Saturday, May 21, 2022

No Happy Ending (The Elon Musk Post.)

 Harry got up, dressed all in black
Went down to the station, and he never came back
They found his clothing scattered somewhere down the track
And he won't be down on Wall Street in the morning

He had a home, love of a girl
But men get lost sometimes as years unfurl
One day, he crossed some line, and he was too much in this world
But I guess it doesn't matter anymore

In a New York minute, everything can change
In a New York minute, things can get pretty strange
In a New York minute, everything can change
In a New York minute

~Don Henley, New York Minute

Elon Musk seems to be having...or more precisely to have been having...some kind of a weird meltdown. The fuck is it with these guys, anyway?


"Unless it is stopped the Woke Mind Virus will destroy civilization and humanity will never reach Mars?"

Hmm, interesting.

So, what you're saying is that you think classism, homophobia, misogyny, racism, transphobia, etc. are more important to Humanity than democracy, equality and freedom, much less math and science.

Pretty sure at this point, that it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what Elon wants to go to Mars for, ever seen Total Recall?

Richter: [upbeat] Mr Cohaagen. [notices him stoically looking outside] You wanted to see me, sir?
Vilos Cohaagen: [turns around to look at him] Richter, do you know why I'm such a happy person?Richter: No, sir.
Cohaagen: Because I've got the greatest job in the solar system. As long as the terbinium keeps flowing, I can do anything I want. Anything! [rises from his desk and approaches Richter] In fact, the only thing I worry about is that, one day, if the rebels win, it all might end. [points finger in Richter's face] And you're FUCKING MAKING IT HAPPEN! First, you tried to kill Quaid and then you let him get away.
Richter: He had help from our side, sir.
Cohaagen: I know that.
Richter: But, I thought -
Cohaagen: Who told you to THINK? I don't give you enough information to THINK! You do as you're told, THAT'S WHAT YOU DO!
~From the film Total Recall

Elon Musk isn't doing all this stuff...Alternative energy, Cryptocurrency, SpaceX, Tesla etc. Elon and the people like him, they're doing it because they want to reenact from the Age of Exploration on up to the 19th century with a higher level of technology...and if anything, a lesser level of care for their fellow humans. Bonus points if they can buy themselves some nice little fiefdoms where the flight attendant has neither the bodily autonomy nor the legal authority or even the right to simply say "No."

And so much the better, Elon thinks, if there are statues of him made of rust-red stone and he gets his name in the history books. Dude wants to be not so much the Techno-Gnostic weirdo and "Lifestyle Brand For Assholes" as the Cecil Rhodes of the 21st Century, and don't you forget it. Hell, he's even from the right damn country.

Way to miss the entire fucking point of the 20th goddamned century, dude. 

If it wasn't for the overthrow of Apartheid and all that, there wouldn't likely be a South Africa today, unless it was some kind of leftover Marxist shithole. 

Why? because that's absolutely who would have won...both the internal struggles on the Black side and the civil war against the white minority government. The Soviet Union was training people from all the different Black factions...and by the late 1980's, training them in full-on Soviet-style conventional warfare. Had Nelson Mandela's way of negotiation and peace failed...or had he chosen the other way, this would not have ended well. Madiba in green Fatigues, raising Kalashnikov and tribal war-cry before battle would have been an iconic image in a future that thankfully wasn't.

And for years, the upper ranks of the South African National Defence Force were full of people who were trained the same way as the officers leading the Russian Army in Ukraine today. It would have been an ungodly, bloody mess...and it only would have ended one way. You know what prevented that? The 1980's and early 1990's version of the "Woke" people.

But Elon and dudes like him don't care about that.

They don't care if it all ends in blood and fire.

They just want to get jerked off by some poor woman who doesn't have a choice before they die. In all ways, that's what this shit is about, rich dudes on Mars getting a happy ending from the Masseuse who might've been a lawyer back on Earth, but she wanted to go to Mars and couldn't afford the trip. 

Because trust me, these fuckers absolutely will want to get plenty of us commoners and worker bees and even their lessers in their own "social class" to go along...and they'll jack the price of the trip up so high it's easier for us to pay it off in years worked as indentured servants than it is to just pay cash up front. And plenty of extremely bored white people, especially "Conservatives" who want that kind of society anyway, will take them up on matter what the cost is.

It's not just the cruelty and shit that's the point, these motherfuckers have a certain way they want to live, and they want to organize a society so they can live that way with no resistance to their power.

It's not about Christianity or Conservatism, and for These Fucking People it never was. The people who really believed in all that stuff are either dead or voting for the Democrats at this point.

It's about the Bacchanalia and self-gratification of small, mean, stunted men and the triumph of their Primitivist Techno-Shamanism over faith and reason alike. 

And a hell of a lot of these stunted little sociopaths simply don't care what they have to do or say to get there...or who they have to kill to get what they think they want. 

And they always think they will be able to get enough goons with guns to protect them and that it'll turn out different this time. But people always end up wanting to be free, and it always ends in blood and fire.

But Elon Musk doesn't care about that, so long as he gets to have an orgasm and get glory from all his hangers-on. Donald Trump and Viktor Orban don't give a shit, so long as they get to steal enough money first and glorify themselves. Tucker Carlson wants his racial ideology and to be petty satrap for the Russians, and so on.

In other words, the last thing any of these motherfuckers care about...or ever you

And I'm looking at any and all current Republican voters when I say that.

Viktor Orban doesn't give a shit about conservatism, he just uses that to get the commons to go along, to let him steal, and a hell of a lot of those people don't seem to care that he's turned Hungary into the cheap-labor Banana Republic of the EU. And of course, because it's the EU, anybody who didn't want to live like that can just leave...and a hell of a lot of them have.

Vladimir Putin sure as fuck doesn't care about conservatism. If he did, he wouldn't be trying to build a New Soviet Union or re-Sovietize Russia. If he gave a damn about anything he says he cares about he'd have bothered to learn what he was walking into and likely left Ukraine the fuck alone.

I'm damned tired of these fucking shitty people and stunted losers fucking shit up for the rest of us because they think if they burn down civilization, destroy freedom or take away other people's rights they'll get to enjoy themselves more.

But you know who I'm even more tired of? All the other people who enable this garbage for kicks, for money, or out of nihilism.

Whether Elon is legitimately mentally ill, I can't really say. But whether he is or isn't he seems to be melting down because things are going wrong and more importantly he build this image of being the smart technocrat who could do anything. Even more, it's about the fact that then he decided to do some things that were more complicated in some not-so-fun ways and less interesting (like trying to buy Twitter) than his usual bit. And it rather publicly has been shown that he doesn't have the attention span or the inclination to see it through...which also contradicts the image he built for himself and shows that it's all bullshit.

It's not a lack of setbacks that makes the measure of a person, but how one handles them.

And I'm going to be honest, I think the main problem we have here is that our society keeps creating these goddamned misfits and then handing them money and power. Not just here in America, but all around the "Western" world.

When the latest scandal in the UK is some dude spiking another dude's drink and then licking his nipples, well I'm more concerned about the drink-spiking and the lack of consent, personally.

But the increasing level of homoeroticism in conservatism and its apparent proclivity for people like Boris Johnson or Donald Trump that you wouldn't fuck if somebody put a bag over their head just kind of weirds me the fuck out.

But the truth is, it's not anything about these men that excites's the power they represent.

Which just makes it even more creepy.

Until we start trying to check that problem and stop just letting people believe these idiots are righteous and everything is really OK, it's just going to go on and on.

If you want a better country you have to be a better citizen, and this ain't what that is.

And I'm increasingly convinced it's not just a trial of conscience we face, but one of sanity as well.

If we lose freedom here, there is no place to escape to. This is the last stand on Earth. And this idea that government is beholden to the people, that it has no other source of power except to sovereign people, is still the newest and most unique idea in all the long history of man's relation to man. This is the issue of this election. Whether we believe in our capacity for self-government or whether we abandon the American revolution and confess that a little intellectual elite in a far-distant capital can plan our lives for us better than we can plan them ourselves. ~Ronald Reagan

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For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. ~Matthew 24:27

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