no other source of power except to sovereign people, is still the newest and most unique idea in all the long history of man's relation to man. This is the issue of this election. Whether we believe in our capacity for self-government or whether we abandon the American revolution and confess that a little intellectual elite in a far-distant capital can plan our lives for us better than we can plan them ourselves. ~Ronald Reagan

I saw this earlier today, because Kirk Cameron was trending on Twitter. He's bitching about schools "Grooming for Leftist politics, racial confusion and sexual chaos."

You hear that, LGBT people, liberals and non-whites? Kirk Cameron says "Get back in your place and let white 'Conservatives' have (and run) everything."

Meanwhile, most of those people be like "Who's Kirk Cameron?"

Wait until this motherfucker finds out that Jesus was a Brown middle-eastern Jew, a carpenter and itinerant Rabbi who preached a Gospel of compassionate, peaceful, simple, socialistic living...or for that matter, the Apostle Paul, a Roman Citizen and Rabbi who, despite adding extensive and often misogynistic form to the same, did not change its basic form.

But of course, these fucking people don't give a shit about any of that, not really.

Their "god" if they could be said to have one, is really just a particular form of oligarchic, racist social conservatism. It's like the ideologies of Rhodesia and [Apartheid] South Africa but...anymore aside from a few religious weirdos like Kirk Cameron, it doesn't really bother with religion as a justification. 

But just like those two countries, or the modern Taliban, they're all too happy to conflate guns and religion because it's not about God, it's about forcing their cultural memes and their ways onto other people. And the fact that just a Republican winning the Presidency and then spending four years abusing the shit out of the American system wasn't enough to do that enrages these fucking people.

They thought Trump would wave some kind of "Art of the Deal" magic wand and everybody else would just obey and leave the public sphere and all the money to the white "Conservatives." They really, really did. The fact that we all did not instantly become just like them is what they were so mad about for all that time.

The funny part is, I have yet to meet a Trump Supporter who can or will tell me why they like Trump. Standard Republicans (what's left of them, anyway) are usually far more forthcoming and transactional about the whole thing.

But those fucking people aren't running things anymore. It's Lauren and Marge's Party now. And there's a reason for that...just like there's a reason Elon Musk has been put in front of us as the latest dog-and-pony show.

The people who really create all this bullshit...in the name of lower taxes...don't want anybody around who knows anything. Why else would Republicans be on this stupid anti-education kick in the first place?

And the Republicans are very quickly dispensing with capitalism or any semblance of a belief in democracy (or anything else they ever said they believed in before.) All in the pursuit of maintaining their mostly-imagined and unofficially-granted privileges and shoring up declining social power. These people don't want America, they want a caste system and segregation, if not slavery. 

But they've forgotten how American law works, and how people work...if they ever knew that part. Nobody but them wants this shit.

The truth is, the poor and middle-class white folks who support this garbage are more likely than anyone to end up being the people enslaved by it, because nobody else will obediently play along. And their guns won't matter worth a damn because their "elites" and the people they put endless faith and trust in, will teach them that it's "cool" or it "owns the libs" to be a slave to this shitty ideology.

And the truth is, I'm not sure these fucking idiots would care. After all, these are people who'll literally hand weapons to babies because they think it makes some kind of political statement.

 Seriously, look at the photo montage above. Literally the only image therein that I find even remotely understandable is the little girl with the pink .22 rifle, which she appears to be at least capable of physically using and probably of doing so safely if supervised by an adult. It's all very Boy Scouts or...perhaps more accurately...Young Pioneers. Yes, I fucking went there. Do you think these fucking people wouldn't sign up for Communist Totalitarianism if they thought it would give them an easy life and someone below them to kick?

But you know, it gets even worse.

Letting babies handle weapons or handing a rifle to a kid who can't even hold it up? This isn't politics of any sort, it's mental illness and unsafe behavior. If you can't operate something as simple as a piece of toilet paper yet, you're not going to be capable (under any circumstances) of making the kinds of decisions one might have to make with a weapon.

Not that these fucking people want to make any decisions at all, really. What the fuck do you think the authoritarian, if not totalitarian religious crap is for?

And I don't give a damn, if you'd hand a semiautomatic pistol to a baby, you're not qualified to be adult supervision your own damn self. 

And that's why they think 'Leftist politics, racial confusion and sexual chaos" are inherently bad. That's why they support people like Vladimir Putin who rule nations they have endless contempt for from the top down, with utterly perfunctory efforts at, well, anything.

Because the cynicism, the fake religiosity, the hateful, mocking, patronizing crap and the openly pointless wars...are all symbols of power in these people's minds. 

They don't want anybody to really believe anything.


Because somebody with deeply held convictions might oppose them. This was me vs. a lot of other Republicans in 2008, for example. I would imagine that a lot of the Ukrainians fighting against the Russians would qualify as conservative in many American minds, they're still fighting.

It's Because these fucking people want someone to tell them what to believe, what their place in the world is, who they can fuck, and more importantly that they must have someone beneath them in the hierarchy and they want to have to endlessly rationalize all this endless stupid shit, as opposed to figuring that stuff out honestly for themselves and going out and making their own place in the world and knowing where they stand because they fucking went out and earned it.

That used to be the Republican way, but it sure isn't anymore. Fear and unearned privilege are the way now.

Because freedom is too hard, or something.

Because these fucking people have drowned morality and their own self-determination and self-respect in an ocean of hatred.

Reagan fucking Wept.

We The People need to wake the fuck up and see these fucking people reaching for our throats with their bloody hands, and then we need to fucking stand up and do something about it.

If you want a better country, you have to be a better citizen. Freedom isn't free, sometimes you have to fight for it.

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For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. ~Matthew 24:27

Part One

Sunday, May 29, 2022

Bloody Hands, Part One.

If we lose freedom here, there is no place to escape to. This is the last stand on Earth. And this idea that government is beholden to the people, that it has no other source of power except to sovereign people, is still the newest and most unique idea in all the long history of man's relation to man. This is the issue of this election. Whether we believe in our capacity for self-government or whether we abandon the American revolution and confess that a little intellectual elite in a far-distant capital can plan our lives for us better than we can plan them ourselves. ~Ronald Reagan

I saw this the other day.

Picture of a small kid with a military-style rifle.

And a Bible verse about "Train up a child..."

As if that shit hasn't been used to justify every kind of abusive fucking bullshit you can imagine and more than a few that you can't until they're seared into your memory by some sickening news story...

In the wake of a goddamned mass shooting in a school.

These people are some seriously sick motherfuckers.

I'm not asking you, I'm telling you, think about that for a second.

Even considering that these fucking people are basically using the idea of individual rights...as they pertain to the ownership of weapons almost exclusively...to beat the idea of our collective rights as citizens to death, to break down civilization one mass murder at a time...do you really think a person who would say such a thing gives a good goddamn about individual rights, really??

Do you think they give a flying fuck about their own kids...much less yours...vs. the idea of holding the power in their hands to end a human life?

I sure don't.

And then they want to tie all this crap up in bullshit religiosity and faux piety because after all, what could possibly be more "Christian" than weapons of war? I've read the Bible, Christ believed in nonviolence and preached a message of peace. Most of his talking about conflict or about causing conflict are in the context of people, often violently, rejecting the Truth as He saw it.

This isn't about self-defense. And for a hell of a lot of these fucking people, in never, ever, was. 

You can just as well defend yourself with a hunting rifle, a pistol, a shotgun...or your bare hands or a dull knife or a goddamned cast iron frying pan...and any of those would be more than a valid fucking strategy, all the more so if military-grade weapons weren't being sold at stupendous profits to any unhinged fanatics that happened along by utterly amoral gun companies.

And trust me, they want things to come all the way unglued, because they think they'll make even more money...as if money is worth a damn without the civilization that gives it value. And by the way that's exactly what any kind of nut that's advocating for a return to the "Gold Standard" is talking about. That, and forcing crushing poverty on any people who cannot afford to hoard kilos of gold bars right out the gate.

Imagine These Fucking People's ideal world.

Constant, senseless violence, crushing poverty, ready access to weapons for anybody who can scrape up the money to buy one...or sneak up on and kill some armed person...do you really think in these people's ideal world that the police or society would give a shit about the common people murdering each other in the streets? 

No, the cops would stand around and eat donuts and not do a damn thing...until the wrong person stepped "out of line" (as if such a term would have any real meaning in such a world) or somebody threatened a rich person. 

And then it's on like Donkey Kong.

But wait, there's more! And yes, it can and will get worse!

Add endless bigotry and senseless religious tripe to justify it, too. A world where people use the words "Religious Liberty" to further ideas that haven't one goddamned thing to do with either religion or liberty as any civilized person would define either.

And it's all for some nebulous ideal of authoritarianism that most of these people don't even have the intelligence or the understanding or even the vocabulary to even describe.

But it basically boils down to, they want some tin-pot local warlord to kill people they don't like, and then tell them what to do, all in very demonstrative fashion while talking bad about everybody but them.

And somehow these fools all imagine themselves as the protagonists of this world, like life is an MMO where everything automatically centers on their character. In literature, this would be referred to as a dystopia...and you probably couldn't get anybody to publish anything that 'over the top.' But this kind of stuff is what actual people think. Stupid people, maybe, but still people.

And there's something very dysfunctional about a society that produces this kind of garbage.

You know, we have words for countries that meet this description...like Somalia or the Taliban's Afghanistan which are dominated by [what should be mutually exclusive ideas like] crime and radical Islam and likely soon Putin's newly re-Sovietized Russia which seems to be dominated by a Russian Orthodox-themed Christian-Jihadism. We call them "Failed States."

And yes, modern American "Conservatives" absolutely think what the Russians are doing in Ukraine is some kind of wonderful ideal...and that the Ukrainians, themselves actually a moderately conservative, religious people...are some kind of epitome of Leftist "Evil and sexual excess" because they have the guts to defend themselves at all, much less to defend themselves effectively.

Why? Because that is simply how modern "Conservatives" see anybody who wants to defend democracy or practice their own culture or preserve their own existence in some way besides cowering submission to the Republican Gods. It's literally the same set of slurs these assholes use against everybody from Black people to Jews to 'liberals' to rival conservative factions. 

Because they're small, petty, racist assholes who think they should get to decide when and how another person even lives, much less conducts relationships, has an orgasm or even works. These fucking people are all basically pissant totalitarians who all think they're going to get to be Pol Pot some day.

And if you don't think these motherfuckers will soon resort to eliminationist warfare against basically the entire rest of the whole damn world, you're not paying attention. Outside of whatever things they "like" in any given moment it's just the Killing Fields, for everybody.

I grew up with the vision of Ronald Reagan's "Shining City On A Hill" firmly implanted in my brain. And compared and contrasted that, right or wrong, with nightly news images from places like Communist-dominated Afghanistan. 

These fucking people think of Afghanistan...rather than 1980's America...as their vision of the "Conservative" or "Republican" ideal.

As if the word "Republic" itself doesn't connote something greater than rule by petty warlords and mean the literal exact opposite of this dumb ass idea of Kingship by Donald Trump or vassalhood by dictators in thrall to a New Communist Revolution that is all but a reverse version of the old one.

I don't know about you...but I don't want to live in these people's fucked up vision of the world.

But to prevent it, you have to do something about it, and you have to be prepared to defend yourself either way. That's the only thing they even understand.

I've often followed others in saying that if you want a better country, you have to be a better citizen.

But some people don't just not understand what citizenship means...they are violently rejecting the concept in favor of a society where the cruelty is the point. And then these fucking people have the balls to think they're going to get to wash their bloody hands clean with the whitening bleach of religion?

Fuck that, and I say that as somebody who's seen some of the dark and dangerous places in the world.

We're going to have to reckon with that somehow, and deal with them.

The longer we as a people put up with this bullshit, the worse it's going to get.

Слава Україна!

My hands are tied
For all I've seen has changed my mind
But still the wars go on as the years go by
With no love of God or human rights
'Cause all these dreams are swept aside
By bloody hands of the hypnotized
Who carry the cross of homicide
And history bears the scars of our civil wars
~Guns-N-Roses, Civil War

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Enough Is Enough, Damn It. (On the Uvalde, Texas shooting.)

If you analyze it I believe the very heart and soul of conservatism is libertarianism. I think conservatism is really a misnomer just as liberalism is a misnomer for the liberals — if we were back in the days of the Revolution, so-called conservatives today would be the Liberals and the liberals would be the Tories. The basis of conservatism is a desire for less government interference or less centralized authority or more individual freedom and this is a pretty general description also of what libertarianism is. Now, I can't say that I will agree with all the things that the present group who call themselves Libertarians in the sense of a party say, because I think that like in any political movement there are shades, and there are libertarians who are almost over at the point of wanting no government at all or anarchy. I believe there are legitimate government functions. There is a legitimate need in an orderly society for some government to maintain freedom or we will have tyranny by individuals. The strongest man on the block will run the neighborhood. We have government to ensure that we don't each one of us have to carry a club to defend ourselves. But again, I stand on my statement that I think that libertarianism and conservatism are traveling the same path. ~Ronald Reagan

Yesterday, there was a mass shooting at a school in Uvalde, Texas in which 22 people (including the shooter) were killed and 18 (including the subject's grandmother) were wounded. The majority of those killed were Latino 4th Graders. For fuck's sake, what the hell is wrong with this country that we keep letting mass murder happen, and only reacting to it rather than trying to prevent it, or even implement stricter background checks or reduce access to firearms?

I'm a gun owner, I'm a veteran. I've been shooting since I was a kid. For fuck's sake, even Ronald Reagan said that people had a right to not have to carry a weapon to defend themselves and that the State had a duty to protect the people.

I'm tired of this shit.

Why is even the State reduced to reacting here, reacting to any extremist, insurrectionist or nut that comes along, instead of trying to prevent this shit from happening and prevent loss of life in the first place?

It seems "Conservatives" would rather pray for the souls of the Dead than try to protect the living, especially if it cuts into their profits to protect live little brown kids.

And this is exactly why I call these people the Cult Of Dis Pater, after the Chthonic Roman god of Death, the Underworld, and Wealth.

I mean, seriously, what else do Republicans stand for?

And at literally the same time as I first saw the news about the Uvalde shooting, I saw that they've proven that NRA officials knew the Russians were using the NRA to establish connections with the Trump campaign?

Russians who are now openly flying the Hammer And Sickle, as if the Soviet Union never fell. What happened to "Better Dead Than Red?"

At what point do we stop calling these people Republicans and start calling them dirty Unamerican traitors?

I'd say that certainly explains a lot about why "Conservatives" and the NRA won't lift a finger to protect the lives of American citizens. One dead brown kid today, or one other dead kid who isn't a rich white conservative offspring in a private school is one less US Army soldier to be fighting the Russians in the Baltic States, Finland, Poland or Ukraine ten years from now. Or one less Army National Guardsman to be fighting the next right-wing domestic revolt. It seems like if anybody hates America, it's place in the world and its power...it's Republicans.

And these fucking people have an insanely narrow view of who counts as an American and who doesn't. Or of what counts as Christianity and what doesn't, and I'd assume the next step is who is "White" and who isn't...much less other peoples and religions.

And it seems to me that these fucking people are not only not all about the Constitution, or the very political dogmas that they said they held dear for-basically-ever and that Republican Presidents like Ronald Reagan, George H.W. and George W. Bush all held dear and obviously believed...even if they too could engage in a little hypocrisy now and again? 

Modern conservatism is less about individual rights, personal responsibility, smaller government and the sanctity of private property than it is about hate, racism and "I'm gonna open my fly, and you're gonna swallow what I give you to swallow."

And then they want to whore that shit up with religion and call themselves righteous while spouting cracked-out kook bullshit about some privately-funded monuments that've been there for 40 years and I never heard of them until the other day. Sanctity of private property, my hairy white ass.

These fucking people's philosophy is nothing more than that of the petty high school bully, or the bumptious Third World petty warlord "What's mine is mine, and what's yours is mine too, and we'll KILL anybody who says anything different."

Now, I don't know what the fuck that is, but suffice to say it's neither Christianity nor conservatism as I was taught those two things. And what's going on these days is not the ethics and the rules I was taught about firearms, either.

But I'll tell you one thing for sure. If and when the gun people stop being a disposable mob for the elites, if more rather than fewer of them actually stood up for freedom and rights instead of braying like jackasses about it while espousing the values of the 12th Century...and trust me, it will certainly come to this when armed people resist fascism...Republicans would be demanding gun bans for all but the richest white elites even faster than Putin re-Sovietized Russia.

Think I'm wrong? One already did. 

And the laws Reagan passed in California became the basis of gun policy for the whole damn country up until the early aughts.

Americans don't go around carrying guns with the idea they're using them to influence other Americans. There's no reason why on the street today a citizen should be carrying loaded weapons. ~Ronald Reagan 

(In response to the Black Panthers showing up armed at the California legislature.)

You'd think modern Republicans would regard Reagan as a greater heretic than George W. Bush. But it seems more like most MAGA's don't even remember who he was, much less what he believed.

And if you think the gun companies will care about even some of the population being disarmed? 

Well, if this country falls into civil war or right-wing insurgency...let alone if the fascists break off a piece of America for themselves...the corporations will make up any losses of profits from reduction or loss of private sales thanks to the vast purchasing power of governments in need of weapons to defend themselves or those trying to take more territory.

Republicans and their backers fundamentally think people are disposable, and profits and weapons are not. Isn't it funny how these motherfuckers have completely abandoned previous more optimistic incarnations of conservatism...for one that posits an ever-darker view of humanity?

Eventually, if people really believe in anything...even on the level that Reagan did...that's going to lead to somebody standing up to them. These fucking people are basically following the same script Putin uses in Russia.

Because they think it'll work. Certainly, it let them take over the Republican Party.

We have to be the ones to prove them wrong. If you haven't noticed, these motherfuckers don't seem to fear bullets...at least not yet...but they're scared to death of people casting their ballots.

If you want a better country, you have to be a better citizen.

And yes, citizenship is exactly what these fucking people are afraid of.

They don't care how many people...even kids...have to die for the ideals of citizenship, democracy and freedom to be torn down. Literally all they're thinking about is profit and power.

If we the people don't stand up, who's going to?

Слава Україна!

For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. ~Matthew 24:27

Sunday, May 22, 2022

White Meat (The CPAC Hungary post.)

 If we lose freedom here, there is no place to escape to. This is the last stand on Earth. And this idea that government is beholden to the people, that it has no other source of power except to sovereign people, is still the newest and most unique idea in all the long history of man's relation to man. This is the issue of this election. Whether we believe in our capacity for self-government or whether we abandon the American revolution and confess that a little intellectual elite in a far-distant capital can plan our lives for us better than we can plan them ourselves. ~Ronald Reagan

I saw this earlier today.

Some Hungarian racist ranting about banning non-white immigration. I guess Trump remotely addressed CPAC and this asshole was also a speaker there.

The motherfucker is trying to say that crime against white people goes unreported (As if white people are not the ones doing most of the crimes against other white people, anyway?) 

Crime against white people goes unreported? I immediately thought of the case of notorious racist politician Eugene Terre'Blanche in South Africa. Dude was a farmer and far-right political organizer who literally led a right-wing revolt against the negotiations to end Apartheid. It was defeated, and Terre'Blanche later went to prison for assaulting and permanently disabling a Black security guard. When Eugene Terre'Blanche was beaten to death and robbed in a dispute over pay by two of his Black workers, the court not only threw the book at them for that, but sentenced the defendants to several more years in prison because they'd pulled down the guy's pants, injuring his dignity in addition to killing him. After the dude was killed and then during the trial, many members of South Africa's government (most of them Black) expressed support for or visited his family.

But sure, go ahead and tell me (A white person) how white people are persecuted by some kind of nefarious global "elite." Fuck you, asshole. It's all bullshit.

And more to the point, this dude immediately contradicts himself. He just thinks most of the rest of us are too stupid to know it. A lot of Afrikaners consider the word "Boer" derogatory when other people use it...and, to be fair, a lot of British-cultured, English-speaking whites have historically used the word Boer (which means "Farmer") as exactly that. As fucked up as it is, Afrikaner nationalism exists for a fucking reason. The British absolutely did fight wars against these people, starve them to death, and throw them into concentration camps. After the wars, the British then spent decades using softer means to try and wipe out their culture.

Zsolt Bayer wouldn't do anything different, I'll bet you $10 that if he ever got the white nationalist Bantustan that he wants, the first thing he'd do is start trying to determine who's "White" enough.

This dude literally referred to all non-white people as "Illegal migrants."

Think about that for a second.

I likewise find it interesting that none of these fucking people has expressed any support for Ukraine nor opposition to Russia. Nor any support, for that matter, for the Azov regiment (which originated as a far-right volunteer unit) that defended Mariupol. 

There is no "far-right" enough. There is no "White" enough. At least, there isn't such a thing without having the "Correct" politics and "Cultural memes" first.

Think about that for a second. Think about what these motherfuckers would turn White people into. They would have us be nothing more than the same kind of barbarians they accuse other peoples of being, and for nothing more than their own profits.

The truth is they see even the rest of us white people as nothing more than white meat for them to feast on.

And not only that, but on top of the fact that Trump decided to virtually share a stage with these fucking people, he also is sharing posts claiming that America is "failing" and calling for a second US civil war on Truth Social.

These Fucking People want to burn down civilization, and the reason they want to burn it down, basically, boils down to racism. 

That and every last one of these motherfuckers thinks they'll be the lord in the castle after the world ends, and not the serf in the field or the catamite lashed to the back of the truck awaiting the lusts of the local warlord.

Remember Atlas Shrugged? "Who is John Galt?" Every last one of these motherfuckers thinks they gonna be John Galt after they burn down civilization. The cruelty, the selfishness, and yes, the racism are all the fucking point. That's all.

Never mind what their own allegedly holy text says about the End of the world. They don't care about that. Before all this shit is over the only use These Fucking People will have for the Cross of Jesus is to turn it into a flaming lawn ornament. And then they'd use the fire to cook the rest of us with.

Fuck all that.

You know what? I'm a tell you something. After the crashing end of my military career, it was my Black bros that I served with, for the most part, who kept in touch. Only one of my white bros did the same. 

When I got saved and baptized in 1997 and became a born-again Christian and soon thereafter a member of the End Times movement and quit drinking and beat a worsening addiction to pain meds, it was because of a Black pastor. That dude...Pastor Chip...sat and talked with me for hours at a time, and more to the point treated me with the respect that others had not.

Later on, after my divorce, it was my Muslim friends who supported me. When I worked at the Casino, it was my friends Jack (Native American) and Tim (Black) both devout Christians, who I spoke with about spiritual matters and those conversations stayed with me and influence my views on spirituality even today.

And while I'm at it, my doctor...a Sudanese Arab and a Muslim...was instrumental in helping me beat depression this last time around.

I'd likely be dead if it wasn't for non-white people in general and Black folks in particular.

So yeah, fuck these racist motherfuckers.

Слава Україна!

For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. ~Matthew 24:27

Saturday, May 21, 2022

No Happy Ending (The Elon Musk Post.)

 Harry got up, dressed all in black
Went down to the station, and he never came back
They found his clothing scattered somewhere down the track
And he won't be down on Wall Street in the morning

He had a home, love of a girl
But men get lost sometimes as years unfurl
One day, he crossed some line, and he was too much in this world
But I guess it doesn't matter anymore

In a New York minute, everything can change
In a New York minute, things can get pretty strange
In a New York minute, everything can change
In a New York minute

~Don Henley, New York Minute

Elon Musk seems to be having...or more precisely to have been having...some kind of a weird meltdown. The fuck is it with these guys, anyway?


"Unless it is stopped the Woke Mind Virus will destroy civilization and humanity will never reach Mars?"

Hmm, interesting.

So, what you're saying is that you think classism, homophobia, misogyny, racism, transphobia, etc. are more important to Humanity than democracy, equality and freedom, much less math and science.

Pretty sure at this point, that it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what Elon wants to go to Mars for, ever seen Total Recall?

Richter: [upbeat] Mr Cohaagen. [notices him stoically looking outside] You wanted to see me, sir?
Vilos Cohaagen: [turns around to look at him] Richter, do you know why I'm such a happy person?Richter: No, sir.
Cohaagen: Because I've got the greatest job in the solar system. As long as the terbinium keeps flowing, I can do anything I want. Anything! [rises from his desk and approaches Richter] In fact, the only thing I worry about is that, one day, if the rebels win, it all might end. [points finger in Richter's face] And you're FUCKING MAKING IT HAPPEN! First, you tried to kill Quaid and then you let him get away.
Richter: He had help from our side, sir.
Cohaagen: I know that.
Richter: But, I thought -
Cohaagen: Who told you to THINK? I don't give you enough information to THINK! You do as you're told, THAT'S WHAT YOU DO!
~From the film Total Recall

Elon Musk isn't doing all this stuff...Alternative energy, Cryptocurrency, SpaceX, Tesla etc. Elon and the people like him, they're doing it because they want to reenact from the Age of Exploration on up to the 19th century with a higher level of technology...and if anything, a lesser level of care for their fellow humans. Bonus points if they can buy themselves some nice little fiefdoms where the flight attendant has neither the bodily autonomy nor the legal authority or even the right to simply say "No."

And so much the better, Elon thinks, if there are statues of him made of rust-red stone and he gets his name in the history books. Dude wants to be not so much the Techno-Gnostic weirdo and "Lifestyle Brand For Assholes" as the Cecil Rhodes of the 21st Century, and don't you forget it. Hell, he's even from the right damn country.

Way to miss the entire fucking point of the 20th goddamned century, dude. 

If it wasn't for the overthrow of Apartheid and all that, there wouldn't likely be a South Africa today, unless it was some kind of leftover Marxist shithole. 

Why? because that's absolutely who would have won...both the internal struggles on the Black side and the civil war against the white minority government. The Soviet Union was training people from all the different Black factions...and by the late 1980's, training them in full-on Soviet-style conventional warfare. Had Nelson Mandela's way of negotiation and peace failed...or had he chosen the other way, this would not have ended well. Madiba in green Fatigues, raising Kalashnikov and tribal war-cry before battle would have been an iconic image in a future that thankfully wasn't.

And for years, the upper ranks of the South African National Defence Force were full of people who were trained the same way as the officers leading the Russian Army in Ukraine today. It would have been an ungodly, bloody mess...and it only would have ended one way. You know what prevented that? The 1980's and early 1990's version of the "Woke" people.

But Elon and dudes like him don't care about that.

They don't care if it all ends in blood and fire.

They just want to get jerked off by some poor woman who doesn't have a choice before they die. In all ways, that's what this shit is about, rich dudes on Mars getting a happy ending from the Masseuse who might've been a lawyer back on Earth, but she wanted to go to Mars and couldn't afford the trip. 

Because trust me, these fuckers absolutely will want to get plenty of us commoners and worker bees and even their lessers in their own "social class" to go along...and they'll jack the price of the trip up so high it's easier for us to pay it off in years worked as indentured servants than it is to just pay cash up front. And plenty of extremely bored white people, especially "Conservatives" who want that kind of society anyway, will take them up on it...no matter what the cost is.

It's not just the cruelty and shit that's the point, these motherfuckers have a certain way they want to live, and they want to organize a society so they can live that way with no resistance to their power.

It's not about Christianity or Conservatism, and for These Fucking People it never was. The people who really believed in all that stuff are either dead or voting for the Democrats at this point.

It's about the Bacchanalia and self-gratification of small, mean, stunted men and the triumph of their Primitivist Techno-Shamanism over faith and reason alike. 

And a hell of a lot of these stunted little sociopaths simply don't care what they have to do or say to get there...or who they have to kill to get what they think they want. 

And they always think they will be able to get enough goons with guns to protect them and that it'll turn out different this time. But people always end up wanting to be free, and it always ends in blood and fire.

But Elon Musk doesn't care about that, so long as he gets to have an orgasm and get glory from all his hangers-on. Donald Trump and Viktor Orban don't give a shit, so long as they get to steal enough money first and glorify themselves. Tucker Carlson wants his racial ideology and to be petty satrap for the Russians, and so on.

In other words, the last thing any of these motherfuckers care about...or ever will...is you

And I'm looking at any and all current Republican voters when I say that.

Viktor Orban doesn't give a shit about conservatism, he just uses that to get the commons to go along, to let him steal, and a hell of a lot of those people don't seem to care that he's turned Hungary into the cheap-labor Banana Republic of the EU. And of course, because it's the EU, anybody who didn't want to live like that can just leave...and a hell of a lot of them have.

Vladimir Putin sure as fuck doesn't care about conservatism. If he did, he wouldn't be trying to build a New Soviet Union or re-Sovietize Russia. If he gave a damn about anything he says he cares about he'd have bothered to learn what he was walking into and likely left Ukraine the fuck alone.

I'm damned tired of these fucking shitty people and stunted losers fucking shit up for the rest of us because they think if they burn down civilization, destroy freedom or take away other people's rights they'll get to enjoy themselves more.

But you know who I'm even more tired of? All the other people who enable this garbage for kicks, for money, or out of nihilism.

Whether Elon is legitimately mentally ill, I can't really say. But whether he is or isn't he seems to be melting down because things are going wrong and more importantly he build this image of being the smart technocrat who could do anything. Even more, it's about the fact that then he decided to do some things that were more complicated in some not-so-fun ways and less interesting (like trying to buy Twitter) than his usual bit. And it rather publicly has been shown that he doesn't have the attention span or the inclination to see it through...which also contradicts the image he built for himself and shows that it's all bullshit.

It's not a lack of setbacks that makes the measure of a person, but how one handles them.

And I'm going to be honest, I think the main problem we have here is that our society keeps creating these goddamned misfits and then handing them money and power. Not just here in America, but all around the "Western" world.

When the latest scandal in the UK is some dude spiking another dude's drink and then licking his nipples, well I'm more concerned about the drink-spiking and the lack of consent, personally.

But the increasing level of homoeroticism in conservatism and its apparent proclivity for people like Boris Johnson or Donald Trump that you wouldn't fuck if somebody put a bag over their head just kind of weirds me the fuck out.

But the truth is, it's not anything about these men that excites that...it's the power they represent.

Which just makes it even more creepy.

Until we start trying to check that problem and stop just letting people believe these idiots are righteous and everything is really OK, it's just going to go on and on.

If you want a better country you have to be a better citizen, and this ain't what that is.

And I'm increasingly convinced it's not just a trial of conscience we face, but one of sanity as well.

If we lose freedom here, there is no place to escape to. This is the last stand on Earth. And this idea that government is beholden to the people, that it has no other source of power except to sovereign people, is still the newest and most unique idea in all the long history of man's relation to man. This is the issue of this election. Whether we believe in our capacity for self-government or whether we abandon the American revolution and confess that a little intellectual elite in a far-distant capital can plan our lives for us better than we can plan them ourselves. ~Ronald Reagan

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For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. ~Matthew 24:27

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

"ReTruths?" (Orwell Wept, One.)

If we lose freedom here, there is no place to escape to. This is the last stand on Earth. And this idea that government is beholden to the people, that it has no other source of power except to sovereign people, is still the newest and most unique idea in all the long history of man's relation to man. This is the issue of this election. Whether we believe in our capacity for self-government or whether we abandon the American revolution and confess that a little intellectual elite in a far-distant capital can plan our lives for us better than we can plan them ourselves. ~Ronald Reagan


You will find that many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our own point of view ~Obi Wan Kenobi, from Return Of The Jedi.

I just saw this. Matt Gaetz trying to say "We've killed the Ministry of Truth" because Republicans managed to temporarily derail Biden's efforts to combat disinformation.

So yeah, these fucks have a lot of nerve quoting George Orwell for...anything. I don't give a damn. Why do I say that? Funny you should ask;

Then, not two minutes later, I saw this.

Less for Trump's comments about the PA Senate primaries or Dr. Ooze than about what's on the bottom of the clip.


What the hell kind of jacked up Orwellian bullshit even is that?

What Trump is saying...with his bullshit fake Potemkin Village Twitter, no less...is that what's actually true is less important than who says it is. Who says something, in his view, is what makes it true or not.

I can't think of anything less conservative...or for that matter more Unamerican than that. 

Such a statement is basically straight out religion, rather than politics...or more specifically, it's out of the Authoritarian Cult playbook. Trump doesn't want to be President again, so much as he wants to be David Koresh or Sun Myung Moon. Think about that for a second. That shit is creepy. Anti-Democracy ain't even the half of it. Orwell fucking Wept.

And all this shit is deliberate.

Republicans have effectively decided they don't need the rest of us, instead doubling down infinitely on, brainwashing and radicalizing their followers.

And whether we're talking about the 1/6 insurrection or small-scale primary elections, Republicans have wholesale adopted Trump's formula of sinking hooks into the jaws of a certain type of people and riding them around like a mount in World Of Warcraft. Whether it's conspiracy nuts, fascists, racists, religious fanatics or all of the above...these fucking people have decided that's their formula for breaking America if they can't win all the elections.

And they can't, and let me tell you why. These fucking people are losing society itself due to the simple inertia of change. I just got a new job, hell, I had two appointments today...both of them scheduled before I got my new job. One was this morning with my counselor (and my advocate, it was the only time we could get before he has to go on a trip) at the Department Of Veterans Affairs office down the street. The other was at the local Michigan Works (Unemployment office) also down the street, but the other way. In talking to these people...and going through all the H.R. Training stuff at work...it amazes me that the conservatives don't know how badly they've already lost this one to the Woke People. Or at least, lost it to the H.R. people and the lawyers. If you wonder why "Conservatives" seem to have so much against capitalism lately, there's your answer. Capitalism has figured out that it needs to appeal to all and get everybody to participate, not just a certain kind of white person.

The lady that's helping me get a cover letter and a resume together (Because yes, I'm still going to keep looking for a better job even though I'm Okay with the one I have) spent a good ten minutes telling me about the importance of using Gender-neutral terminology in such things in a professional environment.

And I'm going to be honest, the world has changed a hell of a lot since the last time I was seriously doing all this kind of stuff in 2003. I'm fine with that, too, as confusing as I find it sometimes. Life is change, and again...as confusing as I find all this they/them/their stuff on occasion I find it less confusing than what's become of the supposed "unchanging truths" of conservatism...which seem to be based on anything but revealed truth and the wisdom of our ancestors nowadays.

If it's based on anything at all, this shit is based on hate, narcissism and power.

More often than not these people's alleged "beliefs" be they Christianity or "Conservatism" are nothing more than leering Tikis at the edge of the camp. Their message is less "Come to Me all ye who are heavy-laden and I will give you rest" or talking about the government being beholden to the People than it's about finding the right combination of Magic Words And Phrases or doing the right tribal war dance or coming up with the perfect tautology justifying slaughtering nearly every other human being on the face of the Earth.

If you're a Christian who believes in Christ or the Word more than you believe in Putin or Trump...or simply a person who believes in a religion or truth of any kind besides fear and hate, you're a heretic in these fucking people's Brave New World. 

We'd best plan accordingly, and expect to have to defend ourselves and our freedoms.

These Fucking People's idea of religion is far more the Turner Diaries than the Holy Bible.

They don't care anymore if we know it, either. They think not caring makes them powerful, but the incessant radicalization compounds itself daily because they simply cannot get enough of it. The Two-Minute Hate stretches on into eternity. The end result of this bullshit will be fanaticism and murder, if it's not stopped now.

And it will get worse.

If you want a better country, you have to be a better citizen. Freedom is not free. This is what's true, and without Truth, people have nothing to stand on so that they can push back against Power. That's what all the conspiracy theories and shit are really about.

This is the truth, and it's true because it can be verified, you can look at history and see what happens. That's why we have to stop it now.

There was a direct intimate connection between chastity and political orthodoxy. For how could the fear, the hatred, and the lunatic credulity which the Party needed in its members be kept at the right pitch, except by bottling down some powerful instinct and using it as a driving force? The sex impulse was dangerous to the Party, and the Party had turned it to account. They had played a similar trick with the instinct of parenthood. The family could not actually be abolished, and, indeed, people were encouraged to be fond of their children, in almost the old-fashioned way. The children, on the other hand, were systematically turned against their parents and taught to spy on them and report their deviations. The family had become in effect an extension of the Thought Police. It was a device by means of which everyone could be surrounded night and day by informers who knew him intimately. ~George Orwell, 1984.

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For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. ~Matthew 24:27

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Dying Of Privilege.

If we lose freedom here, there is no place to escape to. This is the last stand on Earth. And this idea that government is beholden to the people, that it has no other source of power except to sovereign people, is still the newest and most unique idea in all the long history of man's relation to man. This is the issue of this election. Whether we believe in our capacity for self-government or whether we abandon the American revolution and confess that a little intellectual elite in a far-distant capital can plan our lives for us better than we can plan them ourselves. ~Ronald Reagan

I saw this last night.

Jordan Peterson, drug-addicted alt-right Nazi escaped Walking Dead extra-looking motherfucker, said that Sports Illustrated Swimsuit issue cover model Yumi Nu is "Not beautiful."

Racist-ass motherfucker looks like somebody cast "Animate Dead" on his ass and he clawed his way up out of the ground but voluptuous AAPI lady in a bathing suit is "Not beautiful?"

I saw that picture and the song "Ass like that" by Eminem popped into my head.

A younger me would be serving notice that this is the level of Guy Code violation that requires Jordan surrender his penis. Odds are he wasn't using it anyway, though. And I suspect most of the dudes agreeing with him online would be embarrassing themselves with stupid pick up lines trying to get with Yumi if they ran into her at the bar.

What the hell kind of level of privilege is it...to think that you have some kind of a right to have the model on the cover of a magazine be somebody who's body type or skin color you approve of? 

In the end, I think for me the most offensive thing about These Fucking People is that they want to live in a world where people are defined by what they are born as, what you've done, what you've got, or what you can do with it doesn't enter into the equation and only people who are born in the "right" category get to do anything much.

And somehow these fucking idiots think when the dust settles from them burning down America and destroying civilization, that they're automatically going to be the winning group in this zero-sum game. Somehow they think they'd be able to rig the "End Of The World" the same way they rig the vote in South Carolina. Here's a pro-tip, idiots. Status depends on civilization

You fuckers can't even correctly identify a real threat and you lose your shit over the simplest things while trying to buddy up to people that were your ancient enemies 40 years ago.

And guess what, dudes? If you think you're going to be able to be picky about where you stick your cock, or that women won't just stab you for your ignorant racist or sexist bullshit, you have another thing coming. I mean hell, guys, you'd be damn lucky if the other survivor you were able to team up with was female, let alone that they liked you enough to want to fuck. 

I don't give a damn who the enemy is, or who you think the enemy is. Whether it's the Homies from Compton or the Russians, they're going to eat your ass for lunch. Conservatives, you're afraid of everything and most of you sons of bitches couldn't fight or function without being part of the very system you're trying to tear down. The Homies from Compton, or the Russians...or any disadvantaged people or people who are used to getting robbed by their rulers and going into battle with broken shitty weapons, they're going to work with what they have, and chances are they'll know the stakes and be more ruthless than you because, ya know; Survival.

To defeat that, you have to have...guess what...Civilization! The Ukrainians are winning because they understand that and because the world is supporting them. Savagery can be useful in the (very) short term from a certain perspective, but it has its limitations.

More to the point if the End comes, most of the people that comprise the global Other Half are not going to starve to death for lack of a plain old can opener, they'll figure it out.

A lot of these people would basically die of their own fucking privilege.

Modern Republicans think they're going to die if they can't oppress people and have show trials and summary executions of their enemies. The idea of a food shortage of some kind...is for the most part just an idea to them, or a thing they can use as a stick to beat their political rivals with.

Faced with privation or war or any of the other ills known to man, most of them would surrender or try to get away because they simply couldn't function without being able to buy their way out of it.

I can't help but feel like if Putin had picked a fight with Republicans instead of Ukrainians, it would have gone, maybe not exactly according to plan but pretty close. It would have been over in a week and Republican elected officials would be submitting to all type of shit, ritualistic brainwashing and shaming, Communist-style, to try to keep something of their positions. Their "Americanism" and their "Conservatism" were just scams. 

If you think people like Janice McGeachin or Jordan Peterson wouldn't stand on a stage in front of a roaring mob and embrace the Hammer And Sickle in front of a giant poster of Stalin...or shout "Death To America" in front of grim-faced Russian soldiers, you're on drugs. 

If you think they wouldn't team up with alleged far-left ideologues like Glenn Greenwald or Julian Assange or some of these far-leftist weirdos I've seen on Twitter, you're insane. That there is a class of people, most of them privileged and well-off who's primary ideology is Anti-Americanism...in fact, for its American members almost a perverse inversion of the Right's "American Exceptionalism" is something that the Russians, among others, are counting on. 

And for Republicans it's simply resentment at this point that they do not have enough power or privilege nor live in a hierarchical society that guarantees such in perpetuity.

Especially in the wake of the Buffalo supermarket shooting, these fucking people are telegraphing their positions about wanting to burn down the United States of America for ideology or for kicks, and while quite a few people seem to be catching on, I'm not sure it's enough yet.

If America is going to die, it's going to be killed by These Fucking People, their dorm-room radicalism, their entitled racism and their privileged mentality.

If you want a better country, you have to be a better citizen...and this ain't it.

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For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. ~Matthew 24:27