Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Where Does It Stop?! (American Revelation XII, Seven.)

Standing in line, marking time
Waiting for the welfare dime
'Cause they can't buy a job
The man in the silk suit hurries by
As he catches the poor old ladies' eyes
Just for fun he says, "get a job"

That's just the way it is
Some things will never change
That's just the way it is
Ah, but don't you believe them
Said, hey little boy you can't go where the others go
'Cause you don't look like they do
Said, hey old man how can you stand
To think that way
Did you really think about it
Before you made the rules?
~Bruce Hornsby and the Range, The Way It Is.

I saw this when I got up this morning.

Scott Walker saying to Bernie Sanders "We should pay for performance instead of time on a clock."

As if that, in and of itself, doesn't bring to mind every pre-New Deal labor rights horror story that I ever learned about in a high school or college American History class or from an old-school country music song about the dishonest Checkweighman or owing one's soul to the company store?

Fuck you, bro. What have you ever done?

What have Republicans done in recent history for anybody that doesn't make billion$, I'll wait...

And not only that, but what are you fuckers running on at all other than taking every single positive aspect of America as it is away and giving it to rich people in exchange for nothing more than giving angry white redneck assclowns the "right" to say racial slurs again and everybody else gets nothing but jackboots...if we're lucky??

"Give all the money and rights to the rich, give everything else to the Church and give absolutely jack shit to We The People unless we're slaves to one or the other" doesn't sound like a winning platform in any kind of society I've ever heard of.

Seriously who the hell (Other than rich Republicans) thinks they're going to get anything out of this garbage?? These fuckers are telling me that cutting my veteran's benefits by 22% is something I should see as a good thing...when they're not just lying right to my face and telling me the cuts don't exist at all!

What's Scott Walker's "performance" record RE: Anybody but the Koch Brothers and those U-Line weirdos, anyway??

Republicans seem to look at every inhuman fuckup, every injustice Humanity has ever perpetrated upon itself, every moment of Man's inhumanity to Man and think "Hmm, if we could go back to that, I wonder how much money I could make off of it??"

And that absolutely does include the abuse of women, blasphemous religious BS in the name of politics, child labor, genocide, war...you name it. If they could, they'd try it again

Because it might turn out differently this time and these kinds of forced social experimentations tend not to affect rich people very much. It's not going to be their corpses rotting in the killing fields...

At least not until the mob they have sozzled on hate and rage towards the Other runs out of Others to kill and turns on them...

And they think they can get away with it because they've got...basically the same 25% of the population they've always got...high as fuck off Trump's shitty fake populism and some bullshit idea that they won the argument just by being dicks.

As if we didn't just block most of them on social media and move the fuck on with life?

Basically, Republicans think because they have a few has-been celebrities now, they're unstoppable or some shit.

It's like they can't even see the actual reality of their worsening performance in every election since 2016...unless they're using conspiracy theories about it to feed the Civil War talk among the edgier edges of gun culture and their voter base.

They can't see that Russian bots don't get to vote in America.

Or maybe they just don't want to.

Investing tens of billions of dollars into stock buybacks and relatively paltry sums into everything else isn't just about creating some kind of bubble, or closed system floating on money for the rich.

It's about the cruelty, it's about knowing that there are people in America that struggle to buy food.

It's about scheming to import other problems like disease and war over here. You don't really think these fuckers support Antivaxxers and Vladimir Putin in the name of "Intellectual Freedom" or political contrarianism, do you?

They're doing this shit because they hate the rest of us. Yes, even you, normie Republicans.

Especially you.

These ass clowns are, in some cases, openly scheming to find ways to cull the population simply in the name of "Population Control" i.e. Fascism and they're doing it right the fuck in plain sight on social media!

And, especially in light of that, if you think these absolute motherfuckers are going to pay you fairly in any kind of performance-based system, you have another thing coming. These dumb shits are openly telegraphing their shots as if to display that their goal is to remove as many behavioral constraints from upper-class right-wing white men as possible...while passing all the burdens of Society (and the maintenance of it) onto the rest of us. 

And on top of that, they want your teenage daughter to have to work too, just so they can have her around to sexually harass in the workplace.

These fuckers idea of reaching for the stars is...taking some old lady's social security, or taking the health care of some veteran who'd be dead without it.

And they figure they can dole out enough of the opiates of racism and religion to the masses that they can get the people...at least somewhere...to go along with this horseshit and protect them from the rest of us! I suppose it's just unfortunate for them that the place they've gotten what they want so far is Russia and nobody really wants to live there.

(And if you don't think guys like Scott Walker are licking their chops at the idea that the Russians want to come here and bring their shitty country and culture with them, you aren't paying attention.)

Motherfuckers wanna party like it's 1893, bring back the absolute nadir of labor and race relations and support imperialism. They want it so bad they're willing to throw in with Russia because that's who's the ones doing the shit. 

I mean, hell, Trump his own self has been talking about how he wants gulags and labor camps, lately.

Do you really think you're going to get anything out of this?? If these fuckers could implement the Mark Of The Beast and make you pay for it...what'd stop them from doing so, at least in Red States?

Their Evangelical voter base?


Cue up some "Own The Libs" garbage and they'd be lining up 'round the block to take the Mark.

Seriously, what'd we win, in all those civil rights, human rights, labor and women's rights struggles if we're still having to put up with this fucking horseshit?!?!

If you support Republicans at this point, you're either evil or you're insane. You can no longer claim to simply be unseeing. When somebody tells you who they are, believe them.

Why the hell do we keep putting up with these people?

Where does it stop?

I said what I said.

If that offends you, go fuck yourself.


Слава Україна!

Well, you wonder why I always dress in black
Why you never see bright colors on my back
And why does my appearance seem to have a somber tone
Well, there's a reason for the things that I have on
I wear the black for the poor and the beaten down
Livin' in the hopeless, hungry side of town
I wear it for the prisoner who is long paid for his crime
But is there because he's a victim of the times
I wear the black for those who've never read
Or listened to the words that Jesus said
About the road to happiness through love and charity
Why, you'd think He's talking straight to you and me
Well, we're doin' mighty fine, I do suppose
In our streak of lightnin' cars and fancy clothes
But just so we're reminded of the ones who are held back
Up front there ought to be a man in black.

~The Man In Black, Johnny Cash



  1. GOP like the nazis they now flirt with are totally detached from reality, one on twitter tolf me Gen Z is CONSERVATIVE. Oh really, he has not been paying attentionm probably thinks the USA is a pro life nation too, except every time abortion goes up to vote abortion wins. Evangelical base thinks some Revival is right around the corner and the youth will just be screaming back to Jesus.

    Cant even notice the anti abortion crap is costing them elections, their aging base is reaching the ripe old age of dead and are holding a producr that Gen Z and Millenials DO NOT WANT. Ever watched shows like Bar Rescue, GOP is like that bar that is failing because they are trying to squeeze every last dollar out of their aging and shrinking regulars and are doing nothing to get the youth in. When Jon Taffer shows up ad gives the owner a plan to do that, that same owner has a shitfit. Because what is not longer working is tied to his own ego. Why these brands get blamed for GOING WOKE, that is what the young generation is into these products and IPs need to tell the legacy fans to kick rocks, or end up with a uneasy future like Harley Davidson.

  2. I remember some years ago reading "You knew it was over when the President of Hell's Angels said to buy a Yamaha."

    I'm going to be 50 years old this year. I used to be a conservative. I am, in most respects, the middle-aged white-guy stereotype myself. I fully understand that change is hard, but digging one's heels in THIS MUCH against reality because they can't stand even the least little bit of change (and increasingly they resent the decency that makes people say "WTF?" also) is going to destroy these people.

    Worst part isn't that they're fine with that, just so's they get to take some of us with them so they can have company in hell. Worst part ain't even that they so full of rage and hate that they WANT the *Conflict* more than any particular stance on, well, anything.


    It's that functionally, I'm not even sure they understand the difference between things like heaven and hell. And if they did, they'd lie about it for partisan purposes...even to God himself.

    Where does it stop??
