Thursday, November 25, 2021

Arsonists (Part I.)

Fiery the angels fell, deep thunder rolled around their shores, burning with the fires of  Orc. - Roy Batty, Blade Runner. (A deliberate misquote of William Blake's "America, A Prophecy.")

What the fuck is this bullshit?

Some fireman in California, given a letter of noncompliance for refusing to get vaccinated, wiped his dirty ass with the thing and handed it back.

He did this in front of his captain and his Chief.

He's now on administrative leave.

Sorry but as far as I know refusing to obey orders, or such gross misconduct is bad enough. Doing it right in front of your line supervisor and department head is a career ending move.

I don't get this bullshit. 

There's something wrong with these people.

You don't just light a career as a cop or firefighter or a military troop or a nurse on fire and destroy yourself for no damn reason but I've seen multiple people in these professions do this shit live on video, as if choosing to martyr themselves for Antivax bullshit, cheap internet fame or Donald Trump.

And I'll never understand it.

Not least because these are jobs where the respect of your peers is important and as such your word has to be good. Respect is earned by every action every day, by sustained superior performance. Service before self, integrity above all, excellence in all that we do.

I'm not unfamiliar with this stuff myself. Thus the thought of refusing a lawful order...a routine thing in fact, that no one ever said shit about 25 years ago...seems absolutely stupid as fuck to me.

Especially considering the consequences and that anyone refusing would be administratively separated and sent home were made plain as day.

All these people have to get all sorts of vaccinations as a matter of course. It's not even a question.

So why the fuck is this one any different?

And why are conspiracy theory nuts, politicians and internet dumb shits egging this shit on?

Is nihilism just that much of a drug to these people?

I know there's a lot of idiots out there who think something something Revelation and the vaccine is some kind of  Mark of the Beast.

But that view is not supported by, you know, an actual reading of the scriptures. I used to be an End Times Prophecy guy. I know my stuff here.

The Bible is pretty explicit on what all that entails and this ain't it.

But I know people who believe in this bullshit who've basically thrown Jesus out of the end of His Word and replaced Him with nothing but Antivax woo.

Remember that Man cannot save Man.

You can impress Antivax ninnies all you want. If you're a Christian and you effectively rejected Christ to do it the Bible says you're going to hell.

And that's just one obvious issue with this whole mess.

I get a lot of it is political tribalism and people who think dancing around a fire shouting Unga Bunga is something to aspire to.

But people literally shitting all over their career prospects or rejecting without apparent cause or introspection the religion they claimed defines them? I just don't even understand that.

The people who spread this garbage are arsonists of souls.

But how can they get so  many people to burn themselves up?

What's even the damn point?

Part II.

Part III

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