Monday, November 15, 2021

One Nation Under Stupidity.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. ~First Amendment, U.S. Constitution.

I saw this yesterday.

Tell me you're an absolute scumbag who never should've been allowed to wear the uniform without telling me you're an absolute scumbag who never should've been allowed to wear the uniform. And I'll remind you people that this son of a bitch was a Lieutenant General in the United States Army and onetime head of the Defense Intelligence Agency before Barack Obama fired his ass for being incompetent as fuck and breaking all type of rules. Since then this guy's been an unregistered foreign agent for Turkey, sat next to Jill Stein and Vladimir Putin at a fancy dinner and all but donned a British Army style red jacket and declared himself the second coming of Benedict Arnold.

And this motherfucker has the balls to say we all should have one religion?

What he really wants is one nation under stupidity, because religious fanatics and stupid people (but I repeat myself) are easy to manipulate.

And that's all any of this is; Manipulation.

Don't you dare forget that.

Fuck him, sideways, with a goddamned train. Seriously, what religion is that there, General?

Some form of Esoteric Trumpism? No, that's probably not actually it (although at a surface level it looks that way.) Theocratic Christianity? Seems like an obvious answer but I've yet to see any of these washout former Generals who got fired for stupidity and then claimed to get the Jesus actually do anything that even remotely resembled practicing Christianity. (Note I say this as a former Christian.) Mostly they just talk about it while attempting to incite some kind of Taliban-like religious uprising that never seems to go anywhere, Of course they're less "Army Of God" usually than "Wannabe Rifle Squad consisting of A Bunch of fat losers who wouldn't be considered qualified military applicants to start with."

Perhaps, General, you would prefer that everyone have to worship a golden idol in the shape of your own asshole?

My bad, that's just where you left your head.

American Christianity is rife with these kinds of motherfuckers, from Flynn on down to the people at John Hagee's church in San Antonio who were chanting "Let's Go Brandon" (Still one of the dumbest things I've ever heard of in my life, honestly) to Marjorie Taylor Greene sitting there in front of a wall of crucifixes trying to look like she was seriously reading the Bible.

Mike Flynn's "One God" is basically his own dick. These cults are always like that.

Unpopular opinion here, and note I say this as both a former Christian and a former Conservative;

Not one of these fucking people actually believes in Christ, unless perhaps they could be induced to think that Donald Trump was Jesus Christ...and even that's a bit sketchy.

All of these people seem to like to talk about God, but they violate His Word on a constant basis. The only use these people have for religion at all is for fooling the feeble-minded and getting Man's approval for their shitty behavior. I can't put it any more simply than that.

Some of these people quite openly have no more use for the Cross of Christ than to turn it into a flaming lawn ornament or use it as a symbol of death, destruction and genocide...and were Christianity to conform to the wishes of such people, it would rapidly become exactly that.

Michael Flynn doesn't believe in Jesus. He wants to be a dictator, a god-emperor like Kim Jong Un or something out of Warhammer 40K. He doesn't give a damn about the Bible or the Ten Commandments or Christian doctrine or tradition.

He's mad because he sucked at being a leader and reality ultimately exposed that, Obama fired him from DIA. Trump fired him from being the National Security Advisor, he was arrested, pled guilty, was pardoned solely because of his skill at gargling Trump's balls and since then has been working this weird pseudo-religious rally circuit, generally trying to encourage the growth of fascism.

It doesn't really need any help, and as far as I'm concerned Flynn needs an intervention at this point. It's everybody's misfortune that nobody cares enough about him to give him one and get him the kind of help he needs...which, don't get me wrong, is extensive. Some people, when they get out of the military, they just can't function very well anymore without the strict oversight and routine. It's sad, but I know people who are like that myself. I understand it.

The thing is, he's being used by the conspiracy theorists and religious nuts just as much as he's using them. The thing is, outside of their shitty little movement, nobody actually cares.

But where it'll become a problem for the rest of us is these people basically showed up with a gun and carjacked the entire Republican Party. I saw not too long ago that the Wyoming GOP basically voted to kick Liz Cheney out of the party.

Even her dad's been blackballed for awhile now, think about that for a second.

And Republicans are rolling over for this bullshit, faster than the Weimar Republic rolled over for the Nazis. I mean, seriously, you don't have to agree with what Republicans believed before 2008 or 2015 or whenever, but they did have a consistent set of beliefs.

And they gleefully lit all that on fire and left it to burn...for Donald Trump.

Now the search is 100% on for somebody worse than Trump, or a worse set of circumstances than the last six years or so. Some of these fucking people want to start another Civil War.

Even Tea Party Republican beliefs, consistently held, at this point basically make one a Democrat by default, See Also: Adam Kinzinger, Anthony Gonzalez, Justin Amash, Liz Cheney, Tea Party Joe Walsh, Mitt Romney, etc.

And the list of heretics grows ever longer what with 13 Republican House Reps and 19 Senators all being cast into the Outer Darkness for voting for Biden's compromise infrastructure bill.

By the time this shit is over with they're going to accept nothing less than a party full of fanatics like Lauren Boebert, Madison Cawthorn, Marjorie Taylor Greene and Paul Gosar...with the occasional perverted grifter like Matt Gaetz thrown in.

Like I said, what's even the damn point?

And what they want is people who don't know anything, or whose word doesn't mean shit, and they think this is some kind of a way to run a civilization?

Fuck off with that silly bullshit.

The reason that anti-American scumbags, criminal, rich elites and foreign dictators like Vladimir Putin want these nitwits in our government and politics is they want to break up the United States and sell it for parts. They don't give a fuck about America, or you or me or any of the 330 million or so other people who live here.

And some people call this "Faith."

Look, people, if we don't stop tolerating this stupid, treasonous bullshit, we deserve what we're going to get. Fascism doesn't work, it never has, and it always ends up the same way. Conflict, War, ultimately national destruction for the country that adopted fascism.

I was a conservative, of the old Reaganite libertarian kind for whom authoritarian Statism (a prerequisite for fascism) is anathema just as much as Communism was when it was still a thing.

Governments derive their power from people. Fascism tries to turn that on its head, offering instead that people can somehow reach out and touch the power of the transcendent State instead, that someone else will do the hard work of life, etc.

But rather than the promised religious experience or an easy life, you get death and destruction, every time somebody runs this experiment.

I don't know what to tell you except that if you want a better country that means you have to be a better citizen.

And this? This ain't it.

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