Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Reagan Wept (American Revelation XV, Fourteen.)

We welcome change and openness; for we believe that freedom and security go together, that the advance of human liberty can only strengthen the cause of world peace. There is one sign the Soviets can make that would be unmistakable, that would advance dramatically the cause of freedom and peace. General Secretary Gorbachev, if you seek peace, if you seek prosperity for the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, if you seek liberalization, come here to this gate. Mr. Gorbachev, open this gate. Mr. Gorbachev...Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall! 

~Ronald Reagan


I'm just trying to be a father
Raise a daughter and a son
Be a lover to their mother
Everything to everyone
Up and at 'em bright and early
I'm all business in my suit
Yeah, I'm dressed up for success
From my head down to my boots

I don't do it for the money
There's bills that I can't pay
I don't do it for the glory
I just do it anyway
Providing for our future's my responsibility
Yeah, I'm real good under pressure
Being all that I can be
And I can't call in sick on Mondays
When the weekends been too strong
I just work straight through the holidays
And sometimes all night long
You can bet that I stand ready
When the wolf growls at the door
Hey, I'm solid, hey I'm steady
Hey I'm true down to the core.

And I will always do my duty
No matter what the price
I've counted up the cost
I know the sacrifice
Oh, and I don't want to die for you
But if dyin's asked of me
I'll bear that cross with honor
'Cause freedom don't come free

~Toby Keith, American Soldier.

I saw this earlier, Tucker Carlson supposedly interviewed Vladimir Putin (although I've not seen any interview posted yet.)

Republicans are showing that they can't wait to gargle the balls of pretty much any old Authoritarian that comes along, and do it while undermining America and even their own alleged political ideals. 

Why?? Because, Pro-tip; Gargling the balls of petty Third World tin-pot dictators like Putin is their actual political ideology. The Constitution and the founding purpose of America says they can't have a King to fawn over and suck up to and worship as an authoritarian "Daddy" type figure or whatever the fuck here. And no, Trump hasn't and isn't living up to his billing in that way, but they're stuck with him and giving him a constant narcissistic hand-job, but they're all starting to get carpal-tunnel now. So they'll find one somewhere the fuck else.

And they'll cheerfully undermine America while they do it.

Because apparently these fucking people think Comrade Chekist Vladimir Putin (of all fucking people) is that guy. I wonder what Toby Keith (RIP) would say about that?

It doesn't matter if he's actually effective, Vlad gives them their little bigotry and Power-worship hard-ons, owns chunks of the global political class (although seriously I'm not sure Republicans like always being behind the German far-left in the Conga line, or bottoming for them in the Berlusconi-esque Bunga-Bunga orgies) and he's willing to help them undermine that they can eventually break off their own shitty little Banana Republic from it. 

All so they have a safe place to play their political fuck-fuck games, have their relative status (without even a capitalistic real-media to tell on them) and bask in the adulation of their mob and the fake-righteousness of whatever State Church it forces on its people.

Anything but America, yo.

Anything but "All people being Created equal and endowed by their Creator with inalienable rights" yo.

Literally...Anything but exactly what the Constitution and Declaration of Independence that they claim to revere so much, or even their own alleged-God, demands of them.

And yes, it'll be that way, these people don't want the rest of us.

Anything but "Love Thy Neighbor."

And so long as they get control and a piece of whatever North American subsidiary GAZPROM establishes, and stock in Sukhoi North America and tickets to the ballet...Republicans don't care how shitty life is for everybody else in the hell their American Worker's Paradise or whatever the fuck they'll call it is. As long as the cigarettes, gasoline and liquor are cheap, MAGA won't care either.

Reagan Wept.

But there'll be a Technical Truck and a "Police Officer" with a big machine gun on about every street corner, too. You can bet on that. (The above picture was taken outside of a school in Iraq back in the aughts. This is where they wanted to go here with the "Homeland Security" bullshit, but couldn't at the time. The cop-blowjob people would be all for it now.)

I cannot stress it enough that yes, this is the kind of world these shitheads want to live in. 

They want us to live in it too...but they know too many of us won't go along, but they've handily already got enough people who will literally go along with whatever, to use to make their own nation, and they will never forget it

Or forgive the rest of us for not going along with their autoerotic autocratic dreams.

(And by now they've degraded their Base enough to get away with about anything, if that was their Country instead.)

Or be able to face that we're not and never were the weirdly "Anti-White" dystopia Newsmax and RSBN and 3 AM FOX News segments and a host of other far-right "media" whatever's all say we are.

(I mean, fuck, Joe Biden literally is an old Catholic White Man. And that's who Democrats knew they could get elected, what more proof of the "Power Structure" do you want? More to the point Black people voted for Joe in droves.--Yes, according to MAGA that is the problem. I'm aware.)

Anything these fucking people do...Civil War, right-wing insurgency, trying to found their own nation, etc...will probably fail, and fail bloodily, simply because the common denominator in most Republican problems is, well, Republicans. And Republicans don't want to engage with reality as it is.

I mean, these fucking people cannot even accept that the literally Pre-Christian Ancient World was pretty damned bisexual and didn't give a shit about their own stilted, weird sexual moralizing even though this is a widely known fact. I've at least been somewhat aware that bisexuality was common in the ancient world since I was a kid. Although in 1980's Catholic School when I was in the 5th Grade this wasn't information provided in any way these idiots would consider "Woke." 

I will say it was presented as both a distasteful thing and proof of how "Lost" people were without Christ, and not covered in any more depth than about that, and there may have been fire and brimstone preaching about "Homosexuality" involved. 

But ya know, we also had Latin class and sooner or later, kids (especially at that age) being kids, somebody was gonna ask an inconvenient question about Marcus Aurelius, or something.

But even that, you know, the natural processes and questions of too much for these motherfuckers.

They'd rather make everybody else afraid of them so that we'll just Obey. Here's a hint, guys; You'd have to be the least bit intimidating first. 

I'm a veteran, fat guys with semi-automatic rifles don't scare me. I don't even need a gun if they'd have a heart attack walking up the stairs. I don't need to pull out a sidearm if they'll shoot themselves in the foot (or shoot the guy in front of them) or have a heart attack if I jump out behind them and yell "Boo!"

People who have been taught, in fact literally hypnotized into (because what do you think Fox News is?) living in fear are not going to be able to turn on a dime and suddenly be brave when it suits their political masters. 

It doesn't work that way.

And if y'all are afraid of Gay People...shit, wait until you've met some of the people I've literally lived and worked with every day, not to mention a couple of the people I served with in the Air Force.

Which is exactly why I can tell you "Conservatives" think about Gay Stuff more than actual Gay People do. And then they sit there and obsess over how to enforce their Authoritarian horseshit on people who exist only in their own heads.

And I'm here to tell you, if you think Communists or foreigners or gay people are scary, wait until you see that mob of drunken Russian soldiers coming with that Hammer And Sickle flying from the BTR's radio antenna, you know the rape of men is pretty prevalent in Russia, right? Prison-culture stuff there ain't just in Prison.

But the key point for Republicans isn't the actual gayness, it's Power. They're fine with any given sex act, so long as it's for their pleasure. It's that in our current culture and legal systems, anybody can be whatever they want not just those who are their playthings or people who live in certain places (and no one has to submit to patriarchal fake moralism) that and you have to consent to sex...that's the part they object to. Like the Taliban, the reality of these people is something very different from their public image.

But literally the most sacred ideal of these fucking people who believe so much in the End Times and the Rapture is that somebody must be Left Behind to suffer the torments of Hell while they go on to Glory...and it has to be this way in both this life and the next. They can't wait for God to make the decision...they're not sure He'll make the "Right" one.

These fucking people would worship the Devil if he promised them a share of souls.

When these people are saying a literally standard-issue Democrat like Joe Biden who was in politics...indeed, in the Senate...before I was born is too far "Left" that's a tell that somebody's gone off a cliff, and it ain't Joe. What they're really trying to say is America is too "Liberal."

And that's why they hate us.

There's actual reasons the traditionally-conservative, Christian Ukrainians are fighting so hard against those fucking people, and for why those people chose Democracy over Autocracy...and if you want to see why, look no further than how the people of the Autocracy International actually conduct themselves.

Seems kinda weird that Republicans, of all people, suddenly see the Hammer and Sickle as the Light Of The World, don't it??

Ukrainians been down that road before. Maybe we should listen to them?

So, in our own way, have Black folks, and LGBT people, and women, etc.

And Republicans hate America because we're doing the same thing, we're not just rolling over. Whatever "Conservatives" and the media may say, we're not falling in line...if we were, they wouldn't be working so hard to bullshit us. 

Because when push comes to shove, they're desperately afraid that most of us will fight for our freedom, too.

Be the people that Republicans are afraid you are, America.

Слава Україна!


"The fight is here; I need ammunition, not a ride." ~Volodymyr Zelenskyy, allegedly 25 February 2022, Associated Press

Iron Curtain Call

Back In The USSR

Hammer Time

Red Winter

The Blind Men And The Elephant

If we lose freedom here, there is no place to escape to. This is the last stand on Earth. And this idea that government is beholden to the people, that it has no other source of power except to sovereign people, is still the newest and most unique idea in all the long history of man's relation to man. This is the issue of this election. Whether we believe in our capacity for self-government or whether we abandon the American revolution and confess that a little intellectual elite in a far-distant capital can plan our lives for us better than we can plan them ourselves. ~Ronald Reagan


  1. Had a buddy of the jarhead persuasion who used to say "It aint gay if you're the one doing the fucking."

    This line "But the key point for Republicans isn't the actual gayness, it's Power. They're fine with any given sex act, so long as it's for their pleasure." reminded me of that.

    1. My answer to that would be "Yes, it is."

      But that's why I'm not a conservative anymore.

      I was taught ethics and morality are not situational.

      Or to put it more bluntly, you either believe in your God and what they say about XYZ, or you don't.
