Friday, November 19, 2021

Freikorps (The Kyle Rittenhouse Post I.)

You were just babies then!" she said.
"What?" I said.
"You were just babies in the war— like the ones upstairs!"
I nodded that this was true. We had been foolish virgins in the war, right at the end of childhood.
"But you're not going to write it that way, are you." This wasn't a question. It was an accusation.
"I — I don't know," I said.
"Well I know," she said. "You'll pretend you were men instead of babies, and you'll be portrayed in the movies by Frank Sinatra and John Wayne or some of those other glamorous, war-loving, dirty old men. And war will look just wonderful, so we'll have a lot more of them. And they'll be fought by babies like the babies upstairs." So then I understood. It was war that made her so angry. She didn't want her babies or anybody else's babies killed in wars. And she thought wars were partly encouraged by books and movies.
So I held up my right hand and I made her a promise: "Mary," I said, "I don't think this book of mine is ever going to be finished. I must have written five thousand pages by now, and thrown them all away. If I ever do finish it, though, I give you my word of honor: there won't be a part for Frank Sinatra or John Wayne.
"I tell you what," I said, "I'll call it The Children's Crusade." She was my friend after that.

~From the novel Slaughterhouse-Five, by Kurt Vonnegut 

(In deference to the seriousness of the issue I'm not going to head this off with a cute picture of a ferret and tell you this is serious, read on or not. Just read. Full content warning is in effect across the board, though.)

Right or wrong, Kyle Rittenhouse was found Not Guilty today. I've already written pretty extensively about what I think of him, let alone his actions. I'm not going to repeat myself. If you didn't get it the first time, YOU figure it out.

The entire basis for this whole damned farce was decades of National Rifle Association propaganda and hordes of (overwhelmingly white, right-wing) men who jack off to the idea of shooting down their neighbors for any or no reason whatever.

And shit like that, not to mention the American Right's bottomless anti-liberalism, absolutely has its basis in racism. Whether they'll admit it or not there's one motherfucker of a lot of white dudes who are mad at the Democrats for nominating a black man as a presidential candidate...and they're even more endlessly angry at the rest of us for electing him President twice.

The fact that liberals, moderates, and even many conservatives are perfectly fine with judging people as individuals rather than condemning them based on some arbitrary, immutable categorization really pisses these fucking people off.

Some people have been trying to say that race wasn't an issue in this trial.

Just going to put this out there that certain people, namely the White Supremacists at VDare, disagree with that assessment. When people tell you who they are, believe them the first time.

For the record I feel like it needs to be pointed out that VDare, allegedly an anti-immigration (which is actually code for "White Supremacist") outfit, was founded by Peter Brimelow, who is himself a British-born immigrant and a naturalized US citizen. Why he's here isn't hard to understand. Odds are pretty good even today that he would be arrested, charged and tried for doing what he does if he tried it over there.

And giving aid and comfort to the enemies of America and the enemies of (small-L) liberal (small-D) democracy is exactly what American movement conservatism has become all about, because they'd rather burn America down than see Black people (not to mention ordinary working people like me, white or otherwise...or most of my readers) get a slice.. Capitalism always needs ever more people to pay in, and participate, and that long ago expanded to include people of color. Thus they've turned against it. Empire invariably means cultural and population exchanges. Thus, these fucking people's desire to wall America off from the rest of the world and never interact with anybody else again except over the barrel of a gun.

Never mind how many of these motherfuckers and their political avatars and rich benefactors will happily, repeatedly, hop into bed with former-Communist, KGB-trained enemies of America be they business oligarchs, crime lords or politicians. Internationalism for me, but not for thee? Eh?

The whole idea here is that they want to steal America from the rest of us, break it up and sell it for parts. I might be coining a term here but that's the point of all this non-state atavistic fascism we've been seeing.

Never mind that fascism is at it's core a statist ideology and thus antithetical to both the New Deal democracy and libertarian-ish Reaganite conservatism I was raised with. Hell, bad as she was even Ayn Rand despised the idea. When these fucking people tell you they want to bow down to, and reach out and touch some transcendent State, they're not talking about drugs or meditation. They're talking about monstrous bonfires full of books, legions of goose-stepping soldiers and the persecution of people they don't like.

And these people, with malice aforethought, see Kyle Rittenhouse and any copycats that may follow as the first members of a new Freikorps Amerika. Nobody tell these fuckers what happened to most of the Freikorps leaders on the Night Of The Long Knives, or later on when Hitler consolidated power. Let it be a surprise. (They all think they'll be the one holding the knife.) 

Ernst Rohm was a gay man who thought being a Nazi would save him from being murdered in a fucking basement. It didn't. Erich Ludendorff was Pagan, he thought his military record and shitty right-wing social Darwinism would save him, or maybe make him the Chancellor of a new German Empire. Instead he did time and was persona non grata until Der Fuhrer could bask in second-hand glory by granting him a state funeral against his own express wishes.

There's one hell of a lot of these people that fascism, particularly its close cousin Nazism, has covertly been their only true religion for a long goddamned time. The conservative side of American gun culture has always been a little nuts. It's getting worse. It no longer cares who gets shot, who gets shit on, it has its narrative and it's sticking to it.

And that narrative is both hypocritical and insane. These fucking people want to act like the Taliban in 1990's Afghanistan...but think they're going to keep the civilization...although the truth is they don't care anymore about that than they did about if your Grandma died from COVID-19. In fact, the disabled, the poor, the unarmed and the weak will be smugly expected to patriotically sacrifice themselves for the sake of something something Gazpacho, Bats Are Birds Argle Bargle whatever sounds good at the time. March off and die, human capital stock!

And since Trump didn't deliver enough and they were unable to twist COVID-19 fully to their ends (or get the rest of us to just catch it and die like they wanted) they'll see this gun-fueled chaos as their next big ticket to Galt's Gulch or whatever they call it now. Civil War is a big ticket item in "Conservative" circles right now. If they can't have totalitarian control of America, they want to burn the shit down.

And if you're not some oligarch with a horde of courtiers in a fortress guarded by a private army, well fuck you.

And no, they absolutely won't give a good goddamn what you did before. "You're not being useful to me right now, so you can die in hell for all I care" is exactly what the fuck they learned from Donald Fucking Trump.

I'm going to say this right now, hypocrisy and the evil that invariably goes with it are the fuels that all this bullshit runs off of, the resulting reaction may burn down the country, and anybody who tells you anything different is a fool or a liar.

And this shit will likely find a way to get worse if it isn't stopped right the fuck now.

Thing is, you can't find a Republican in good standing who has the guts...or likely even the stop it at this point, and they're running anybody who has stood up or even might try to out of the Party on a rail.

Trouble is, any emergency or forcible methods to stop this bullshit would #1 themselves mollify at least some of the fascists and #2 get the rest scheming to retake control of the State so they could use that shit themselves as soon as possible, constitutional order of things or term-of-office mandated timetables be damned.

And here's Madison "let's have a chew right on camera on the House Floor like it proves I'm some kind of hick ubermenschen" Cawthorn apparently offering Kyle Rittenhouse a job while doing a shitpost video from his car. 
The funny part is, I think he distracted a lot of people from Kevin McCarthy's Fidel Castro-esque eight hour harangue against the Build Back Better act, which itself was an exercise in watching a man trip over his own dick. Among other things, he tied things up until they voted and passed it in broad daylight instead of late at night.

What the hell is it with right-wing morons and these car videos, anyway?

First of all, having known a few myself, I'm not going to tell Madison just how either the chewing tobacco or doing videos in his car would go over with the average Fraulein. It's far more entertaining to let him find that shit out for himself.

Second, and I'm going to be very, very undiplomatic here, Madison strikes me as exactly the sort of little pervert that would want to watch me take a shower or some shit. He strikes me as exactly the sort of manipulative ghoul I wouldn't trust with a younger dude like Kyle Rittenhouse. I don't mean to suggest that I think Cawthorn is gay. No, there's a fucking difference between being a gay person and being a pervert who has over a thousand people...presumably all of them homeschooled Evangelical Christians themselves...sign a complaint against him. 

Said complaint was that Cawthorn was a serial sexual harasser at Patrick Henry College in Virginia. Given the fact that the targets of his sexual harassment were clueless homeschooled Evangelical church girls, that strongly suggests to me that Madison doesn't care where he sticks his cock and given the moronic Laconophilia of too much of modern conservatism...

Never fucking mind, I don't want to finish that thought... 

But based on what I know from personal experience of knowing dudes just like this guy at my old job I wouldn't put it past a lot of them to try and go full Spartan and fuck some other dude up the ass. And don't get me wrong, if it's consensual and that's what they both want to do, sure, Go for it, I don't care, It's none of my business. 

But my own experience with conservatives, manipulators and sexuality suggests that for a lot of these fucking people (of both sexes, but more so for men) sex is about dominating, power, and ultimately hurting people for their own pleasure. Such things are often not consensual.

We know how that ends up, historically and otherwise. Sparta wasn't a good place to live for most of the people who ever lived there or in the lands that city controlled...and there's a reason Athens endured and Sparta did not. When you're too shitty for the goddamned Romans to want you around, that says something.

And I know for a fact that rape was used as a weapon of war...of attempted societal Bosnia. I saw the aftermath of this shit. I know people who saw more. Some places in the world are still dealing with this shit. Remember, we're currently dealing with people who think the Bosnian Serbs were the good guys. Remember that guy who shot up two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand and killed 50 people? He set his goddamned livestream of the event to a fucking Serbian marching song. Think about that for a second. That's the world these people want to live in.

And these people's desire to dominate and kill and rape all springs from the same well. Sex and death, the creation-or emotional sustainment-of life and likewise the taking of life. They don't see it as a cycle, life going to create and nurture life and death being a part of life. No, they see it all as the assertion of dominance, of hierarchy and power. Why the fuck do you think these assholes excuse so many killings and so much sexual abuse? To these...let's be real here...godless motherfuckers there is no greater power in their minds than the ability to take someone's life.

And these people see glory, money, and sex as their birthright and as the fruits of violence and enough of it all as a route to a particularly stupid idea of godhood. No, they don't have much in the way of morals, either. I'm serious, don't take my word for it. Go and look through what I've written and see some of the quotes from these people that I've snipped in various articles since this shit happened. Strangely enough, I think Ann Coulter basically sums it all up. 

There's something wrong with these people. Not least when you consider who the authors of some of these characters were, and what they fought against, or how such characters were used for various purposes during World War II. Stan Lee was Jewish and a goddamn US Army Signal Corps veteran, you bitch.

But of course Ann isn't thinking about that. She's just making a point of swooning over this particular patsy so she can maybe share a little in the glory before reality sets in. Somehow I do not think this crap is going to help, any. 

For some reason they always conveniently forget about the addiction, death, disability, immorality, need, PTSD, raw destruction and shattered lives that go with violence and war. They all think they're going to be the warlord that has all the drugs and guns and a harem of women. They never think they're going to be the catamite strapped to the back of the truck for when the women get boring.

And ya know, the sad, sick part of this is that Kyle Rittenhouse is never going to get to have a normal life. He wouldn't have either way, the trajectory of matters thus far has seen to that. But what I have an issue with is when he goes out and does crimes again, or hurts somebody and isn't in a state where Republicans massively jacked everything they could with a judge that did about everything but give him a cake with a hacksaw baked into it...the people who instigated this shit won't stick by Kyle. They'll leave him twisting in the wind and cackle gleefully as they search for the next patsy to advance their shitty agenda.

Look, I can't tell you what to do personally, but I think we as a people need to step up and stop tolerating this bullshit. Conservatism in general is going full Weimar Republic in rolling over to these motherfuckers, so it's on the rest of us to stop this shit.

WE have to do it. Does that spell it out for you?

If you want a better country, you have to be a better citizen. Killing your fellow Americans who are exercising their freedoms of assembly and speech, abusing your rights and breaking the law to end the capability of others to have rights, or making heroes of those who do? That ain't it.

Freedom don't much matter if you're dead. And that's exactly what the would-be destroyers of this country are thinking. It's probably going to come to a fight eventually, but we have to make sure civilization wins out, not this nihilistic bullshit.

Tobias Beecher: [Walking up to Vern Schillinger] Whatcha readin'? Mein Kampf? Well, let me tell you how it ends. The Aryans get their asses kicked!
~From the HBO series "Oz" Season 2, Episode 2, "Ancient Tribes."

Here's the rest of the Rittenhouse Posts if anybody wants the receipts;

Second Post;

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