Monday, November 22, 2021

Fuhrerprinzip (On Bullshit, Fascism and Republicanism.)

To me belongeth vengeance and recompense; their foot shall slide in due time: for the day of their calamity is at hand, and the things that shall come upon them make haste. ~Deuteronomy 32:35

I saw this last night.

And I was like "Wut?"

Some unnamed Twitter idiot claiming that, somehow, the COVID-19 vaccine was not only somehow, vaguely in terms of Something Something Gazpacho TRANSCENDENTAL MEDITATION! Argle Bargle more powerful than God! Bats are birds! Ann Margaret! I swear these people are down to just randomly shouting bullshit word-salad answers like that strip in Calvin & Hobbes where Calvin forgot to do his homework and got called on in class.

But...and here's the matter how goddamned motherfucking stupid it is, no matter how damned godless, or how much it shits all over everything else these morons claim to believe, at least some of these fucking idiots will believe that shit. 

You know, like the 100 or so Q-Anon chucklefucks still gathered in Dallas awaiting the resurrection of JFK Jr. Or maybe these people have just thrown in the towel and aren't even trying to make sense anymore. I don't get it. This shit drives me crazy. It's not just dumb, it outright goes against everything Christianity, conservatism, etc. etc. etc. has preached as long as these beliefs and philosophies have even existed. More to the point these fools are not the least bit subtle about this grab-bag. word salad bullshit.

Oh, of course, I get it. For some of these motherfuckers it really was all a lie, all along, and their true religion, shielded from prying eyes in the inner darkness of their own minds, was always fascism. I get that.

It's funny though, if you think about it. The Nazis believed all type of New Age, Transcendentalist arglebargle too, and they went so far as to impose the German "Volkisch" neopaganism of the time on German Christian churches. These days, I'm wondering just how something similar might go over with the right-wing Evangelicals when these people decide to rip off a bunch of disjointed chunks of this country for some MAGA Banana Republic.

And the answer that comes back in my head is "They'll probably be just fine with it, and thrilled if people like me are bothered by this bullshit."

Of course, shit like that is true across the board, it doesn't matter what it is. What these morons don't realize is at this point all they're getting out of me is an eyeroll. Although, to be honest, I think I rolled my eyes so hard at the "God not being able to recognize your genetic code" line that I hurt myself.

Like I said, it doesn't matter what it is.

There's some people seem to think the guy who drove an SUV through a Christmas parade in Waukesha, WI last night was a "BLM terrorist" because #1 He was black, and #2 he "Liked" a picture of a George Floyd mural on Facebook at some point. (So did I, a few times, and I'm white.) Apparently this "connection" if you want to call it that was the work of Nazi hanger-on Andy Ngo. (Who doesn't seem to realize that if there ever is a Nazi America there will very quickly be Ngo Andy to "report" on this shit.) It is literally complete bullshit held together by the thinnest editorializing possible by some punk with no personal knowledge of the situation and the axe to grind of being a fascist hanger-on who's too stupid to realize the first thing those people would do is make Vietnamese jerky out of his ass. It's another thing that, for the life of me, I don't get.

But the thing is, it doesn't matter. Whether these people are stupid or just that hopped up on political tribalism the result is the same. It's essentially a leaderless Fuhrerprinzip that states if X bullshit originated in Y far-right conservative circles it must be believed no matter what the evidence, people actually involved, or your own senses tell you. 

And once that happens, to at least some of these people, there is nothing else. That and pure racism is why so many "Conservatives" believe that all black people are criminals despite vast and very often directly experienced and observed evidence to the contrary.

We as a people need to start deprogramming this shit if we're ever going to deal with the radicalization it's causing.

It's fucking stupid. It's childish, it's puerile, and again, I'm sick of this fucking bullshit.

But it does fit, at least if you apply my theory of "Atavistic non-state fascism" to these fucking people.

In Nazi Germany, the Fuhrerprinzip was #1 That Hitler's word superseded fact or law, and #2 "The leader is always right."

Out here in the frozen meatspace of the great snowy north, I occasionally hear people grumbling about supply-chain shortages. It started during COVID-19 panics and shutdowns and has continued sporadically since. Toilet paper, certain brands of pet food, consumer electronics, the occasional random food item, heater parts, shit like that...and never all at the same time. All depending on the vagaries of production in other countries, shipping, or transportation in the States.

This is actually a global problem right now, and because of Brexit and some other issues I know from people I correspond with that it's hit the United Kingdom particularly hard.

And it's a huge thing I hear about every day on social media.

But of course American Conservatives be like it's Joe Biden trying to cancel if Capitalism itself hasn't been trying to do that for a few years now, what with the desire by big box stores to expand early Christmas shopping right into the holiday.

Fuck all that, it's ridiculous.

I've got four damn turkeys in the freezer right now, between me and my Mom and a couple of crossed wires on the grocery-listing and turkey being 33 cents a pound at every Meijer store in the country right now. And there's clearly enough of the stuff to be had to support that, people are going to be eating turkey sandwiches for Easter dinner at this point, just off what's available now.

We need to start finding ways to make it not profitable and unpopular to believe in dumb shit and lies, and to make this not be an aspirational state for people. With a lot of this garbage, we're well past "Gullibility" and it's reaching the point of "Belief in an alternate reality to the point of mental illness."

And then this alternate reality gets used to stoke up rage about things that don't even exist, but rage that ends up hurting actual, real, living people anyway. It's the toxic sludge left over from decades of Rush Limbaugh and Alex Jones.

This shit is exactly why I think when things do blow up, when the Redcaps try and start the civil war they say they wanna have, it's going to be over something really stupid. Like, millions of people will die because of an insurgent war started over some idiotic Christmas-season shortage or some shit.

We, as a people, need to get control of ourselves and we need to stop believing absolute bullshit just because it came from a Republican. (And trust me, Republicans know they can say any old dumb shit and enough of their followers will buy it to at least make it trend, automatically. They know their followers are a bunch of morons hopped up on tribalism, and they have contempt for their own people.) 

And then in the next breath these people will tell you there is a greater power to whom we all must answer who sets everything down in stone and rigid societal commandments that everyone must obey, basically just because.

But five minutes from now, it'll be the Republicans who are acting like none of this shit is real or at least it doesn't apply to them, because hypocrisy or whatever.

Ya know if even half the shit these fucking people say is true actually is, they're going to be the first ones going to hell when it's all over...and half of them will wonder why, and wonder why Jesus wasn't somehow in on the con, or the joke, or whatever they really believed it all was.

As if we needed any more evidence that it was all bullshit, that the only thing these fuckers ever believed in was themselves, and a man-centered godless world of self and selfishness where the only real "Good" was their own self-satisfaction.

Even their own shitty philosophy claims to say they're supposed to be better than that.

If you can't stand up against this shit, what the fuck is wrong with you? Yes, they're going to hit the wall of reality eventually. Truth is they already did, but they keep backing the truck up and hitting it again and again.

Eventually, something has to give. Don't let it be you.

That's all.

If you want to have a better country, if you want to actually follow and have the values embodied in things like Thanksgiving or Christmas and practice citizenship and decency, you have to be a better person. And this? 

This ain't it.

If we lose freedom here, there is no place to escape to. This is the last stand on Earth. And this idea that government is beholden to the people, that it has no other source of power except to sovereign people, is still the newest and most unique idea in all the long history of man's relation to man. This is the issue of this election. Whether we believe in our capacity for self-government or whether we abandon the American revolution and confess that a little intellectual elite in a far-distant capital can plan our lives for us better than we can plan them ourselves. ~Ronald Reagan

Last Post in the series:

Rittenhouse Part II.

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