Saturday, November 13, 2021

No Other Gods (Left Behind Is A Lie, Again, Six.)

Thou shalt have no other gods before me.
Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.
Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; ~Exodus 20:1-3

I saw this last night.

"Donald Trump is the Executor of the world/"

Listen to me. I don't know who this "Raven" person is, and I have some serious doubts that this is even a real person. But I do know one thing. I have about 35 years of church background to my name. I started out as a Baptist, I went to Catholic and Lutheran schools, when I was getting my life back together after my accident I started attending a Baptist church again, and would attend a couple more, plus an independent Evangelical church before it was all over. So I'm not going to mince words here.

If you believe this bullshit, from a Christian perspective, according to the Biblical book of Exodus, you are going to hell.

In the second half of the 1990's I became a member of the End Times Prophecy movement. You know what the phrase "Executor of this world" sounds like to me? It seriously sounds like something that a string of bad overpriced Christian novels made into a low-budget direct to DVD movie by Cloud Ten Pictures would name their bumptious Antichrist.

The "Executor" these days is reduced to whining about his election loss of over a year ago and to sending fake ambassadors to Serbia while his followers take over school boards and are openly talking about burning books like the dumb ass retread Nazis that they are. And while his henchmen get indicted.

Trump directly or indirectly caused the deaths of three quarters of a million Americans, inflamed conspiracy theories, racism and vaccine hesitancy, basically set half the country on fire and almost tore our shit apart completely...and there's people who want more of this ridiculous bullshit?
More to the damned point if you take "Raven" at her word...there seems to be people who want an eternity of this horse shit...and I'll never understand why.

But here's the thing, the Bible already names the Devil as the prince or executor or whatever of this world, save for the first part of Revelation where that role shifts to the Antichrist before the Antichrist is himself possessed by the Devil.

Don't take my word for it and don't blame me, I didn't write Revelation and I sure didn't write Evangelical/Fundamentalist Christianity's pre-COVID, pre-Trump End Times narrative.

And I'm positively sickened by what it's become since.

These fucking people have written Christ out of their own End Times narrative, and replaced him with *Checks Notes* Donald Trump?

I mean, are you fucking kidding me with this bullshit?

So far as I know, Trump doesn't even believe in God.

More to the point, Trump seems to somehow fill the roles of both Antichrist and Christ in this new narrative, even as "Communism" or the "Deep State" or the "Left" somehow takes on the role of being the evil god that the Devil or the Antichrist used to be considered...Trump was originally considered to be like King Cyrus of unbelieving catspaw of the Almighty from the Old Testament. 

But along the way Trump has somehow become both the unclean idolatrous Cyrus and the white-robed Christ...both despoiler and Savior depending on the needs of the moment...

Again, don't ask me, I only work here.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but my own extensive theological training suggests that one has to pick a side here, because you literally cannot have it both ways.

And in either case you're still damned, so what's the fucking point?

Where's the upside here? 

Donald Trump is a living man without 2000+ years of history and religion or any miraculous events to lift him above the mundane. I don't know about you but I remember what the Bible says about worshiping the created rather than the Creator.

And more to the point, Trump isn't even close to as interesting as other bumptious would-be divinities of the past like Aleister Crowley, Ayn Rand, Brigham Young or Joseph Smith...or even the fucking Heaven's Gate people. Donald Trump is basically a loser's vision of a god-like person.

Again, you're going to hell if you believe that a living person is a god. Don't blame me, I'm just telling you what I read.

Long story short, don't be these fucking people.


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