Sunday, May 22, 2022

White Meat (The CPAC Hungary post.)

 If we lose freedom here, there is no place to escape to. This is the last stand on Earth. And this idea that government is beholden to the people, that it has no other source of power except to sovereign people, is still the newest and most unique idea in all the long history of man's relation to man. This is the issue of this election. Whether we believe in our capacity for self-government or whether we abandon the American revolution and confess that a little intellectual elite in a far-distant capital can plan our lives for us better than we can plan them ourselves. ~Ronald Reagan

I saw this earlier today.

Some Hungarian racist ranting about banning non-white immigration. I guess Trump remotely addressed CPAC and this asshole was also a speaker there.

The motherfucker is trying to say that crime against white people goes unreported (As if white people are not the ones doing most of the crimes against other white people, anyway?) 

Crime against white people goes unreported? I immediately thought of the case of notorious racist politician Eugene Terre'Blanche in South Africa. Dude was a farmer and far-right political organizer who literally led a right-wing revolt against the negotiations to end Apartheid. It was defeated, and Terre'Blanche later went to prison for assaulting and permanently disabling a Black security guard. When Eugene Terre'Blanche was beaten to death and robbed in a dispute over pay by two of his Black workers, the court not only threw the book at them for that, but sentenced the defendants to several more years in prison because they'd pulled down the guy's pants, injuring his dignity in addition to killing him. After the dude was killed and then during the trial, many members of South Africa's government (most of them Black) expressed support for or visited his family.

But sure, go ahead and tell me (A white person) how white people are persecuted by some kind of nefarious global "elite." Fuck you, asshole. It's all bullshit.

And more to the point, this dude immediately contradicts himself. He just thinks most of the rest of us are too stupid to know it. A lot of Afrikaners consider the word "Boer" derogatory when other people use it...and, to be fair, a lot of British-cultured, English-speaking whites have historically used the word Boer (which means "Farmer") as exactly that. As fucked up as it is, Afrikaner nationalism exists for a fucking reason. The British absolutely did fight wars against these people, starve them to death, and throw them into concentration camps. After the wars, the British then spent decades using softer means to try and wipe out their culture.

Zsolt Bayer wouldn't do anything different, I'll bet you $10 that if he ever got the white nationalist Bantustan that he wants, the first thing he'd do is start trying to determine who's "White" enough.

This dude literally referred to all non-white people as "Illegal migrants."

Think about that for a second.

I likewise find it interesting that none of these fucking people has expressed any support for Ukraine nor opposition to Russia. Nor any support, for that matter, for the Azov regiment (which originated as a far-right volunteer unit) that defended Mariupol. 

There is no "far-right" enough. There is no "White" enough. At least, there isn't such a thing without having the "Correct" politics and "Cultural memes" first.

Think about that for a second. Think about what these motherfuckers would turn White people into. They would have us be nothing more than the same kind of barbarians they accuse other peoples of being, and for nothing more than their own profits.

The truth is they see even the rest of us white people as nothing more than white meat for them to feast on.

And not only that, but on top of the fact that Trump decided to virtually share a stage with these fucking people, he also is sharing posts claiming that America is "failing" and calling for a second US civil war on Truth Social.

These Fucking People want to burn down civilization, and the reason they want to burn it down, basically, boils down to racism. 

That and every last one of these motherfuckers thinks they'll be the lord in the castle after the world ends, and not the serf in the field or the catamite lashed to the back of the truck awaiting the lusts of the local warlord.

Remember Atlas Shrugged? "Who is John Galt?" Every last one of these motherfuckers thinks they gonna be John Galt after they burn down civilization. The cruelty, the selfishness, and yes, the racism are all the fucking point. That's all.

Never mind what their own allegedly holy text says about the End of the world. They don't care about that. Before all this shit is over the only use These Fucking People will have for the Cross of Jesus is to turn it into a flaming lawn ornament. And then they'd use the fire to cook the rest of us with.

Fuck all that.

You know what? I'm a tell you something. After the crashing end of my military career, it was my Black bros that I served with, for the most part, who kept in touch. Only one of my white bros did the same. 

When I got saved and baptized in 1997 and became a born-again Christian and soon thereafter a member of the End Times movement and quit drinking and beat a worsening addiction to pain meds, it was because of a Black pastor. That dude...Pastor Chip...sat and talked with me for hours at a time, and more to the point treated me with the respect that others had not.

Later on, after my divorce, it was my Muslim friends who supported me. When I worked at the Casino, it was my friends Jack (Native American) and Tim (Black) both devout Christians, who I spoke with about spiritual matters and those conversations stayed with me and influence my views on spirituality even today.

And while I'm at it, my doctor...a Sudanese Arab and a Muslim...was instrumental in helping me beat depression this last time around.

I'd likely be dead if it wasn't for non-white people in general and Black folks in particular.

So yeah, fuck these racist motherfuckers.

Слава Україна!

For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. ~Matthew 24:27

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