Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Do you even America, bro?

If we lose freedom here, there is no place to escape to. This is the last stand on Earth. And this idea that government is beholden to the people, that it has no other source of power except to sovereign people, is still the newest and most unique idea in all the long history of man's relation to man. This is the issue of this election. Whether we believe in our capacity for self-government or whether we abandon the American revolution and confess that a little intellectual elite in a far-distant capital can plan our lives for us better than we can plan them ourselves. ~Ronald Reagan

I saw this earlier, and I'm still like...what?

Charlie Kirk still wants to prosecute Dr. Anthony Fauci...and for what, exactly?

He's trying to get state AG's to go after Fauci for...again, what? You can't just investigate somebody, go on a fishing expedition, without probable cause and you sure as hell have to abide by the limits of your jurisdiction. It's called Federalism and limited government, and it's not some kind of "liberal" plot. It's designed to protect the citizenry of this country against exactly this sort of ideologically-driven totalitarian horse shit. 

Dr. Fauci is an American citizen, he has served in the National Institutes of Health all the way back to the Reagan years and done so...making a name for himself mostly under Republican an AIDS researcher under Reagan and then turning that expertise over to helping people on an international level in organizing George W. Bush's PEPFAR program.

I can remember when Republicans believed in Federalism and limited government. 

Charlie Kirk on the other hand, wants the government to be able to reach down your throat or into your vagina or up your ass at will...but only so long as that government is "Far-right" enough for him and believes in all the right conspiracy theories and religious woo woo.

I was taught Black or White, Conservative or Liberal, Immigrant or Native-Born, Religious or Not, we're all Americans. 

And it went without saying that all of America was America, regionalism at the time was mainly a Southern thing and usually laughed at by anybody not from there. The Confederate Flag and shit wasn't cool, it was treated as a sign that you were an idiot or a redneck, but I repeat myself.

But, I mean, don't worry. Big Government Charlie here just wants to blackball the entire state of California from "Republican States" whatever he thinks those are supposed to be.

I lived in California, there's no shortage of Republicans there, hell, California was Reagan's state, and he was its governor. Nixon was from California, too. 

What's more, California has a vast history of far-right religious cranks from Aimee Semple McPherson to Harold Camping to Rousas John Rushdoony. Is Charlie kicking them out of America, too? 

For fuck's sake, California still has no shortage of Republicans, it's where Devin Nunes and Kevin McCarthy are from, along with a few other House Members that were Trump people.

But, I get it, "Locusts."

Because Charlie doesn't see people as people, much less individuals. He's also too damn stupid to see that there can be a hell of a lot of diversity in a place as big as California and that said diversity is going to prominently feature conservatives as well as liberals.

And quite honestly, the Republican Party lost California *Because* of its own failures and *Because* of hostility towards Latinos and this is America. People don't *Have* to support you if you are making a big performative fucking deal of being against them. We can't all be Mike Pence.

I mean, shit, while we're at it, Tim, the dude that rode to work with me for like 8 years, was from California and we spent an awful lot of those years talking Bible and shit on the way home from work. Tim was religiously conservative in the way that Black folks often are, though he wasn't that way politically. His Dad, Terry, who I also met a few years ago, is a US Air Force veteran and a retired campus outreach minister in Fresno, California. Not to mention, a hell of a guy. And, I should add, Terry was also fiercely Republican and voted for Trump in 2016 (and this was quite a source of family arguments) though he grudgingly voted for Biden in 2020. 

Because, in the end, he realized that Trump sucked. 

Like a lot of people did. He didn't like it, But he remembered that he was an American and a veteran first, and a Republican second.

Of course that...and the fact that Terry is of African-American and Asian descent, as why Charlie Kirk doesn't like people like him. America is not and was not intended to be a vehicle for the Trump Cult's greatness, for them to run into the ground until the wheels fall off.

America was here before them, and before Trump, and it should continue to be here after they are gone.

But some people don't...just plain can't...see it that way.

Mostly because if it wasn't for Donald Trump, nobody would ever know who they were.

And it's those last three words that are the important part. Don't let them fool you.

And now, prominent Republicans like Matt Schlapp are talking about how other prominent Republicans who have chosen to be Americans first and Republicans second should be kicked out of the Party.

And his litmus test is, of course, loyalty to Trump.

Because loyalty to conservative principles or to the memory of people like Ronald Reagan is outdated. Now it's authoritarian fascism or bust, I guess.

And I guess the National Butterfly Center is having to close because something something Q-Anon freaks swarming the place because of the usual nonsensical gibberish about child-trafficking and Satanism. My guess is they don't know shit about either.

My Gods, the hits just keep on coming with these Orwellian motherfuckers, don't they?

Where in the hell do these people get the endless energy and time for all this bullshit? 

I couldn't do it. I couldn't keep up, wouldn't want to.

And that's what this stuff is, pure bullshit being pushed by fucking jerkoff morons who think their opinion matters more than custom, human rights, law, or the US Constitution. I mean, seriously, where do these chucklefucks come up with this shit?! And the worst part is, at least 75% of these people don't really believe in anything, it's all a big scam by damaged yet greedy people so they can accumulate money and power by preying on the feeble-minded.

Seriously, do you even America, bro?

I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I've watched c-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate. All those ... moments will be lost in time, like rain. Time to die. ~Roy Batty, Blade Runner.

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