Monday, April 22, 2024

No Sympathy For The Devil (American Revelation XVI, Seven.)

No sympathy for the devil; keep that in mind. Buy the ticket, take the ride...and if it occasionally gets a little heavier than what you had in mind, well...maybe chalk it up to forced consciousness expansion: Tune in, freak out, get beaten. ~Hunter S. Thompson, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

When men stop believing in God, it isn't that they then believe in nothing: they believe in everything. ~Umberto Eco

So, Trump's trial officially started this morning, and he's already calling for his supporters to riot because of the trial.

Aren't these fucking people the same ones who ruthlessly connect "Rioting And Looting" to Black people and others that they don't like at every available opportunity?? It's funny how that, too, is just projection. It's an endless, relentless attempt by the complexionally-challenged to pawn off their own wrongs on other people and use that as an excuse to persecute them. 

Fuck that shit, I'm tired of it.

You know what else I'm tired of??

I'm tired of all these vapid ass-kissers and fluffers and shit, who just can't stop blowing the goddamn narcissist.

People keep trying to make it sound like the whole goddamned economy somehow depends on Trump and/or Republicans or something something Gazpacho...

But the truth is, they're the ones who've created an entire goddamn industry around feeding Trump's narcissism and shoveling this shit at the public.

Meanwhile the truth is, after his ass lost the election in 2020 he went and sulked at Mar-A-Lago for like a year and a half, nobody fucking cared, and the world moved on just fine without him.

But it was the ego of all the MAGA's that appeared to be most harmed by this. These fucking people have made Trump their identity, and they can't stand it if he's not front-and-center of every goddamn thing. So of course amoral Ghouls like Rupert Murdoch latch onto that shit for profit.

And thus, Mike Johnson and the pro-Ukraine Republicans now aside, the goddamn "Conservative" movement as a whole is stuck in a doom loop with a fucking narcissist.

Think about that, for a second. Take all the time you need.

I was married to a woman who has a Personality Disorder. It's not just that I can tell you how this ends. It's that, looking at what's publicly known about the current internal workings and financial situation of the GOP as a whole and the near destruction of my state's Republican Party in's already about 90% of the way there. And there's no money.

But again, having been in a much smaller version of this mess myself, I'm sure the reality of it is worse.

I'm serious, the constant, ridiculous forays into religiosity are a huge tell that this whole mess is going to end badly, and probably soon. When she saw the writing on the wall, my Ex got the Jesus, like, really bad.

And I'm here to tell you people like Lauren Blowbert and their transparently fake religiosity are the rule, not the exception, going forward. Whether he loses his Speakership, resigns or Republicans lose the majority in November (or for that matter, before that, which is a real possibility) and he's simply relegated back to obscurity...this shit is only going to get worse.

And that's how Republicans want it.

Unless We, the People, stop putting up with this bullshit and vote these fuckers out.

And then they'll try a right-wing Insurgency, that too will end badly, they don't care.

It'd be funny if they weren't threatening to start shooting at the other two thirds of America and trying to burn down the whole damn country.

The thing is, sooner or later these fucking people probably are going to break off a chunk of America for their own shitty little Banana Republic. It won't be the kind of place anybody wants to live.

Like, these fuckers think charity is a bad thing.

In fact, that shit will basically be Turkmenistan, but for White Evangelical Christian People, and there probably will be even more corruption and a lot less freedom, in whatever part of the USA they get. And they'll probably only get it if we let them have it.

And when it sucks, that'll somehow be our fault.

These idiots see stuff like what Elon has done to Twitter, what Putin has done to Russia and what Trump has done to the GOP and they whack off to the idea of making the whole damn world like that.

"Everything is bad, vote for us" or some such bullshit, as if everything sucking justifies how shitty they are.

I mean, it's so bad that even Republicans are sick of Republicans.

But here's the thing, America isn't based on some imaginary Pyramid Of Suckage that exists only in the Republican mind, it's based on citizenship. Of course, that's why these motherfuckers hate America. We're not shitty enough, or something.

I thought the point here was to make things better, not worse.

Of course, what Republicans are really thinking is "Better for whom?" And if the answer isn't "Them" they don't want to partake of it, like at all.

I'm not 100% sure what the answer is here, America, but what I can say is if we go with "Be The People That Republicans Don't Like" we'll probably end up better off.

Don't take my word for it, even Rupert Murdoch, of all fucking people, basically is saying just that. Think the NY Post prints any damn thing without his say-so?? Even the paymasters and the string-pullers are sick of these people's bullshit.

I'm serious, and as bad as things are, Republicans want them to be worse.

You want things to be better?? Don't be these motherfuckers.

Слава Україна!

Osman Ali Atto: I see not catching Aidid is becoming routine.
General William Garrison: We're not leaving Somalia until we find him. And we will find him.
Atto(scoffingYou've been here, what, six weeks? Six weeks, you tried to catch the General. You put up reward posters. $25,000. What's this, gunfight at K.O. Corral?
Garrison: It's O.K. Corral.
Atto: Don't make the mistake of thinking because I grew up without running water I am simple, General. I do know something about history. See all this? It's simply shaping tomorrow. A tomorrow without a lot of Arkansas white-boys' ideas in it.
Garrison: Well, I wouldn't know about that. I'm from Texas.
Atto: Mr. Garrison, I think you should not have come here. This is civil war. This is our war, not yours.
Garrison: Three hundred thousand dead and counting. That's not a war, Mr. Atto. That's genocide. ~From The Film Black Hawk Down.

They're pickin' up the prisonersAnd puttin 'em in a penAnd all she wants to do is dance, danceRebels been rebelsSince I don't know whenAnd all she wants to do is dance
Molotov cocktail, the local drinkAnd all she wants to do is dance, danceThey mix 'em up rightIn the kitchen sinkAnd all she wants to do is dance
Crazy people walkin' round with blood in their eyesAnd all she wants to do is dance, dance, danceWild-eyed pistol wavers who ain't afraid to dieAnd all she wants to do isAnd all she wants to do is danceAnd make romanceShe can't feel the heatComin' off the streetShe wants to partyShe wants to get downAll she wants to do isAll she wants to do is dance.
~Don Henley, All She Wants To Do Is Dance

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