Friday, April 5, 2024

We See You II (Defining Democracy Down, Four.)

Another head hangs lowly
Child is slowly taken
And the violence caused such silence
Who are we mistaken?

But you see, it's not me, it's not my family
In your head, in your head they are fighting
With their tanks, and their bombs, and their bombs, and their guns
In your head, in your head they are crying
In your head, in your head
Zombie, zombie, zombie-ie-ie
What's in your head? In your head?
Zombie, zombie, zombie-ie-ie-ie, oh
~Zombie, The Cranberries

The other day, the Israeli Air Force launched an airstrike against a marked, registered and tracked convoy of World Central Kitchen aid workers.

Do not hit me up with excuses, I'm a United States Air Force veteran and I've been out in the field with tactical control parties on Force Protection duty. I at least know what they do. While any particular knowledge I have is 30 years out of date and pretty damn basic, generally speaking, precision-guided munitions go off when and where they are told to go off.

And it looks like the IDF done fucked up.

Apparently, they've had to back down and let aid get through, but I think the damage is pretty much done. Hell, I've supported Israel my whole life...and at least until they get rid of Netanyahu and the right-wing coalitions, the Israelis have fucking lost me.

But of course, Republicans love this shit.

This kind of bullshit is what happens when you convince yourself that we're not people...we're spirits trapped in a lost and dying world waiting for the Word of some capricious God or gods to "free" us or for some bullshit-ass Messiah that's supposed to show up and save us while "Perfecting" the world. And I'm sorry but whether it's Christian belief in the End Times or Platonic philosophy or whatever the Zionist equivalent thereof happens to be, it's all the same shit.

If you believe that crap, you end up prone to paranoid conspiracy theories and a desire to peer out at the world through the firing ports of a bunker while clutching rifles and religious texts. Seems like after awhile, you do that long enough and it gets hard to tell which is which.

When bullets become prayers or vice versa, it never stops at preparedness or self-defense. somehow it always seems to lead to genocide, mass murder and terror inflicted upon the undeserving. Whatever Hamas did on October 7th, whether you want to call it insurgency or terrorism or some kind of glorious revolution...yes, I think they do need to be taken out...the vast majority of Gazans are not members of Hamas.

And whether the IDF is using AI, as some claim, or whether this shit is simple bloody-minded stupidity, it needs to stop...and if they won't stop, they need to be made to stop. The US Navy is offshore, and yeah the IAF is good...but I don't think they're that good nor as good as they think they are. 

Bibi's hubris and lust for power just might destroy his own fucking country.

Meanwhile, Marjorie Taylor Greene thinks it's the End Times, because there was a little earthquake in New York City or something, and one in Taiwan a couple days ago, and there's an eclipse coming up (Which we've known was coming for literally years, because science.)

Marge would rather just shout "Unga Bunga!" and call it even, because science isn't profitable to her ideology.

Ten bucks says she thinks Donald Trump is the Conquering Christ of Revelation, too.

And we already know where she stands on the issue of Bibles, bunkers, guns and paranoia. She fucking ran for Congress on that shit.

Bitch, we see you. We see all the rest of you fuckers, too.

And if you wonder why I say it's going to take a war to make these people stop, let alone force them to release their death-grip on a plurality of the political power in this country or even stop using that to fuck shit up for the rest of us...

People are dying, and Marge be like "Forsooth..."

That's why.

The Israelis don't matter to Marge, the Palestinians don't matter to her, either. Whatever her actual vs. claimed religious beliefs, she's clearly signed onto the idea that beliefs and ideas are more important than people. Her ideas, most of all.

Fuck you, bitch. This is America, and nobody has to care about your God. 

I left Christianity way back in 2007-2008, but I seem to recall that it's really hard to get Saved when you're already dead.

And these fucking people's obsession with Death, with causing Death and revering Death (and don't tell me they don't) is part and parcel of the same shit. They think Heaven is the ultimate Homeowner's Association and they long to be able to stamp "Rejected" on somebody else's application, so they can feel special or some stupid shit. 

If you die before you meet our criteria, well "Fuck You, I've Got Mine." And then they seek to cause more death, to promote the idea of Death. Their religion is a cult of Death and Wealth, far more embodied by the Roman god Dis Pater, who was later rebranded as a Christian demon.

Heaven isn't Heaven if everybody gets to go, and then they want to try to use This life to manipulate the selection pipeline.

The thing is, Christians, Jews and Muslims all believe a lot of the same stuff. I'm rather convinced that if there is such a thing as God, He makes the call who gets in, not the American Evangelical Christians.

You can't tell these fucking people anything.

But you can see what they are, and you can care enough to learn that no, it's not gonna work out the way that they think it is.

'Cause if ya don't, they get a little closer on trying to bullshit the Universe so things go a little more their way. And then you have to care enough to do something about it.

Because if you leave these sons of bitches alone with this shit long enough, they will start explicitly making the cult of death and racial mass murder and wealth their explicit religion...and sacralizing shit like bombing people just for trying to provide food to the needy in a war zone.

And at that point it'll be less about defining Democracy down than simply killing anybody who gets in their way.

Jesus already ain't their Savior, but it can get worse.

Remember that.

We see you, Republicans.

And some of us, we're prepared.

Слава Україна!

When men stop believing in God, it isn't that they then believe in nothing: they believe in everything. ~Umberto Eco

For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. ~Matthew 24:27

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