Every one of the thousands at the airport, about to leave for Jeddah, was dressed this way. You could be a king or a peasant and no one would know. Some powerful personages, who were discreetly pointed out to me, had on the same thing I had on. Once thus dressed, we all had begun calling out "Labbayka! (Allahumma) Labbayka!" (Here I come, O Lord!) Packed in the plane were white, black, brown, red, and yellow people, blue eyes and blond hair, and my kinky red hair -- all together, brothers! All honoring the same God, all in turn giving equal honor to each other.
And on the back of it, stickers, lots of them.
Bunch of stick-figure stickers showing a stick figure humping words. "[Fuck] It" and "[Fuck] U" among other things but those were the ones I remember, two different skeletal middle-finger stickers but I couldn't make out the writing on them, a faded (but tellingly, not replaced) Trump 2020 sticker on the bumper, and a giant Ruger sticker in the middle of the back window.
The urge arises, yet again, to say that this crap is a strangely atavistic, sexually-obsessed death-cult (which, in a sense, it is.)
But I think it's worse than that, now, if it wasn't before.
Evidently Kari Lake is reacting badly to the fact that the NFL has continued to set it up so that "Lift Every Voice And Sing" is played after the National Anthem.
She's telling on herself...and she's telling on all the rest of these motherfuckers, too.
It remains true, that these people love the idea of (other people's) deaths. It remains true that the most important thing to them is to give the world the finger, and it's strangely important to them that they be seen doing so...And that they get to flout conventional morality (and even, or perhaps especially patriotism and their own professed "values") in the process. Nobody else can, but they get to. In fact, they get to whack off to the idea of an explicitly genocidal dictator and his army.
More than that, Putin teases to them where the next invasion will be. Motherfucker can't even defeat Ukraine, but Putin wants his Red Army 2.0 to take on Poland...and I don't think it'll be a next...I think he's just winding up to go for it anyway (and yes, this also means Belarus goes, too. Probably without the Belarusian government fighting back.)
None of this will work out the way He thinks it will, and technically that makes things worse, not better. But of course, everybody still has to fight back, simply because that's the nature of these things. In fact, the Poles will kick their ass.
And something in the "Conservative" psyche will demand the End Of The World as a result.
Because if they can't be at or at least near the top of some kind of ethnic and racial hierarchy and hegemony (*And In So Doing, Strip Everybody Else Of Status.*) they don't want to exist. (It's also telling that to get this they're willing to play second-fiddle to the goddamned Russians.)
This is "Filling the town swimming pool with cement because the Federal Government said they couldn't keep the Black people out" on a wannabe-national (if not wannabe-global) level. That's what "Purity Culture" fucking is.
Like these motherfuckers think they're Hindu Brahmins or some shit.
Those fucking people burned widows until the British fucking made it illegal at gunpoint and then the Indian government continued to do so.
Emulating that kind of crap seems pretty backwards for alleged-Christians, doesn't it??
I think we can just go ahead and call These Fucking People the Oblivion Cult, now.
They've basically decided that if they don't get to be the only people who are "in charge" or recognized, and get to be that forever with nobody allowed to even comment on it...that the World should not exist.
I'm not sure if Race is the linchpin issue or just the goddamned excuse. I'm not sure there's any real difference at the end of the day, and this stupid bullshit shouldn't be tolerated either way.
This is the "logical" conclusion of the mentality I've written about in the cumulative American Revelation series.What we're basically looking at here, is at least 60-70 Million Americans, and probably 220 Million Russians just going right ahead and embracing the essence of Malignant Narcissism.
These Fucking People think they're all Jesus.
Yeah, leave that unchecked and that's how you end up with some kind of global, total, thermonuclear war...not over some great conflict or geopolitical thing or ideological issue, but simply because one group felt vaguely slighted by the other, was stewing about being "rejected" and spiraled out and snapped...and the other one had to fight back.
Because none of these fucking people think the world should exist without them as the Main Character in it.
Except things are already falling apart. Their center is already not holding, and if they weren't desperately afraid they were going to lose they wouldn't be trying this hard to bullshit us.
And they're going to lash out well before they have the Power that they think they do, simply because they think they already have it, or they think that if they don't, it will be Given unto them by their small, shitty, selfish "God."This shit is, among other things, the mentality of Domestic Abusers and Religious Fanatics as political ideology.
The thing is, it's going to fail.
But as long as they get to take a bunch of the rest of us to hell right along with them, these fucking people don't care and they'll call it a win. So long as they die with middle finger upraised.
That's what we're up against, here.
One of these things is simply Not Like The Other One.You either believe in civilization and freedom or you don't.
And you're either willing to take a stand against the fall of night, or you aren't.
So get after it.
Because what he have might not be "Exciting" but goddamn, it's sure better than what These Fucking People think they want to go back to, and it sure beats the hell out of an America stripped of anything that made it "Exceptional" and simply converted into yet another tribal polity...and for no better reason than that's what these idiots think they understand...but they've never lived in such a place.
And if they do get it, when it doesn't work out, they'll default back to Seeking Oblivion, if only because that's what they think their God tells them to do.
And they call this Purity and "Righteousness."
We have to find a way to stop this shit, or at least to take Power away from the people who won't stop believing in it...because if we don't, they'll destroy everything, and for no better reason than they think it's funny or they want to screw over Black people again, or some shit.They don't care what happens to themselves past that aspect of it, much less the rest of us.
You either believe in freedom or you believe in privilege, pick a side.
It's that simple, and that complicated.
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"The fight is here; I need ammunition, not a ride." ~Volodymyr Zelenskyy, allegedly 25 February 2022, Associated Press
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