In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.
We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie,
In Flanders fields.
Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields. ~John McRae, In Flanders Fields
Today, "Trucker" protesters in Ottawa ripped down the security fence at the War Memorial. Now, note; That security fence had been installed specifically because these "protesters" were using the War Memorial as a toilet and jumping on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.
Let me say that again, they were using a national war memorial as a toilet.
Do not let anyone fool yo, these fucking people are not conservatives, they are not patriots, and I'm pretty sure they cold give a fuck about vaccine mandates, except as an excuse for bad behavior and (apparently) trying to overthrow the government.
This shit is ridiculous.
I saw that the ones jamming up the Ambassador Bridge all left when a large force of police showed up and told them they would get arrested if they did not cease and desist. So why isn't that happening here?
These people shit on a war memorial. In a lot of countries they would have found themselves facing police with batons and troops with fixed bayonets for that bullshit alone.
Try something like that in Russia, for example, and you'll be lucky if you don't get your ass beat before the police show up...then get your ass beat by the police...get the book thrown at you and then end up in a labor camp of Strict Regime where you will be abused even more. But of course, the Russians and other foreign bad actors are encouraging this bullshit in Canada and trying to spark it in the US too.
Even though they'd not tolerate it in their own country.
And here's the thing, debased, ignorant, privileged racist white people are all too willing to take the bait...and to literally
shit on their own country, and on the memory of soldiers who fought and died at Passchendaele, Juno Beach and Panjwayi among many other places.
But of course, the history and traditions of one's nation matter not a bit to aggrieved White People no matter how contrived or imagined their grievance may be.
I'm sorry, but I think that's hella fucked up.
Especially with the very real threat of war in Ukraine looming over the world and all too likely to spark World War III.
It's very likely that these aggrieved White assholes who are perpetually mad about everything are going to be given something to be mad about and have something to cry about before too long, because the people who are winding them up would just as happily kill them if it came to that.
Again, all these foreign influencers and the people like Tucker Carlson...they don't give a fuck about you. And they sure as hell don't give a fuck about the Ukrainian soldiers who will die defending their own country...or the Russian soldiers who will die trying to take it away from them.
But of course none of These Fucking People give a damn about the morality of the situation, do they?
They don't give a damn about people's lives.
Or about much of anything else, for that matter.
They just like the idea of authoritarianism because they imagine themselves being the ones who have the "authority" and they want power over other people without having to earn it. Or they want to kill and steal, or both.
And you know, I find it mighty damn curious that all this garbage is flaring up at the same time that there's a possibility of Russia starting a war with one of its neighbors. And by "Mighty damn curious" I mean I wonder just how much of this crap is actively being ginned up by Vladimir Putin and the KGB (or whatever they're calling it this week) or by notionally private agencies like Russian troll farms at their request.
And there's a lot of shitty little nihilists in this world.
I mean, who the fuck else would shit all over a war memorial? As far as I'm concerned you'd have to be pretty low-down to even think of doing something that fucking gross.
While I'm at it, how in the hell did all this Antivaxxer woo become more important to people than their own countries and the very civilization that keeps them alive? There seem to be a lot of people around the world these days who are against the very concepts of public goods, or public health.
Funny thing, I've noticed not very many of them grow their own food, have solar panels on their house, live off the grid or have the right gear and training to survive without the complex web of civilization.
In fact *looks around social media* a hell of a lot of these people are utterly dependent on this shit right here.
Fuck, I mean, what the hell good is any cheap internet fame that these fools might get from this bullshit without the civilization that keeps the power on?
Without Cable News and the internet and social media...all of which was developed here in the USA, not in the Soviet Union, mind you...and all of which depends on the civilization that conservative currently ostentatiously disdain...Tucker Carlson would be spreading his hateful message wearing a sandwich board and passing out flyers on some street corner somewhere and nobody would know who the fuck he was.
I'm tired of dipshit conspiracy theories to start with, and let me tell you something; I'm even more tired of people who value their convenience or conspiracy theories or feeling good about themselves even over the basics of civilization, humanity and morality.
"Owning the Libs" will not keep you warm in the cold and the darkness.
Either you stand against the fall of night or you don't, it's really that simple.
It might not be a bad idea, sometime, to look at a map of the Earth's light pollution, and see where the lights are...and where they aren't.
Outside of a few major cities in European Russia, like Moscow, the most well-lighted paces in Russia are the Siberian Gulags. Think about that for a second.
You look at a picture of the East or West coasts of the United States, or most of Europe, India, Japan, the Middle East or Southeast Asia from space at night and you see vast oceans of light. You know, Civilization...
Civilization that people died to defend, against those who were just fine with squatting in the darkness if it meant they could kill some more of their fellow man.
Don't shit on the memory of those who died so you could continue to have a country.
And sure as hell, don't call yourself a conservative if you do. That's all, fuck you.
If that's what you stand for, all you deserve is an ass whuppin.'
Again, either you stand against the fall of night or you don't. Either you believe in freedom for all, or what you believe in ain't freedom.
Either you're the type of person who shits on their own country, or you ain't.
Choose now.
There is going to be a test very soon.
[Jenner tells the computer to do an Enhanced Internal View of TS-19's brain]
Shane Walsh; [as the group sees the brain of TS-19] What are those lights?
Dr. Jenner: It's a person's life... Experiences, memories. It's everything. Somewhere in all that organic wiring, all those ripples of light, is you... The thing that makes you unique. And human.
Daryl Dixon: You don't make sense ever?
Dr. Jenner: Those are synapses, electric impulses in the brain that carry all the messages. They determine everything a person says does or thinks from the moment of birth to the moment of death.
Rick Grimes: Death? That's what this is, a vigil?
Dr. Jenner: Yes. Or rather the playback of the vigil.
Andrea: This person died? Who?
Dr. Jenner: Test subject 19. Someone who was bitten and infected... And volunteered to have us record the process.
~From The Walking Dead, Season One, Episode Six, TS-19
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