Wednesday, May 3, 2023

The Blood God (American Revelation XII, Four.)

There are times, however, and this is one of them, when even being right feels wrong. What do you say, for instance, about a generation that has been taught that rain is poison and sex is death? If making love might be fatal and if a cool spring breeze on any summer afternoon can turn a crystal blue lake into a puddle of black poison right in front of your eyes, there is not much left except TV and relentless masturbation. It's a strange world. Some people get rich and others eat shit and die. Who knows? If there is in fact, a heaven and a hell, all we know for sure is that hell will be a viciously overcrowded version of Phoenix — a clean well lighted place full of sunshine and bromides and fast cars where almost everybody seems vaguely happy, except those who know in their hearts what is missing... And being driven slowly and quietly into the kind of terminal craziness that comes with finally understanding that the one thing you want is not there. Missing. Back-ordered. No tengo. Vaya con dios. Grow up! Small is better. Take what you can get. ~Hunter S. Thompson, Generation Of Swine.

I saw this earlier this afternoon.

RFK Jr. blaming "Neoconservatives" for the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

I'm sick of this garbage. There's one entity (Russia) and very likely one person (Vladimir Putin) to blame here. The Ukrainians are defending themselves, as is their right.

If one powerful nation is allowed to simply arbitrarily decide that other, smaller nations simply don't exist and that they have some kind of "right" to conquer those countries...doesn't that make the world a lot darker, more dangerous and simply smaller of a place?

What happens if Russia, in such a scenario, decided that Europe or the United States should thus be colonized? I'm actually fairly sure the Russians already have decided this, they just lack the power to make it happen...and if things keep going as they are, they'll never have it.

Speaking as both a former Republican and a United States Air Force veteran, I'm rather suspicious of anybody whose train of thought involves ceding large areas of the face of the Earth and many countries that are, or should be, our America's enemies, especially when they use bullshit logic like "Spheres of influence" or whatever.

Pretty much nobody with a brain in their head actually wants to be under Russian rule, including one hell of a lot of Russians who went someplace the fuck else!

Of course, I get it. These motherfuckers, be they far-right Republicans or turncoats like RFK Jr. all hate America (and/or Civilization in general.) They would be more than happy to sell the United States out to Russia for pocket change and assignment as a little tin-pot Zampolit somewhere, or some shit.

And for whatever reason, they've decided they enjoy the idea of tasting Russian boot-leather.

I used to be a Republican and I just don't understand the impulse these people have to want to live in some kind of straight white Christian male version of North Korea where Donald Trump has replaced Jesus Christ and Antivaxxer woo is the new End Times Prophecy.

Whether it's giving up modern science for conspiracy theories, wanting the West to just surrender to Russia or trading freedom for some idea of medieval serfdom...these fucking people are just goat-eager to trade all type of things that we know work for things we know didn't work. 

Things, that in too many cases were cast off only in blood, lessons learned looking at piles of corpses. 

But, ya know, all this "Alternative" shit got to be a fad, or something, for no better reason than "Conservatives" are debased idiots and they got bored.

And/or they were simply petty psychopaths who want to hurt people the whole time, but until Trump they had the sense not to present that face to the Universe.

I don't understand why these idiots are so desperate to cast their pearls before swine in general, much less do it for Donald Trump and hatred of some random Other...and that so many of these sons of bitches think they're doing this shit for Christ and Christianity tells me that the Christians need to seriously reevaluate a few things.

Otherwise you fuckers are gonna "Own The Libs" straight into yourselves going to hell.

So yeah, might want to cut that shit out.

And if they won't do that, maybe we need to massively reconsider the social position of Christianity in this country...shouldn't be hard. Not that many people left who follow it left anyway, least of all the "Conservatives."

Or maybe, just maybe, if you're in government in any capacity you should leave your biases and your religion at home because you're supposed to represent everybody, not just the people that give you money or the people you "like."

This is America. 

There is such a thing as right and wrong.

And modern society came to be for a fucking reason.

If you want to go be a serf in the fields with some petty lord who fucks his cousin and a priest who looks gayer than Liberace telling you what to do all day and telling you what your purpose in life is...go find somewhere like that and fucking do it! I suspect Russia will get that way soon enough, or there's always Afghanistan, I suppose.

The funny part is, these assholes think they'd come out ahead living like that! You can get diseases in places like Afghanistan or Pakistan's northwest frontier provinces that just don't exist in the rest of the world anymore...or they didn't, until Antivaxxer woo woo became popular among Republicans in America.

You wanna live like that? Go ahead. I'm sure there's a Taliban warlord or two out there that'd like him some tight Republican butthole. Of course, Republicans don't want to be the bitch themselves, they want everybody else to do that while they go somewhere else and think they're just going to be rich and famous for no reason, or something.

They want others to have to live in hell for one simple reason; Cruelty.

Thing is, at least some of them believe in this shit so much, they're willing to be the goddamned sacrifice.

Fine, if you're that mean or stupid, go ahead. But, You ain't got no right to take the rest of us down with you or impose your bullshit on other people in the here and now. Nobody should have to put up with this crap, whether it's transgender people, Ukrainians or anybody else!

Modern "Conservatism, is no longer content to be a cult of death and wealth. Dis Pater didn't quite do it for them, I guess.

These fucking people are in the process of transitioning to straight-up blood-cult.

But it's your blood they want to shed in the name of their Blood God.

Слава Україна!

If we lose freedom here, there is no place to escape to. This is the last stand on Earth. And this idea that government is beholden to the people, that it has no other source of power except to sovereign people, is still the newest and most unique idea in all the long history of man's relation to man. This is the issue of this election. Whether we believe in our capacity for self-government or whether we abandon the American revolution and confess that a little intellectual elite in a far-distant capital can plan our lives for us better than we can plan them ourselves. ~Ronald Reagan


Then shall the kingdom of heaven be likened unto ten virgins, which took their lamps, and went forth to meet the bridegroom.
And five of them were wise, and five were foolish.
They that were foolish took their lamps, and took no oil with them:
But the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps.
While the bridegroom tarried, they all slumbered and slept.
And at midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet him.
Then all those virgins arose, and trimmed their lamps.
And the foolish said unto the wise, Give us of your oil; for our lamps are gone out.
But the wise answered, saying, Not so; lest there be not enough for us and you: but go ye rather to them that sell, and buy for yourselves.
And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came; and they that were ready went in with him to the marriage: and the door was shut.
Afterward came also the other virgins, saying, Lord, Lord, open to us.
But he answered and said, Verily I say unto you, I know you not.
Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh. ~Matthew 25:1-13


  1. People living in trailer parks working dead end jobs think that MAGA movement will end with them being the LORDS and LADIES not serfs. You are already a serf and will still be one after if you do not end up dead or lose. BTW there is no way they win in the end.

    1. Yeah, certain people keep trying to play it like MAGA is some kind of middle-class revolt but seriously aside from the cop wannabes (the Security department at my old job had a lot of MAGA's) professional Republicans, skeevy lawyers and wannabe stock-market players that I know...nearly all of the MAGA's I've ever met are poor with various bad conditions going on.

    2. Those people with the health conditions are going to fight civil war 2 against the government.

  2. Kind of afraid to ask how that works out when one throws in the drug addiction and mental illness.

    1. After Trump was inaugurated, Bill Maher has a New Rules, Pillbillies. Many of those counties that want from Obama to Trump were ravaged by the opioid epidemic.
