Saturday, November 27, 2021

If You Can Keep It (Arsonists, Part II.)

Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction.  We didn't pass it on to our children in the bloodstream.  The only way they can inherit the freedom we have known is if we fight for it, protect it, defend it, and then hand it to them with the well fought lessons of how they in their lifetime must do the same.  And if you and I don't do this, then you and I may well spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it once was like in America when men were free. ~Ronald Reagan

I saw this yesterday.

The city government of Oroville, California (a small city in northern California) is attempting to declare itself a "Constitutional Republic" because these idiots don't want to comply with federal and state mask and vaccine mandates.

I submit that the absolute LAST thing any of these fucking people give a shit about is "Freedom" or at least the freedoms or rights of anybody other than themselves. That's always how it is with these people. They want to do what they want to do and that's "Freedom" but they're the first ones to cry oppression and tyranny when anybody else wants to do anything.

Seriously. Make Republicans Act Like Adults Again.

'Cause among other things it's kind of hard to be free when you've died of perfectly well preventable causes. I literally do not understand this shit. All sorts of people get vaccinated for all type of stuff when we're kids, when we join the military or certain professions, when we travel overseas, etc. WHY IS THIS ONE DIFFERENT?!

Don't wave your hands around, don't look away, answer the fucking question.

Why is THIS vaccine somehow different, and political, when (for example) Anthrax or Smallpox is not? Why do people want to fuck around on this one. Yes, I get that there's a lot of conspiracy theorist chucklefucks who are just plain fucking stupid and a lot of eugenicist conservative politicians who'd just love it to pieces if everybody making under six figures mysteriously kicked the bucket, but then they'd have to cut their own grass, serve their own food and various other things us normal people have to do, and I don't think they'd like that very much. Of course, I don't think any of these people are really thinking that much at all.

Everybody on the Right has some kind of half-baked ideological angle and since COVID-19 is most people's first real crisis they're all trying to find ways to bend it so they can use it to serve their stupid ideology.

Listen up, yo. It's a virus, it literally cannot think on that high of a level, it doesn't give a shit, and it will infect you just the same as anybody else because it's a virus and it doesn't give a good goddamn who you are or what your shitty politics are. It is not capable of that.

Oroville, California, is a small city with a population of around 20,000 that is hugely dependent on federal and state funding because of environmental conditions and its rural location. Like most such small municipalities it doesn't do that much on its own and it depends on everywhere else around it, national transportation networks, power grid, social programs, etc. 

If I were the Governor, much less the President, all that shit would be gone. I'd give everybody who wanted to leave the option to, hell, provide full support for them to do so. Then, I'd cut it all off, figure it out your own damn selves, grow your own food, keep yourselves free of disease, support your own old people, etc. and I'd keep the Army National Guard and the state police on standby in case things got out of hand or for when they wave the white flag.

And, somebody starts some shit, then it's on like Donkey Kong. Let's see how your AR-15 holds up against Abrams tanks, Bradley IFV's, Apache gunships, Strikers, A-10 Thunderbolt II's strafing with 30mm cannons, bombing runs from B-1B Lancers dropping sticks of Mk. 117 bombs and Tomahawk cruise missiles fired from offshore. I hope y'all invested in a good air defense system, motherfuckers. 

And I'd make a national example of these morons and their leaders. You want to have a "Constitutional Republic" without obeying the Constitution and legitimate federal and state authority, without even giving a shit about your own neighbors, your own people? Fuck you. You can stand trial for treason in front of the whole goddamn country with that shit televised on every possible channel. 

And I'd make sure the message got sent to the rich vaccinated conservatives spreading this Antivax bullshit and increasingly divisive far-right politics that if this keeps up much longer, if they cause more people to die, I'd find a way to hold their asses responsible.

I'm quite serious, we as a people need to stop putting up with this moronic opposite-day horse shit. We, as a society, need to stop putting up with this crap and when somebody pulls this "You're not the boss of me" bullshit they get paddled like the shitty overgrown children that they are, in public, with their friends watching. If they can't or won't feel shame...find the limit where they will.

This shit is a social cancer that's threatening the very existence of the United States Of America as a whole. We, as a people, need to stand up and start doing something about it.

As regards the virus, We've tried reasoning with these people, we've tried telling them what to do, we've even tried, to a great extent, bribing them with everything from cash to guns. And for all the good it's done us there's still 40% or so of the country that's not vaccinated...and for roughly 25% of us overall it's a politically-motivated, ideological refusal not only to get vaccinated but refusing to take any precautions whatever.

And now some of these motherfuckers are trying to half-ass secede over it?

Let me ask you this?

Do you think a cop, a public official, or a soldier that won't take a simple shot will do right by you, or take a bullet for you? Do you really?

Do you think some smarmy, smirking rich thug like Tucker Carlson actually gives a good goddamn about you as a person who's simply watching his show?

Do you think some COVID-19 denialist politician like Lauren Boebert even gives a fuck about her own constituents? Or is she more interested in trying to act like she's hot shit and be some kind of right-wing movie star?

More to the point, do you think a nation run by these people would be "...Of the people, by the people, and for the people" for very long? Or would it just be an endless exercise in the government robbing you blind and giving everything to rich people, while offering you only cheap entertainment and racism in return? Remember that modern "Conservatism" as a rule does not think government should be a public good, but rather entirely beholden to private interests. If these people had their own country it'd make the Alien franchise look like Star Trek.

At best, it'd be a lot more Ayn Rand than Ronald Reagan.

If you think the people trying to break off their own little dumb ass town for some "Constitutional Republic" {that ignores the Constitution) have your own best interests in mind, you're dumber than I thought.

Do you think somebody who'd wipe their ass with a valid order in front of their Captain is going to listen to you, citizen?

I'm tired of this bullshit.

It's the usual stupid right-wing showboating, and when it doesn't turn out the way they wanted none of these fucking people will take any responsibility for it.

If you want to protect your freedoms, if you want to live in a better country, you have to be a better citizen, you have to be a better person, and you have to care about the common good.

And with another COVID-19 variant bearing down on us, I shouldn't have to tell you what all those words mean in real life. Public health means giving a shit, about everybody. Get the damn shot, wear a damn mask, and we have to take care of each other. It's just that damned simple.

If you can't understand that, what the fuck is wrong with you?

When the framers were done drafting and had voted on the final makeup of the Constitution and sent it to the states for ratification, Ben Franklin was allegedly asked what manner of government they had given to the people.

He is alleged to have answered "A Republic, if you can keep it."

If you can keep it. This isn't just some half-baked idea. You have to actually give a shit.

Also, this may be relevant.

This too

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