Thursday, November 18, 2021

Party Like It's 1949. (Yo, I'm Really Tired Of This Shit, Part One.)

Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction.  We didn't pass it on to our children in the bloodstream.  The only way they can inherit the freedom we have known is if we fight for it, protect it, defend it, and then hand it to them with the well fought lessons of how they in their lifetime must do the same.  And if you and I don't do this, then you and I may well spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it once was like in America when men were free. ~Ronald Reagan

And today in Stupid Republican Tricks...

Senator John Kennedy of Louisiana caused quite a stir when he asked the nominee for Comptroller of Currency, Kazakh American Dr. Saule Omarova, if he should call her "Professor" or "Comrade."

Fucking seriously?

Perhaps a better question would be why is this impotent fake-Southern-accented braying jackass even in government at all? He looks like the sort of guy who should be spending his days on a regimen of alcohol and masturbation after a lifetime as a skeevy Southern ambulance chaser...and not only looks it, but cultivates sounding like it too, despite having been educated at Oxford. It's one thing, I suppose, to talk down to others as he's doing to an educational peer here, but to essentially down-talk oneself every day as the putative price of having a political career?

I don't know about you, but I couldn't do it. I might not have much else, but I have more self respect than that. I'm not going to act the fool just to get people to vote for me, not least people that I don't care about for any other purpose than that. 

The apparent reason for the question is that when Dr. Omarova was born, Kazakhstan was still part of something called the Soviet Union. And these same idiots have made a stink about the fact that she was once part of a group called the "Young Communists." As if something somebody did when they were 12 should even matter.

But here's the problem with that. As Republicans well know from their own totalitarian jerk off fantasies, everybody was part of groups like that because it wasn't a choice...and you watch and see if these pikers gain total control somewhere, likely by breaking a piece of America off for themselves...if they don't turn right around and do the same shit, but call it "Young conservatives" or something. As...funny enough...Vladimir Putin has been doing for years in Russia, having to a great extent simply filed the serials off the old Communist playbook and dispensed with anything that helps the common person.

That's all it takes, and not only do Republicans applaud Vlad for it, but John Kennedy himself spent an Independence Day in Moscow...I personally find it very hard to believe that such wasn't a deliberate snub against his own country.

And of course, there's the inconvenient fact that Communism hasn't been a thing since 1989. The current obsession with the subject is, in my view, little more than impotent old Boomer fart factories trying to recapture the glory of their lost youth. I've said the same thing about these people and their obsession with the 1950's. Of course they think the 50's were great, they were kids and life was easy. I was raised more by my Grandparents, though, and I heard quite a bit more about what life was like for adults back then than a lot of people in my own age group did.

Not that it fucking matters.

And in any case, what the hell use do the mores of 70 years ago when the only place in America that a Black person could get a small degree of equality was the military, Polio was still a scourge and many people still worked right up until they died?

Oh, right, that's also the future Republicans want.

Of course these damn people jumped the shark a long, long fucking time ago...certainly their voter base was starting to go off the deep end 20 years ago and on the religious end of the spectrum maybe more like 25-30 years ago, at that.

Thing that gets me is, instead of showing a little leadership and saying hey, wait a minute, this is fucking nuts" Republican politicians and their hangers-on actually managed to get out in front of the problem, get in formation, match speed and start calling cadence and setting the fucking tone. Maybe that's leadership of a sort, but it's in the wrong direction.

And along the way they've turned every possible claim of either Christianity or conservatism into nothing more than some bullshit grift or lie aimed at enriching themselves.

What God or the ghost of Ronald Reagan thinks of that, I cannot say, but for myself I think it's ridiculous. Instead of stepping forward to meet the challenges of the 21st century we get this.

People using the technology of the 21st century to promote the values of the 12th century. And they're hella mad that nobody sold Trump an island or something so he could be king there after he lost, like a 21st century version of Guy of Lusignan after Saladin kicked his ass out of Jerusalem.

Actually, I think they all expected to be given or sold little kingdoms, and that's what they're really mad about. Like I've said many times before every last one of these motherfuckers expects to eventually be the Lord in the manor when the world ends, rather than the serf in the fields...or the warlord rather than the catamite strapped to the back of the truck.

As opposed to being sliced into long thin strips of Christianist jerky by irate, hungry refugees from the cataclysm that they caused...

Unless you're Milo, He might actually prefer that to his current fate, which is *Checks Notes* hawking statues of the Virgin Mary on a Youtube channel.

Hold the fuck on here. Wasn't Milo the *Checks Notes* Avant-garde gay conservative Troll Du Jour five-six years ago? I believe I even wrote about this a time or two, as his petulant, puerile bullshit crossed my screen at least several times a day at that time. I mean, fuck!

I just plain got sick of it, I got sick of the circus-act bullshit before it was popular. But then, I was a conservative, originally in the old Reagan model, not a crowd-follower like so many of these other idiots.

I knew people who'd never support this shit from anybody else that were ALL about him (and the Dilbert guy, but I digress.) All for no better reason than the soul of modern movement-Conservatism is simply being a transgressive asshole, because these idiots think that's what life was really like back in 1950 or some shit.

We really need to stop listening to these fucking people or stepping aside and letting them have the keys. This shit is ridiculous.

It's not 1951 anymore, it's 2021 and we need to start facing that fact and act accordingly.


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