Monday, February 14, 2022

Weapon Of Mass Distraction (World War Q, Part V.)

Only free men can negotiate; prisoners cannot enter into contracts. Your freedom and mine cannot be separated. ~Nelson Mandela

I saw this late this afternoon.

Paul Gosar thinks he's someone's (anyone's?) "favorite America First freedom fighter" and I'm like...what the fuck? How is this even appropriate?

I'm not joking, if some member of management had done this kind of garbage in my workplace I would have almost certainly complained about it.

This shit is creepy.

But the truth is, it's actually worse than that, and worse on a number of levels.

Over the last couple of days I've been seeing all type of stupid weird shit from "Conservatives" which is kind of odd considering all the stuff that's going on in the world right now.

Or maybe it isn't, they're trying to distract everybody. From the the collapse of the "LGB" Crypto scam to a possible invasion of Ukraine to Sarah Palin's case getting thrown out to Trump's ongoing legal problems, the Right hasn't been having a good couple of weeks.

And people keep getting caught, actively trying to undermine the US and Canada...with war looming?

There's a word for that shit...

So I suppose they're looking for a weapon of mass distraction. And...wait a minute, really? This kind of shit is the best they can do? 

Like, really?

Seriously, these are not smart people.

These idiots are still, apparently, obsessing over some fake Hillary Clinton scandal that, if I had to guess, exists only in their heads and in bad-faith interpretations of things..

I mean, come on, people. It's 2022, that means, by default and the sheer passage of time, that the 2016 election is over. 

And no, Hillary Clinton is not going to run for President again. She's made no statement to the effect that she is, and the only ones talking about it at all are the damn conservatives.

I realize that November 6th of 2016 was probably the height of some of these fucking people's lives. 

Yes, I get that. But, goddamn, it's been going on six years now and nobody but you cares anymore. It's creepy, like some 25 year old dude hanging around talking to high school girls creepy. Stop this shit, it's ridiculous. 

Hell, the rest of us are getting tired of y'all bullshit.

And not just some of us, but most of the rest of us would like to move on from all this shit. There is no purpose to keeping this crap going, it's pathetic.

And another damn thing, while I'm at it.

All damn day, I've been seeing all type of performative outrage stupid shit about the Super Bowl. I mean, goddamn.

#1 What's wrong with you?

#2 Who cares? I haven't watched the Super Bowl at all in like five years, and I haven't watched it with a full attention span in over 20 years. I catch commercials and bits of the halftime show later.

I mean seriously if you didn't think Eminem was going to kneel in support of Black Lives Matter...especially when somebody allegedly told him not don't know shit about Eminem. This is the dude who, when somebody threatened to "Cancel" him, made a rap song smacking Cancel Culture and put it out there in like a day or two after the incident that sparked the whole thing.. And it was, naturally, a good song.

Some people, you just know not to fuck with...if you have a damn brain in your head, that is.

Likewise, if you didn't think Snoop Dogg was going to smoke weed either before, during, or after the show...especially in a state where it's legal? Well, you just haven't been paying attention or there's other issues (like racism) in play here that you don't want to admit to. I mean, come on, this shit is dumb.

And not just that, it's all done in obvious bad faith. Like, seriously, do you fuckers ever do or say anything honestly?

More to the point, if you did, why should we trust you or take it at face value?

When all most Republicans do is lie and pull partisan bullshit and suck up to their donors...why would any thinking person want to support that, seriously?

And then you idiots think you should be given All Power, like you're some sort of gods?

And the rest of us should just shut up and take it?

I don't fucking think so.

Respect and trust are earned, by every action, every day, all the time. And it doesn't take much to lose it. Either you're a decent person, a leader, someone that people will follow into combat and risk their lives for...or you're not.

There is no middle ground, you can't really only be brave or honest some of the time. 

The world is staring down the barrel of a likely Russian invasion of Ukraine which is very likely going to result in a war between NATO and Russia. 

And all American "Conservatives" you know, the people who spent 70 years obsessing about Communism and the Soviet Union can do is spew stupid shit? I mean, come on are you fucking kidding me? Putin was/is a KGB agent. Sword and Shield Of The Party. That's not a joke, that's literally what they called themselves.

But because he stripped Communism of anything that helped people and just turned his neo-Communism into bad behavior on an international scale and totalitarianism-in-support-of-Oligarchy we're supposed to believe it's all good, now?

Fuck you!

I don't know whether this mess will blow all the way up immediately or whether it will do so over time, but when the Baltics and Poland and Romania decided they were going to support Ukraine, if we hadn't already been doing so that would have put us in line to start supporting Ukraine fairly soon because of how NATO works. 

And more to the point, like I've been saying, either you support freedom or you don't. There isn't a middle ground here.

So turn off the goddamned TV and stop letting these motherfuckers manipulate you.

On the freedom thing, there is going to be a test soon. If this turns out as bad as I think it might, we're likely going to not only be facing the Russians in Europe, but a right-wing insurgency by American "Conservatives" who'd rather be Russian peasants for some stupid reason.

And I'm here to tell you, if this Ukraine thing blows up into a war between Russia and NATO (Firing on a properly-flagged naval vessel of any country, for example, is by international law and tradition an act of war) it will be because they start it.

And they will start it because they know so many people in Europe or the USA want to be Russian slaves or stooges. They'll bank on that shit.

So, either you're going to stand up, or you ain't.

You're either a free person or you're not.

If you live here...wherever you came from and whatever your citizenship or legal this way, you're either an American or you're not.

Lead, follow, or get the fuck out of the way. This isn't hard.

Stop being Useful Idiots for people who don't give a fuck about you. You're not "Owning The Libs" you're just making jackasses of your damn selves.

And we wouldn't actually care, except that your behavior is corrosive to the country we all live in. And if you ever think you're going to break off a piece of this one and make your own country, you're going to have to stop trying to burn shit down for no reason.

And personally, I don't think ya'll motherfuckers can do that. 

Therefore, anything you try and do will end badly, in blood, sweat, tears and embarrassment because you didn't think it through in the first goddamned place.

So stand up and defend the civilization we have. It's not like you for-real have any better ideas.

And we all know it.

If we lose freedom here, there is no place to escape to. This is the last stand on Earth. And this idea that government is beholden to the people, that it has no other source of power except to sovereign people, is still the newest and most unique idea in all the long history of man's relation to man. This is the issue of this election. Whether we believe in our capacity for self-government or whether we abandon the American revolution and confess that a little intellectual elite in a far-distant capital can plan our lives for us better than we can plan them ourselves. ~Ronald Reagan


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