Saturday, June 3, 2023

The Lord's Chicken (Pride Month, Three.)

Eli Sunday: Daniel, I'm asking if you'd like to have business with the Church of the Third Revelation in developing this lease on young Bandy's thousand acre tract. I'm offering you to drill on one of the great undeveloped fields of Little Boston!  

Daniel Plainview: I'd be happy to work with you.
Eli Sunday: You would? Yes, yes, of course. That’s wonderful.
Daniel Plainview: But there is one condition for this work.
Eli Sunday: All right.
Daniel Plainview: I'd like you to tell me that you are a false prophet. I'd like you to tell me that you are, and have been, a false prophet, and that God is a superstition.

~From the film There Will Be Blood.

I saw this yesterday.

Fucking seriously?

"The Lord's Chicken?"

Have these fucking people lost their minds?

I've been seeing ridiculous shit like this all week.

They're mad about Chick-Fil-A observing Pride Month. Like, the company and the family that owns it giving money to all type of anti-LGBT shit for years wasn't enough for you fuckers?? 

Of course it wasn't, nothing ever is.

I swear, when it comes to these fucking people, literally everything must be served up with a whopping big side dish of hate, or someone must be excluded. It doesn't matter who. Heaven isn't heaven if everybody gets to go. America isn't America if everybody gets a slice. Everything is pie with these motherfuckers, and they have to get the biggest slice and be seen doing it, or Republican Jesus gets soggy and hard to light, or something.

And eventually, after awhile they need more and more hate to trip the same dopamine effect in their shitty little lizard brains. 

That means in a country like America, somebody in Corporate, HR or Legal has to tell them "No" lest the company run afoul of civil or criminal law, get buried in lawsuits for violations of existing laws, or somebody in management (or, god forbid, the owners) might go to jail.

It has to stop somewhere, in order for civilization to continue functioning.

And when Capitalism or Christianity needs the inclusion of LGBT people in order to keep turning a profit, they'll turn against That, too.

I saw some idiot last night, flipping out over Texas Christian University observing Pride Month.

This Riley Rae person is that idiot, and she was also making a very, very major point of disrespecting both the military and veterans, enough of one that I jumped in and told her to fuck off.

Seriously, yo, this Christian Nationalist shit is a minority opinion even within American Christianity, much less on a global scale.

Oh, and I checked. Riley self-ID's as a Reformed Baptist, which is interesting for two reasons...there's a fair number of people like her but; 

#1 Baptist doctrine and Calvinism, which is what Reformed theology is, don't actually mesh all that well (And I say this as a former Baptist that was enough of one to have occasionally had actual responsibilities in a Baptist church.) 

#2 Pretty much all of the most fucked up things from American history tend to be traceable back to, guess what? 


Like Malcolm X said, Black people didn't land on Plymouth Rock, Plymouth Rock landed on them.

And the Antebellum South/Confederate slaveholder class was loaded with Calvinist "Believers." Anybody who preached "Manifest Destiny" after that? Same thing.

It was also the lodestar belief system of Apartheid South Africa.

Calvinism is the basic belief that certain people AKA "The Elect" were chosen to go to Heaven, and others were not. It's actually a lot more complicated than that (And I have met some intelligent, thoughtful Calvinists over the years) but most people stop with the apparent religious "Fuck you, I've got mine" and never move past it.

Here's a basic summary from another post:

Total Depravity of Man: Humans are basically Evil, and can do nothing about it, because God, that's why. Unless...
Unconditional Election: ...You're actually Not Evil, again, because God. That's why. Technically, through...
Limited Atonement: ...Jesus dying a bloody and horrible death so your wretched, sinful ass could go to Heaven, because of His...
Irresistible Grace: Yep, and even if you're cursed to grow up among these people with enough empathy to worry about what might happen to all those inconvenient other people, there's not a damned thing you can do about it. This is also the basis for that uniquely American idea of "Once Saved, Always Saved." Which again, basically says you can do whatever you want, because Jesus and the..
Perseverance of the Saints: Because God is Sovereign and cannot be frustrated by Human actions and (according to this mentality anyway) only follows His own rules (as set forth in the Bible) or expects Humans to follow them when it's convenient.

I suppose you can easily see why this shit would be popular with assholes.

You can't reason with this shit, you can only stop tolerating it and eventually, if it comes to that (and it will because they want it to) you'll have to beat it out of these fucking people.

And their literal objective is to make things be so bad that their blood-soaked Murder Jesus has to come back and "Save" them while zapping all the rest of us sinners into Charcoal Briquettes.

None of this actually works like that but they think it does. It's my (as a person educated in these matters) personal opinion that a lot of these fucking people are gonna be real surprised at how warm it is in the Afterlife.

But you can't tell them that. It's like with conspiracy theories, they'll always think the "real" "Truth" is in their own confirmation biases and what you're showing or telling them isn't real. It's why so many Evangelicals and Fundamentalists wash out of real theological training. 

It tends to take a lot of personal pain (or the other "Believers" coming up behind with the backstab) to snap somebody out of this garbage.

And it ends up that everything is bad faith and a lie with these "Christians" and shit anyway, which is why they do each other dirty so often, too. That's why I and most of my friends aren't Christians anymore. Fundamentally, if you're not a dishonest shitbag it seems like these so-called "Christians" just don't want you.

A lot of these shitheads just don't believe in civilization, or anything else that prevents them from getting their fix of hate and religiosity.

So do yourself a favor.

Enjoy Pride Month anyway, maybe tell a hater or two to go fuck themselves.

They're going to be miserable anyway, if it wasn't this they'd find something else to bitch about.

And if you're not a miserable son of a bitch like they are, then that diminishes their power.

If they weren't losing, they wouldn't be freaking out this bad.

The premise of America is "We hold these truths to be self-evident that all people are created equal and endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights..."

The core of the teachings of Jesus Christ was "Love thy neighbor, and love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, all thy soul and all thy mind."

The Truth is simple, Man makes it complicated because he does not want to obey it.

How can one be a Christian if they will not follow Christ's commands?

I mean, if you just don't want to, what's the point??

At this point there's easier ways to fool the feeble-minded, like all you have to do is put a red hat on yo head and talk up a bunch of dumb shit!

Jesus never said "Don't be gay." 

He never said "Don't have an abortion" either. 

Jesus also never said "Vote Republican."

And He sure as all hell never said that the Russians were some kind of holy people.

"God" in a general sense isn't a superstition...but these people's idea of God sure is!

It's amazing the lengths These Fucking People will go to, to not "Love Thy Neighbor" and to avoid "We hold these truths to be self-evident..." isn't it?

It's amazing, the transparently obvious bullshit they'll just make up.

Like, I don't give a damn, if you think that the Lord cares about a chicken sandwich that much, you have another thing coming.

This shit is ridiculous.

Don't be these fucking people.

Don't tolerate them, either.

It costs $0 to not be a cunt.



You get freedom by letting your enemy know that you'll do anything to get your freedom; then you'll get it. It's the only way you'll get it. ~Malcolm X. 

Слава Україна!

For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. ~Matthew 24:27


  1. Said this on Twitter, soon Chik FIL A will dump all that God crap because the founder will not be in charge. Either atep down due to age or die. Younger set who are less religious take over or it ends up under ownership of one of those asset capital management firms who only see $$$$$ not crosses.

  2. Remember when the boy scouts dumped that crap? Because you cannot be an exclusive conservative evangelical/Mormon camping cult and still be a national organization at the same time.
