Monday, April 29, 2024

What's Wrong With Right Wing Men? (American Revelation XVI, Ten.)

I have certain rules I live by. My first rule: I don't believe anything the government tells me. [...] I look at war a little bit differently. To me, war is a lot of prick-waving! OK? Simple thing. That's all it is. War is a whole lot of men standing out on a field waving their pricks at one another. Men are insecure about the size of their dicks, and so they have to kill one another over the idea. That's what all that asshole jock bullshit is all about. That's what all that adolescent, macho, male posturing and strutting in bars and locker rooms is all about. It's called "dick fear!" Men are terrified that their pricks are inadequate and so they have to compete with one another, to feel better about themselves, and since war is the ultimate competition, basically, men are killing each other in order to improve their self-esteem! You don't have to be a history major or a political scientist to see the bigger-dick foreign policy theory. It sounds like this: "What, they have bigger dicks? Bomb them!" And of course, the bombs and the rockets and the bullets are all shaped like dicks. It's a subconscious need to project the penis into other people's affairs. It's called "fucking with people!" ~George Carlin.


"The fight is here; I need ammunition, not a ride."

~Volodymyr Zelenskyy, allegedly 25 February 2022, Associated Press

I saw this when I got home from work.

Kyle Rittenhouse, trying to dress and act like a soldier, He isn't

He's a fucking soup sandwich.

I was a United States Air Force security police Sergeant, and I'm here to tell you people like me laugh at punks like this...or I would, if he hadn't killed people simply for exercising their Constitutional Rights and been made a right-wing icon and at least in terms of not going to prison, got away with it. What's wrong with these motherfuckers??

And for all his cheap internet fame, Kyle can't seem to get a job that doesn't involve being a right-wing political grifter.

There's apparently a lot of that kind of shit going around, and it seems like a hell of a lot of it is just dudes that don't want to have to get real jobs where they have to show up sober and wear pants to work.

Like, no joke, I worked five days including on what were supposed to be two of my days off and I still have payday bullshit I didn't get done last week because somebody quit on us and my work got fucked over. When somebody says "No one wants to work anymore!" they're talking about the White People.

And it seems like it's mostly the men.

Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with "Conservative" White men,?? And note I ask this as a white male Air Force veteran former Republican with a church background. Shit like this was not acceptable back in my day when I was one of those people.

I mean, it used to be if you showed up drunk, or in a hoodie and shorts for some interview or whatever, just spreading your legs all over the place while basically wearing a Speedo they wouldn't even put your ass on TV.

And somebody would make sure that it got out that you tried this kind of crap, and people would laugh at you and your career would be just...gone.

Nowadays the only people acting like everybody would've acted forty, twenty, even ten years ago and mocking this horseshit are the liberals, the "Left" the moderates who actually give a shit, (As opposed to the Basic Centrists who are afraid if they say something they won't get invited to cocktail parties with these clowns anymore) and the occasional surviving Never Trump Republican.

Meanwhile the assholes, assisted by the cocktail-party-repartee crowd, continue to try to crowbar this country apart by simply refusing to participate in Civilization with the rest of us. 

And they're doing it while Trump, their Avatar, makes up stories about how everybody will "Submit" to him...even though such is demonstrably horseshit. In fact, in the case of Trump/MAGA Republicans vs. Russia, the reverse seems to be true because they keep submitting to Putin

Worse, on that side of the fence everybody seems fine with this.

These idiots are going balls-out and abandoning all decency, morality and even self-respect in an effort to save a Power Structure that they know is failing, that they've actually done not one fucking thing to maintain until they saw what was actually happening and panicked...because they long ago decided that It Would Always Be Thus and they were too good to have to explain themselves, talk to people or even say Why it should be so. I mean, if it was me in this position I'd have died of addiction, depression and embarrassment a long damned time ago.

Naturally, they're destroying themselves. 

And nobody who can stop them is asking "Hey, just what the fuck are we even doing here?" And just like with the George Floyd protests four years ago, these college students are going to leave a mark and the rich assholes who are getting the cops to beat on them will just end up losing and slinking further up their own asses with their bitterness and their money.

Because the truth is it's not even about the money, but about ego and the image of a certain kind of power, which in America nobody really has...or ever has had...on the level that they want it.

And because these fucking people refuse to even talk to, let alone listen to anybody outside of their cocktail party, supper club bullshit, we end up in the same shit in another few years, over another issue.

Or maybe not, maybe that's the thing and it's not another issue, but the same one.

Seems like it's always the same kind of fucking people doing it.

Seems like it's always bigotry and Power and wealth, in some form, that are at the core of whatever the fuck it is.

Again, what in the fuck is wrong with "Conservative" White Men??

And I'm here to tell you, one of these times it's going to boil over into straight up warfare, with Americans shooting at each other.

And when that happens, these cackling, simpering clowns and the bellicose drunks, the fat slobs, the shit-talking goons, the wannabe thugs who were great at shooting people when nobody was shooting back...and the weak-ass enablers are all going to suddenly have pressing business arrangements in places like the Cayman Islands or Dubai or some shit. Kyle Rittenhouse will suddenly get himself an endorsement deal for some arms company in Abu Dhabi that nobody ever heard of before, etc. The last thing these shitheads are going to do is fight in the wars that they bumble-fucked the rest of us into. I mean, don't get me wrong, they'll talk like they're the glue that holds the world together and how if we'd all just obeyed them none of this would be happening...but it's a lie.

And when it ends up being a two or even three front war because in addition to all these brushfire conflicts here at home, the Authoritarianism, Inc. goons decide they're going to press for whatever they can get...those same motherfuckers will just gossip about the Generals fighting the wars and democratic leaders trying to keep America together and John Fetterman's hoodie and Zelensky's army sweater or some bullshit at gilded parties in Dubai instead of NYC.

When it's F-35's, Rafales and Typhoons and upgraded F-16's fighting it out with Flankers and Fulcrums in the skies over Europe and American kids are not only dying in the field in Poland and Romania and Ukraine but in the streets of Cheyenne and Dallas and Salt Lake City...these gold-plated clowns will lament the road block with a tank that protects their neighborhood, or the lack of peace and quiet at their villa in Tuscany...not the threat to their freedoms and lives represented by threats like Russia or wannabe American Fascists.

And when Israel has to become something other than Bibi's personal goon squad in order to survive, they'll...openly or mad that their latest gambit to start the End Times clock and summon their Blood God failed.

(Also, I find it funny how "America First" can't wait to be pawns in somebody else's ethnic conflict that's somewhere else, it just seems kind of odd to me, or like it's all crap or something.)

Never mind that bit about how a rich man getting into Heaven is like trying to fit a Camel through the eye of a needle. 

To these fucking people, that's just crazy talk.

Because apparently, being rich is a hell of a drug, or something. And as long as they get to have it, they don't care if the rest of us are dead or enslaved.

But we do care, and we get a vote in this too, motherfuckers.

As for the rest of you, you either believe in freedom or you don't.

We don't have time to worry about whatever the fuck is wrong with "Conservative" White Men. It's time to start punching motherfuckers in the head and shouting that shit down because it's not our job to be these fucking people's playthings or therapists.

You want a better country, be a better citizen.

And as for those who whack it to the idea of being Lords in their castles, surrounded by fields of serfs, it's time to grow the fuck up and realize the people trying to set this shit up are planning on you being in the latter category, not the former.

Their Wealth is their god.

Do you really think they're going to let you have any??

And I'm not a born-again anything anymore, but I distinctly remember being taught how that worked out, either the having it or the wanting it bad enough to wreck civilization.

It's like this, if you want to be these people's bitch, that's your right, I guess.

But this is America, and I don't have to put up with it, or you.

Remember that.

'Cause I sure will.

Слава Україна!


My black face fades,
hiding inside the black granite.
I said I wouldn't
dammit: No tears.
I'm stone. I'm flesh.
My clouded reflection eyes me
like a bird of prey, the profile of night slanted against morning.

I turn this way—the stone lets me go.
I turn that way—I'm inside
the Vietnam Veterans Memorial
again, depending on the light
to make a difference.
I go down the 58,022 names,
half-expecting to find
my own in letters like smoke.

I touch the name Andrew Johnson; I see the booby trap's white flash.
Names shimmer on a woman's blouse
but when she walks away
the names stay on the wall.
Brushstrokes flash, a red bird's
wings cutting across my stare.
The sky. A plane in the sky.
A white vet's image floats
closer to me, then his pale eyes
look through mine. I'm a window.
He's lost his right arm
inside the stone. In the black mirror
a woman’s trying to erase names:
No, she's brushing a boy's hair.
~Facing It, by Yusef Komunyakaa, US Army Veteran

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