Sunday, February 6, 2022

Darkness, And Not Light (Reading Amos In Satan's House III.)

Therefore the Lord, the God of hosts, the Lord, saith thus; Wailing shall be in all streets; and they shall say in all the highways, Alas! alas! and they shall call the husbandman to mourning, and such as are skillful of lamentation to wailing.
And in all vineyards shall be wailing: for I will pass through thee, saith the Lord.
Woe unto you that desire the day of the Lord! to what end is it for you? the day of the Lord is darkness, and not light. As if a man did flee from a lion, and a bear met him; or went into the house, and leaned his hand on the wall, and a serpent bit him. ~Amos 5:16-19

I just saw this.

And goddamn if it ain't the most flamingly obvious case of projection I've seen all day.

And it keyed into something that's been bothering me, which was exacerbated by stuff I observed today.

Megyn Kelly thinks you're stupid, or at least, not paying attention.

First of all, Meg, you can just fuck off with this "Piety" argument. I don't want to hear that shit. Not from the people who've kicked Jesus Christ out of His own End Times narrative and replaced Him with Antivaxxer Woo and Donald Fucking Trump. I mean seriously, bitch, if you were a dude I'd say you had some big brass balls for even trying to say that shit.

I spent much of my life as a Christian. I am deeply, intimately familiar with a spectrum of Christian beliefs, doctrines, and yes, End Times woo and conspiracy theories. It's a safe bet that I know more about this than you do.

And you know what I see? The self-proclaimed "Pious" simply aren't talking about Jesus anymore. 

I'm serious. I haven't heard a hard-core Movement-Conservative Evangelical talk about Jesus in probably at least five years. I hear churches are splitting up over who supported or supports Trump and who doesn't, people are being driven out of ministry at unprecedented rates...I just found out this morning that I know people who've quit because of this crap. An old co-worker of mine...who was a kitchen custodian at my old job for years...quit as the Pastor of the church he started in North Carolina because of Trump supporters in the congregation effectively running him out.

Which destroyed the church as an organization, because he owned the building and wouldn't sell it, so the joke was on them. 

He found it worked better for him to simply sell the property. All this transpired over the last year. I hadn't talked to this dude in about a year before our conversation early this morning...and mind you, he voted for Trump in 2016 and did not vote in 2020 because he decided he didn't like either Biden or Trump. Specifically, he said around election time 2020 he thought Trump wasn't really a Christian.

Which I'd been telling him for years previously.

And 1/6 killed it for him. Specifically, that they beat a cop to death. 

This is somebody that, while he ultimately rejected Trump, believed in a lot of the underlying things that caused Trump. We didn't go into that and I didn't say I told him so. But, I'd imagine he had trouble facing that. He said he got depressed, I know he stayed off Facebook for quite awhile after that, I guess, which is why we hadn't spoken...because now I mostly stay off there myself.

All my dude did was preach about how people should move on from this mess and say that he felt it was unseemly that people should have so much devotion to a man considering what the Word says about that.

And Trump fanatics took offense to this, caused a split in his church and gave him so much trouble he resigned, the congregation fell apart and ended up selling the building because he said it was painful for him to even walk in the door or do basic maintenance stuff around the property. 

He's back to work, but working as a line cook, now.

And he hasn't been to a church...any about six months.

This is a dude who I could maintain a conversation about spiritual matters with for a week straight or more, just picking up where we left off the next shift or when I went over to his house.

And he scarcely said a word about the subject except to fill me in on what happened since last Feburary and March or so.

And that's pretty damn sad.

These Trump people will rip apart a perfectly well functioning Fundamentalist Christian church where basically everybody's a conservative and agrees on 90% of stuff...even the few Black, Gay or Native members (My friend and his wife and some of his family are part Native American) because the Pastor...who started out as a Trump Supporter and had changed not one of his views other than questioning Trump...said it's over and we should move on. 

And they've ruined the whole thing for a lot of other people.

But it's the "Left" that has "Piety" and is "Woke."

And it will get worse, it's getting worse now.

Because Trump-o-fascism seems to require that one who follows it be an unhinged fanatic who is willing to do absolutely anything for their Orange god.

But it's not really him...he's just become the symbol and he'll be replaced as soon as they find somebody they like better. These fucking people are pretty much mainlining 100% pure fascism, homophobia, racism and transphobia now.

YouTube, for example, is full of fascist screamers busy declaring their hatred of LGBT people, with an intense amount of emphasis these days on the "T" as well as their opposition to any forms of racial or sexual equality, and their rabid opposition to any efforts whatever to contain or reduce deaths from the COVID-19 virus.

 And these fucking people are outright saying that anybody who is against them should be arrested and/or killed. There's no inference, there's no passive-aggressive or subtle vibe of "I don't like you" like you might get from an actual Democrat or Leftist person. No, these fuckers are outright saying they want to kill people and/or start a civil war and that they will not accept Black people, or Muslim people, or Transgender people or what have you. And if you think it'll stop with that, you have another thing coming.

It is quite literally the existence of The Other, at this point, that offends them.

Likewise, anything less than letting the virus run rampant is also unacceptable to them.

These are their articles of faith. And they don't care if it kills them.

They already react to anyone different from them in any way with attempts to control, with bullying, and with violent rhetoric.

The day will come when it gets worse, when they start reacting violently to the least bit of difference from themselves...and the rest of us absolutely are going to have to fight.

And unless the tide of escalation and radicalization is stemmed's not going to stop.

I've scarcely heard one word from any of these damn people about conservatism itself, or morality, let alone any form of religion that wasn't pure unadulterated Trump Cultism....and it really seems like anybody who's still professing anything else is either being kicked out of Republicanism or leaving on their own. 

There seems to be a small bloc of Republicans still capable of independent thought or scared by what they created who are considering trying to take their Party back, but it won't work, They'll just get kicked out or harassed to the point where they give up and I did back in 2008.

It's either bow down to these people...and their fascism...or be pushed to the other side whether one wants to be or not.

A problem, this is.

We have to do something about it, and soon. 

We stand on the edge of a possible war in Europe within a matter of days or you think these fucking people wouldn't be willing allies of the Kremlin and Vladimir Putin? And do it simply on the off chance that it'd give them a shot at dominating people who have pink hair or "Owning the Libs" or some other stupid shit that makes no sense?

Even their claimed belief that the sun rises and sets on Donald Trump is in bad faith. As soon as someone else rises, he'll be history.

Because their real god, philosophy, whatever you want to call it, is murderous fascism. They literally believe in killing as a form of social control no matter how much they try and whore that up with philosophy or whatever. The world these people want to live in is darkness, and not light. 

They've chosen fascism over freedom, with malice aforethought.

And lots of these people, deep down, know it'll eat them too. 

They just don't care, because they hate the rest of us more than they love their own lives.

Think on that. You can't reason with that shit.

Think about doing something about it.

Part II

Shall not the day of the Lord be darkness, and not light? even very dark, and no brightness in it?

I hate, I despise your feast days, and I will not smell in your solemn assemblies.

Though ye offer me burnt offerings and your meat offerings, I will not accept them: neither will I regard the peace offerings of your fat beasts.

Take thou away from me the noise of thy songs; for I will not hear the melody of thy viols.

But let judgment run down as waters, and righteousness as a mighty stream. ~Amos 5:20-24

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