Sunday, February 18, 2024

Murder-Publicans (Notes On The Oblivion Cult, Four.)

"If This Flag Offends You, MOVE! I'll help you pack." ~Common conservative bumper-sticker sentiment.

We welcome change and openness; for we believe that freedom and security go together, that the advance of human liberty can only strengthen the cause of world peace. There is one sign the Soviets can make that would be unmistakable, that would advance dramatically the cause of freedom and peace. General Secretary Gorbachev, if you seek peace, if you seek prosperity for the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, if you seek liberalization, come here to this gate. Mr. Gorbachev, open this gate. Mr. Gorbachev...Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall! ~Ronald Reagan


Nameless One: “Shadow of this life?”

Dhall, Dustman scribe: “Yes, a shadow. You see, Restless One, this life is not real. Your life, my life, they are shadows, flickerings of what life once was. This life is where we end up after we die, and here we remain. Trapped, caged, until we can achieve the True Death.”

Nameless One: “True Death?”

Dhall, Dustman scribe: “True death is non-existence. A state devoid of reason, of passion, of sensation.” [Dhall coughs] “A state of purity.”

Nameless One: Sounds like oblivion, why would anyone would want that?

~from Planescape Torment

I saw this a couple days ago, checking Threads while I was waiting for my car windows to defrost so I could go home from work. Tucker Carlson was singing the praises of the new Russian McDonald's knock-off. I guess the authoritarianism and murder must make the burgers taste better to "Conservatives" or something??

Just to be clear, not one damned bit of this is about having an actual conservative belief, as any such things were ever traditionally understood in the context of the American Experiment.

I mean, seriously, why the hell do you think in 2015 or so, these idiots developed such an interest in European politics, and after 2017, that they started gravitating towards Russia...a trend that only accelerated after 2020.

America, for all of its faults, doesn't have a history of Monarchy, of Repression, or of Theocracy. That's Why.

Or at least, not Repression of White People...which is what people like Fucker Carlson really want. Now, tell me, my fellow White Americans...when people like Tucker Carlson have "Gotten rid of" the Blacks and the Gays and the Latinos and all those Other People...who do you really think is gonna be the goddamned Slaves??

Who's going to be the subjects of their debasements and their debaucheries, of their manifold transgressions and their mighty sins, committed at the behest of their Russian masters??

You Are.

And it's Tucker's specific job, in the context of this whole global Authoritarian scheme, to convince you that America sucks, that freedom already doesn't exist, that the only thing that matters is to be one of the Few and get to wield Power.

As if anybody already in that club, as far as the Russian oligarchy and the closed ranks of the American "Conservative" elite is concerned, has the slightest interest in accepting new members or going with the "flow" of civilization and society...or even, really, in making sure that more people have wealth and/or new people are brought onboard so Capitalism can keep functioning for everybody and enriching them further.

No, their whole damn ideal is they want a closed system that only benefits them.
More money doesn't matter...if they're not the only ones who have it.

I mean, you don't think these fucking idiots spread conspiracy theories about and hate towards Bill Gates and George Soros, AB InBev and Disney, or the government and various defense contractors and major manufacturers or retail corporations or tech companies really just spring up on their own, do you?? 

Show me where there's a right-wing conspiracy theory about Oil companies, I'll wait.
Funny how that works, isn't it??

All any of this crap is about is promoting the idea that only one kind of person (Right-wing Wealthy White Men) should be allowed to have anything, and that anybody else having anything at all should be in proportion to how much they support that kind of power structure.

And apparently, nobody's ever told Ted Cruz that he has the wrong kind of last name to get to play in that kind of a game. Let these fucking people have what they want, and their closed society of deals and secrets and secret deals and "Politics as Entertainment" mixed with contempt and repression and the wrath of the Mob for the proles will become even more closed to...and more repressive for...anyone not them, not less. 

They don't want single-item "Clean" bills because they want government to be easier to understand or more transparent. 

They want them because they know getting ten modern Republicans to agree on anything (other than that government should not function) is impossible, and they would rather spend their days playing political games instead of working.

They want "Smaller Government" because they know what they are.

Do you really trust people like Ted Cruz or the Fox News crowd with your Mom's Social Security, or your Veteran's benefits??

I sure don't, these people are all scumbag thieves.

And just like how Putin basically used his own prison system to murder Alexei Navalny the other day, these motherfuckers will gladly murder anybody who speaks out against what they want to do or the world they're trying to create...and they're trying to create it so they can steal.

Four years ago I wrote about some CHUD gleefully threatening to murder a Democratic state representative's baby with a baseball bat, because to that person...a joyless lust for Power was more important than Life itself! (Especially somebody else's life.)

It's not just a closed system these assholes's a totalitarian cult.

And it's a Cult Of The Self, also.

Which is why These Fucking People figure they can treat murder as a joke.

Other people don't really exist to them...writ large, the same goes for any nation that doesn't believe in their bullshit...and you wonder why these fuckers hate America??

It doesn't matter if the person calling bullshit on the cult, on balance, is the same kind of far-right asshole as its members. The fact that they have some level of belief in democracy or LGBT rights or anything of the sort makes them a threat...even if that belief is pure self-interest (because democracy is the only way they would ever get Power) or simply not caring about this or that particular issue.

This whole right-wing Power Cult belief is a massive political and theological game of Jenga.

You remove even one piece, and the whole top-heavy contraption could come tumbling down. If you wonder why even secular conservatism has morphed into a weird religious eschatology...that's why.

And they know it's not sustainable, they just don't care.

And after awhile, that it doesn't work gets dumped on anybody expressing even the slightest disagreement, because as long as they have enemies or scapegoats, they at least have distractions from having to face their own bullshit.

But eventually, reality will catch up. That's how the Soviet Union fell the first time around.

So the Russians today want to spread that kind of make sure the global political class has a vested interest of a sort in holding them up, but at the same time Russia is still a fourth-rate 17th Century shithole and has yet to climb to the heights of power that it thinks it deserves.

They're ambitious little fuckers ain't they?? 

But they're not as good as they think they are.

And they know it, which is why they have to convince America and Europe that we suck, too.

The sad part is, Conservatives are ready and willing to agree with this shit...because they think America, Europe and much of the rest of the world is too "Liberal" whatever that even means.

And the sad part is...the vast majority of These Fucking People would simply never survive in the kind of world they're trying to create.

The truth is, the people behind all this crap believe in Nothing, except their own Cynicism and Will To Power.

In an actual repressive regime, one simply doesn't go around wearing a shirt that says "I tried to overthrow the government!" In such a place, wearing a shirt that says something like "I was there on January 6th" is a stupid idea. 

You might as well be wearing some kind of a getup with a post strapped to your back holding up a large neon sign that says "Bust My Chops."

At the end of the day, these kinds of systems can't have actual doesn't really matter what kind. Look at how belief in Islam has collapsed in Iran. Nobody cares, least of all the government.

They already got what they wanted out of it 45 years ago.

Because if you tried to overthrow the government...or as these idiots see it, Power...for one belief, or for one guy, you might do it for another one, too. It doesn't even matter if you're doing so as a rabid fan of your own side's authoritarian leader. or your own Fundamentalist religiosity. In Russia, legitimately pro-Putin, pro-Ukraine-War demonstrators get arrested too.

Because if you sincerely believe in anything, that makes you a threat because you might act on those beliefs, and if enough people do that, it's a problem. 

If your support is purely transactional...that makes you a threat, too! What if Putin (for example) for whatever reason, stops doing whatever you "like" him for??

If Power is the only thing that matters, why even have Beliefs, at all??

But you can't have a civilization if everybody is an Atavistic, Solipsistic Fascist. It simply doesn't work that way.

The people doing this know that...they just figure they'll already be dead by the time the world goes full Bioshock.

So they don't care.

And at the end of the day, Truth is the only thing that gives anybody a floor to stand on to push back against Power.

If you want a better country, you have to be a better citizen...of your own country...and this ain't it.

Слава Україна!

The martyrs of history were not fools, and our honored dead who gave their lives to stop the advance of the Nazis didn't die in vain. Where, then, is the road to peace? Well, it's a simple answer after all. You and I have the courage to say to our enemies, "There is a price we will not pay." There is a point beyond which they must not advance. This is the meaning in the phrase of Barry Goldwater's "peace through strength." Winston Churchill said that "the destiny of man is not measured by material computation. When great forces are on the move in the world, we learn we are spirits — not animals." And he said, "There is something going on in time and space, and beyond time and space, which, whether we like it or not, spells duty. ~Ronald Reagan

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