Thursday, February 3, 2022

Republicants (The 5G Chronicles IV.)

Tonight, let us think back to the sense of unity that prevailed on 9/11. I know that it has, at times, frayed. Yet today’s achievement is a testament to the greatness of our country and the determination of the American people. The cause of securing our country is not complete. But tonight, we are once again reminded that America can do whatever we set our mind to. That is the story of our history, whether it’s the pursuit of prosperity for our people, or the struggle for equality for all our citizens; our commitment to stand up for our values abroad, and our sacrifices to make the world a safer place. Let us remember that we can do these things not just because of wealth or power, but because of who we are: one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. ~Barack Obama, from his remarks on the death of Osama Bin Laden

Late last night, the United States military took out ISIS leader Ibrahim Al-Hashimi Al-Quarayashi.


Haven't really seen a lot of details, hell, I don't really have to for various reasons, but also it basically comes down to the fact that Joe Biden and some various other people can get shit done, and more to the point can do it without making a big deal of themselves.
 Which is the vibe I got all along and why I voted for Joe in the first place. Hell, I like not having to worry about politics as much these days.

But all too many people want to do is ignorantly criticize...or worse, pine for the days when they made more money under the last guy. And no, they don't care that he sucked.

Because to those people, it's not about you and me. We don't even exist to them.

And then I see this kind of stupid shit. I don't know what the fuck happened to Mike Flynn, but again, because reasons that most people who haven't been there won't understand...I take serious issue with this sack of shit praising Vladimir Putin, let alone saying things like that Putin is a "strong leader." (He isn't.) or that "He's not going to put up with the nonsense he's seeing in Europe/" And what "nonsense" would that be, O Benedict Q. Arnold? Other countries have the right to run their affairs as they see fit, because they're other countries

You don't have to agree with them, it doesn't even concern you.

You're either an American or you're not. You like Russia so much, go and live there, see if they'll even let your ass become a citizen.

No one has to be subservient to Russia or to the United States. Just like the EU didn't have to put up with the UK's Brexit nonsense and to a great extent has not, leaving the British pretty much screwed, alone and isolated, beset by all manner of self-inflicted problems, and often relying on the US more, and basically shouting into the void about how great they their own government and likely with it, Tory fortunes, crumbles with one shitty, stupid revelation after another after another, to the point where even many Conservative voters feel lied to and think Boris Johnson is an idiot.

Say what you will about the Democrats and Joe Biden but...Jesus, dude, at least they're doing hard shit and engaged with reality.

The right-wingers these days are spouting so much random dumb shit like "Patriot Streetfighter" here talking about how "The ethereal realm delivers information in an energetic form and if your frequency is tuned for the truth...Man. Like, far out."

Dude, are you fucking high?

Pot Heads getting philosophical make more sense than this silly bullshit. Jesus Christ, what's wrong with you?

American conservatism, yo.  You just sit there and think about that one for a second. Go ahead, I'll wait. Take all the time you need.

In my lifetime they've gone from Richard Nixon to...this.

I just wrote this shit and even I'm like, dude, are you fucking serious?

We've gone from being the country...under Republican leadership...that put men on the Moon to...I don't know, sitting there staring at the full moon all night while eating a bag of Cheetos and masturbating because...well, I don't know, there were no Commies to fight or Libs to own on the Moon so it's just a pretty light in the sky to most of these fucking morons.

And even Rudy Giuliani, America's Mayor on and immediately after 9/11, is reduced to doing dumb shit performing on some stupid reality TV show.

I get it, I'm old, and maybe it's just me. But, you know, I can remember when Republicans had more self-respect than that and I can remember when...honestly...shit like that just wasn't done.

And I mean, aside from the Donkey Show Circus Act bullshit, there's stuff like sitting House Reps giving speeches in support of Russia. Worse, outright advocating for the abandonment of our allies. You know, democratic nations in which their people have a real say in their government and in how their country is run. All this bullshit done to support essentially an authoritarian KGB-trained neo-Communist dictator who basically wants to rebuild the Soviet-Union-With-The-Serial-Numbers-Filed-Off and whose pet State Media talks about Tucker Carlson like he's Jesus Christ.

And never mind that the people in places like Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Ukraine have already decided that they don't want to be a part of that type of is their right to decide.

Let me tell you what's really going on here.

The purveyors of this donkey show circus act bullshit...the Bread And Circuses caucus, if you will (Or, more properly, most of the modern Republican Party) except they don't want to give out no bread and the circus act is, well, you know what they believe?

Everything and nothing, all at once, so they can go according to whatever's convenient at the time.

Because nobody acts more like they know God doesn't exist than the people who think government should be more "Christian."

They believe things like democracy, freedom, human rights, self-determination either individually or on the scale of nations, is what's "Bullshit." They think the powerless should be subjugated by the powerful and they simply refuse to believe that "the powerful" might someday not be them, or that they might someday need those rights they want to trample all over for other people. Human rights, Rule of law, self-determination, all that stuff is things they want to cast aside because it's an inconvenience to their debased desires in the moment...and there simply is no future to even worry about in these people's minds, there is only now.

Seems like a hell of a way to live, don't it?

And the only things that really matter to these motherfuckers is their own power and status and wealth. The common person is, at best, seen as part of the mob...and this is, of course, ratified in their minds by the existence of people like Trump Supporters and people like Lauren Boebert.

You know, people who they let into government essentially to serve as "proof" of their theories...and to break shit even more and make it work less well.. And mind you, these fucking people have nothing but contempt for their own voter base and I'm absolutely not joking.

I know a little bit about how the world really works, and how big and complicated it all is, and I cannot think of anything that shows more contempt for America and its people than even allowing a high school dropout with a reputation for dump shit and moronic opinions to be in Congress in the first place...and then to allow her to act like she thinks she's some kind of bullshit ass celebrity once she got there.

Bright lights and conspiracy theories are easier than acting like a grown ass adult, I guess.

While the Democrats and others currently running our country are doing hard shit, and trying to do the right thing, the Republicans are out there doing and saying dumb shit like some kind of crazy person that did too many drugs back in the 1970's and never got over that bullshit...except that they're fascists who support murderous dictators. There's something wrong with these fucking people.

The United States of America is not going to remain "United" if all the responsibility or even necessary things get pushed off onto one side of our political system. And the problem is, when that split happens, the other side isn't suddenly going to remember that they were serious, sober people 50 years ago and run their part of it like a modern nation-state ought to be run. 

No, they'll become simpering toadies, vassals to people like Vladimir Putin, 

And you know, that won't end well for them either. A lot of the Eastern European Communist leaders after World War II ended up being killed by the Soviets...because they really believed in it all, and might have represented a threat. Likewise Dambin Sukhbaatar in Mongolia in the 1920's and his successor, Khorloogin Choibalsan after World War II. If people like Madison Cawthorn and Mike Flynn were to get their way...they won't get to sit at the right hand of the Devil and rule over hell-America. Fuck no, there's a good chance it could all end with a 9mm bullet in the back of the head in the basement of Lefortovo Prison in Moscow, or from cold or disease in a goddamn Russian labor camp of Strict Regime.

All while some lesser and more pliable political partner or rival of theirs gets to have their old spot in the new East Bloc-style Russian satellite state.

And because these fuckers can't run anything for real and did not think this shit through, they'll end up like a new version of Castro's Cuba for the 21st Century...dependent on Russian aid and money, but also living in fear of what the Russians will do to them if they fuck it up.

Again, seems like a hell of a way to live.

And the rest of us, in whatever's left of America, will have to struggle harder to do what needs to be done in the world, and maintain our own shit, and hell, survive, while these fuckers are busy jerking off, scamming from each other and trying for the Eternal Lib-Ownage as Edgelords Among Nations while they destroy themselves and eventually get remade under Putin's neo-Soviet boot, and if you don't think that'd be an utterly murderous process in and of itself.

If you look at the history, it certainly was before.

Seems to me like freedom and the system we currently flawed as it often easier and at least less bad for your health.

I'd think long and hard on that, if I was you, Republicans.

Or is it...Republi-can'ts?

If we lose freedom here, there is no place to escape to. This is the last stand on Earth. And this idea that government is beholden to the people, that it has no other source of power except to sovereign people, is still the newest and most unique idea in all the long history of man's relation to man. This is the issue of this election. Whether we believe in our capacity for self-government or whether we abandon the American revolution and confess that a little intellectual elite in a far-distant capital can plan our lives for us better than we can plan them ourselves. ~Ronald Reagan

Part III

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