We have become a Nazi monster in the eyes of the whole world, a nation of bullies and bastards who would rather kill than live peacefully. We are not just Whores for power and oil, but killer whores with hate and fear in our hearts. We are human scum, and that is how history will judge us. No redeeming social value. Just whores. Get out of our way, or we'll kill you. Who does vote for these dishonest shitheads? Who among us can be happy and proud of having all this innocent blood on our hands? Who are these swine? These flag-sucking half-wits who get fleeced and fooled by stupid little rich kids like George Bush? They are the same ones who wanted to have Muhammad Ali locked up for refusing to kill gooks. They speak for all that is cruel and stupid and vicious in the American character. They are the racists and hate mongers among us; they are the Ku Klux Klan. I piss down the throats of these Nazis. And I am too old to worry about whether they like it or not. Fuck them. ~Hunter S. Thompson, Kingdom Of Fear (2004)
I saw this last night.Evidently a small group of Republican women has taken over the bench Rep. Zooey Zephyr was using, so that she doesn't have anywhere to sit.
Zephyr on the other hand, simply turned a nearby counter into a standing desk, and got back to work. Fight the Karenocracy!
Evidently, one of these old bags is the mother of the Speaker of the MT House of Representatives, in case you're wondering where these fucking assholes learned this shit from.
Cruelty's the point.And evidently the shit don't fall too far from the cow.
If you don't want to believe me when I tell you these fucking people are Nazi monsters for whom the cruelty is the goddamned point, whose politics and religion are nothing more than Patriarchal White Supremacy, and for whom no one even the least outside of that framework will ever be "Conservative" enough (Since really all that even is to these people is just another magic word that means whatever they want it to mean) just listen to Republicans themselves. They're screaming it in your face and shouting it in the streets.
I don't much like Lawrence Jones, he's just another Fox-Bot with a side of Libertarian horseshit and Project Veritas dishonesty, who (almost certainly) unlike Tucker Carlson, probably actually believes what he's saying. If "Conservatism" actually was a meritocracy, Lawrence Jones almost certainly deserves to be there.
And from what I've observed of him he shovels the shit mostly the same way as Tucker Carlson does, too.He just happens to be Black.
And Fox News putting him in Tucker's spot even on a temporary basis is thus "Affirmative Action" and "Virtue Signaling" and "Stoking Division?"
He's rather loudly one of your own people, for fuck's sake! He just happens to be Black.
And that is, in fact, all he needs to be for these racists to never actually see him as a person, much less one of their own. So, for that reason, he won't last.
America is supposed to be a place where you are not what you were born, but what you have it in yourself to be.
Which is exactly why people like Brigitte Gabriel and Lawrence Jones got into the kinds of positions they're in, too.
But not if Republicans have anything to say about it.
Donald Trump is an old-ass con artist and drug addict who lives off fast food and shits himself regularly, but these fucking people want to see him as some kind of Super Commando or some bullshit!
As if the evidence that it's bullshit is not right there for anybody with eyes to see, with ears to hear, with the imagination to connect the dots.Why?
Same reason Caesars and Emperors had themselves declared "Gods" I guess, but with a great deal less of a moral code or requirement for some measure of competence.
Because White Straight fake-"Christian" Male Supremacy and some stupid belief in Fascist Supermen is their politics and their religion, as would be Bloodline and Social Class if they could get the fuck away with that bullshit. The Bourbons or Habsburgs or the Romanovs would have nothing on these sons of bitches.
You think these dudes wouldn't fuck female relatives to keep the bloodline pure and the power and wealth in the family??
And more to the point, either the perverted Evangelical goons or the simpering American Catholic hierarchy that the "Conservative" side of is in all-but open rebellion against Rome would be more than happy to sanctify that shit, to sacralize perversion.They're already outright telling us they would. They've been putting it on blast since Roe Vs. Wade was struck down and that shit's only getting worse.
Shit that would've had everybody from the cops to local churches and neighbors regarding a dude as a threat 40 years ago is just...normal...on the Right now.
Because to these fuckers, "Conservatism" isn't about anybody believing or doing anything...it's about everything looking a certain way and the "Right" people having everything.
Like, do these fucking people consider sex offender registries to be lists for candidates, now??
Are there even any goddamn standards left?
I suppose the answer is "No."
As long as these motherfuckers get their lizard-brain frills scratched just right, their society could consist of illiterate barbarians dancing around a fire shouting "Unga Bunga" and eating their neighbors while thinking the pages of the Word of God are for nothing more than wiping their own asses, and they'd be fine with that shit.Just so the chief and the witch doctor look the right way and talk bad about the tribe that lives in the ruins near the sea.
And we're going to have to face the fact that this simply is what "Conservatism" has turned into...and for a hell of a lot of its voter base, probably always was.I've been saying since 2016 that the actual number of political or religious conservatives was pretty small, the number of assorted social conservatives not much larger.
But there's a vast, vast number of people who'll claim all this stuff simply because it's an excuse to hurt people and marginalize groups they don't like.
Yet, at the same time there's not really "Enough" of those people...at least not in America and most of Europe. Even China seems to be on track to be not that much different from us in 20 or 30 years, this despite the various attempts at control and assorted depravities of the CCP.
It's places like Russia where there's both that national identity as an empire and where ideals like Western-style Christianity and Democracy did not leave much of a mark that are, overall, the problem.As jacked up as the UK is from Brexit...there still seems to be some limits enforced there.
As much of a muddle as the EU or US Democrats are, we're not trying to wage genocidal wars against Republicans or Russians...no matter what these fucking people and their persecution complexes try to say about it.But exclusion, hate, and ultimately genocide and war against All That Is Not Republican is what these assholes think they want.
And so much of this is being ginned up by robber-baron CEO's and political boot-lickers who'll absolutely never be "Conservative" enough, for the mobs of fanatics they've whipped up.
But sure, let's fight some more "Culture" wars.
The War Against Virtually Everything will consume the billionaires and the CEO's and the Republicans who thought they could ride the tiger of the idiotic, racist Republican base to power and wealth, just the same as it will the rest of us and don't you forget it. Shit, if anything Disney is the prime example, here.
And make no mistake about it, war is exactly what they think they want. I suppose they think they'll get AI Trump to fight it for them, but AI Trump isn't real.As a veteran, I find the whole idea of these AI created pictures of Trump as a soldier to be ridiculous.
They literally want a war against anybody who thinks people have a right to live their fucking life without having to move four old-biddy "Conservative" Karens out of the way first.
Of course, given these same fucking people's hostility to the military I'm not sure who they think would fight it unless the actual plan is to bury civilization under piles of bodies from mass shootings, see if the Russians can spare any Wagner mercs or whip up a horde of Orcs just like the Russians did...and how's that working out, anyway??
Trouble is, that shit is exactly the future "Conservatives" want. Not just for the Ukrainians, but for their own fellow Americans, too.
You either believe in freedom or you don't.And the day's coming where you're going to have to pick a side and live with the consequences of that belief.
And the choice is going to be "America" or "North Korea, but Republican."
They might keep Trump as a granddaddy Kim Il-Sung but the truth is they want even worse people making the decisions.
Even Trump will not make the cut in the end, because the meme-Trump ain't the real Trump. Sooner or later that truth will obviously out.
My feeling is that's when things will get worse, not better, because sooner or later these fucking people are just going to collectively, blindly, lash out.
The rule of the Karenocracy will, one way or another, be short.
You either want to live in civilization or you don't.
Rights come with responsibilities.
Somebody else's slavery does not equal your freedom.
Remember that. There's going to be a test later.
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If we lose freedom here, there is no place to escape to. This is the last stand on Earth. And this idea that government is beholden to the people, that it has no other source of power except to sovereign people, is still the newest and most unique idea in all the long history of man's relation to man. This is the issue of this election. Whether we believe in our capacity for self-government or whether we abandon the American revolution and confess that a little intellectual elite in a far-distant capital can plan our lives for us better than we can plan them ourselves. ~Ronald Reagan
Then shall the kingdom of heaven be likened unto ten virgins, which took their lamps, and went forth to meet the bridegroom.
And five of them were wise, and five were foolish.
They that were foolish took their lamps, and took no oil with them:
But the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps.
While the bridegroom tarried, they all slumbered and slept.
And at midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet him.
Then all those virgins arose, and trimmed their lamps.
And the foolish said unto the wise, Give us of your oil; for our lamps are gone out.
But the wise answered, saying, Not so; lest there be not enough for us and you: but go ye rather to them that sell, and buy for yourselves.
And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came; and they that were ready went in with him to the marriage: and the door was shut.
Afterward came also the other virgins, saying, Lord, Lord, open to us.
But he answered and said, Verily I say unto you, I know you not.
Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh. ~Matthew 25:1-13
Same MAGAs who make bad art of Trump as some super commando, go to his rallies and get bored and leave after 20.minutes. because they follow the Trump.of their imagination not Trump.of reality. Reality he is a ovwse man child in his mid 70s who lives on fast food diet that 9 yr olds dream of doing.
ReplyDeleteI just don't understand why these fucking people obsessively follow some meme-Trump that doesn't exist. The shit ain't real. No amount of wishing is gonna turn that fat old man into a soldier. But then same people turn around and shit all over people like Dan Crenshaw, not to mention the many Democratic vets out there.
ReplyDeleteI get the modern Republican base is idiots but come on.