Thursday, May 5, 2022

Sodomy In The Emir's Palace (The Black Magic Chronicles, Two.)

It's the old American Double Standard, ya know: Say one thing, do somethin' different. And of course this country is founded on the double standard, that's our history! We were founded on a very basic double standard: This country was founded by slave owners who wanted to be free. Am I right? A group of slave owners who wanted to be free! So they killed a lot of white English people, in order to continue owning their black African people, so they could wipe out of the rest of the red Indian people, so they move west and steal the rest of the land from the brown Mexican people, giving them a place to take off and drop their nuclear weapons on the yellow Japanese people. You know what the motto of this country ought to be? "You give us a color, we'll wipe it out!" ~George Carlin

I saw this earlier today. Some White Supremacist saying "We shall have our theocracy" and saying he can't wait to see gay people thrown off of tall buildings.

Okay, bitch, I'll bite.

You can start with Madison Cawthorn.

Oh, what? That's "different?"

No, fuck you. It's not any damn different.

If you want to literally do things like what the fucking Taliban did (And mind you, the Taliban also had a lot of sodomy going on, anal rape of boys specifically) you don't get to make an exception because he's your gay dude. If sodomy in the streets is bad, wouldn't sodomy in the Emir's palace be worse?

Who the hell does this dude think he is? Mullah Omar?

I think the thing I'm most tired of with all these so-called "Conservatives" it's the hypocrisy.

It's funny how this racist asshole cuts Clarence Thomas an exception too.

All this racial or religious talk...not to mention the anti-abortion bullshit...and I imagine somebody believed this crap once, certainly the base still does. It's all bullshit; It's about nothing more than securing power and privilege for these fucking assholes and their shitty political philosophy which basically says that rich "Conservative" white people should get everything...and everybody else should just die.

These goddamned people would bow down before the Aquila, the Confederate Flag, the Hammer And Sickle, or the Swastika if it gave them a sure route to power. They don't like the Stars And Stripes because it doesn't, because they have to ask us first, and they think that's beneath them. 

They don't give a good goddamn about what they've got to do or say to secure that power. Well, there's that, and there's the fact that they hate everybody...including each much because anybody could theoretically be a rival for power as anything else. But if it gives them an Authoritarian Gospel to preach, and someone to hate, and possibly kill, or a thing to use to manipulate the masses they'll spread it.

Of course what I just said was true 50 years ago...but by now there's plenty of these assholes who believe whatever hateful bullshit they're shoveling, too.

And/or they never believed anybody deserved any rights in the first goddamned place, except maybe them. That's always how it works, they think they're different.

But what it all really comes down to is always the same shit. There's a common story about Chuck Colson in American conservative Christian circles that says before his jailhouse conversion to Christianity "He'd have run over his own grandmother if it would've got Richard Nixon elected President. 

And we're still dealing with that same amoral mentality. We're still stuck with these people whose brains are still stuck in 1972 and they still haven't accepted that a majority of people didn't like segregation and all the abuse they heaped on Black people. Please, for the love of God, let's kick these people to the goddamned curb and move this country forward. I'm tired of this shit.

Like, literally for most of my life nobody was cool with all this racist, sexist bullshit. It was there, but more underground. I got kicked in the balls for a whole hell of a lot less as a teenager.

And if I talked like that now, my Mom would beat my ass and I'm 48 years the fuck old!

But the truth is way worse than that. fact, the whole world...are stuck dealing with people who'd be happy with believing in Black Magic and fairy tales and shouting "Unga Bunga" while they dance around a fire. And they've put up leaders who are perfectly happy to have the people be like that, because it enables them to do what they want.

I'm serious, if all this kind of amoral, aspiritual, self-serving, stupid bullshit had openly been the standard when I was coming up I'd probably be dead or in prison. A lot of people need to have something to believe in...and this crap ain't it. 

The part of it I don't get is, who looks at all this fucking garbage and finds hope or a higher cause in this shit?

You gotta want to be saved, I guess.

Even the leaders anymore openly have no higher belief or cause than themselves. "Me" isn't a reason to go out and do much. There's not really any strictly-profit motive in advancing humanity or making life better or reaching for the stars. Republicans are on record saying they don't want people to have faith in America, or in government. The closest thing they get to any cause greater than the Self is the Personality Cult of Donald Trump...or Vladimir Putin.
Well, with a few exceptions...

Unless it's hate, murder, and racism.

How's that shit working out for the Russians right now? 

Seems like they're the ones getting their asses kicked.

But I don't think that really matters to those for whom the cruelty or the hatred itself is the goddamned point. And you know what the funny part is about people like Sam Alito, really?

It's only been in my own lifetime that Italians were really fully considered "White." There was a time where, outside of the military maybe, if you were an Italian dude and you wanted respect your options were to be a cop, a priest or a mafia Wise-guy. Unless you were happy with only serving your own kind or the other "Not-Quite White" folks like the Irish and only in "Ethnic" neighborhoods. I mean for fuck's sake, you'd think that old son of a bitch would remember shit like that, and that neither he nor his people were ever always on top.

At least Antonin Scalia seemed to remember where he came from, maintained friendships with those different from himself (Ruth Bader Ginsburg for example) and seemed to believe in something other than being a miserable son of a bitch for the sake of being a miserable son of a bitch.

Can't say I ever heard of the Segregationist cops at the Edmund Pettus Bridge on Bloody Sunday going around years later, being proud of what they'd done.

No, lots of people like that claimed that so-and-so or such-and-such ruined their lives, though.

But really, that's all they have left after Trump, being a miserable son of a bitch or having a heart filled with nothing but spite. The Right is full of Confederate-wannabes who can't hack "You Lost, Get Over It." It's all they have.

That or being pointless party-boys using their proximity to power for...nothing better than face-fucking each other while they think nobody's looking.

And you know who's going to be the people who end up being happy, and feeling like they have a purpose in life...and being able to tell their kids or grandkids what they've done and be proud to do it?

The people fighting against this shit, that's who.

Whether they're pro-choice protesters or Ukrainian soldiers or whatever. We're living through a time, for good or ill...that people will tell stories about.

In 50 years the old Black Man who, as a young smart-aleck kid joined the Black Lives Matter protests after George Floyd was killed, he'll have something he can tell his grandkids and great-grandkids, his chest filling with pride and his eyes looking far away as he remembers the marching, the shouting, and the fire. But he'll know...they always do...that it's not over.

The pro-choice protester will still be able to wear that little kitty-ears beanie with pride in 50 years, and tell her gardening club or the grandkids or the younger crowd at Pride what she did, and inspire the next generation...because there will still be those battles to fight.

In 50 years the Ukrainian soldier in this picture who just got married will dig his Multi-Cam jacket out of the closet on Victory Day or whatever they'll call it, and go out and watch the parade with his old bros and they'll drink and remember the ones who didn't make it. And he too, will be able to tell his grandchildren about what he did...or simply say in the way of old warriors that he did his duty for his country but he'd rather talk about something else. Few people who've ever looked upon one battlefield truly wish to see another.

And the goddamned White Supremacists? They'll still be slinking criminals who have to hide their affiliations.

The closeted gay (or bisexual) Evangelical Republicans? I imagine they'll still be closeted, shitty little haters using their proximity to power to "get away with" something they could just do naturally if they accepted who they are and acted like normal people do about such things.

Yes, being gay is perfectly normal. Being a person of color is perfectly normal. Being a woman or any other kind of damn person and wanting to have sovereignty over your own body is normal.

One fight's something to be proud of, and those who fight it fight it openly.

The other fight is shameful and those who fight it know that...or they wouldn't try and hide what they do.

It's time. Pick a fucking side and get in the fight

Like Reagan said back in the day, it's a time for choosing.

But it always has been.

It's really that simple.

Слава Україна!

We have become a Nazi monster in the eyes of the whole world, a nation of bullies and bastards who would rather kill than live peacefully. We are not just Whores for power and oil, but killer whores with hate and fear in our hearts. We are human scum, and that is how history will judge us. No redeeming social value. Just whores. Get out of our way, or we'll kill you. Who does vote for these dishonest shitheads? Who among us can be happy and proud of having all this innocent blood on our hands? Who are these swine? These flag-sucking half-wits who get fleeced and fooled by stupid little rich kids like George Bush? They are the same ones who wanted to have Muhammad Ali locked up for refusing to kill gooks. They speak for all that is cruel and stupid and vicious in the American character. They are the racists and hate mongers among us; they are the Ku Klux Klan. I piss down the throats of these Nazis. And I am too old to worry about whether they like it or not. Fuck them. ~Hunter S. Thompson

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