Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Land Of Confusion (American Revelation XII, Ten.)

Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction.  We didn't pass it on to our children in the bloodstream.  The only way they can inherit the freedom we have known is if we fight for it, protect it, defend it, and then hand it to them with the well fought lessons of how they in their lifetime must do the same.  And if you and I don't do this, then you and I may well spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it once was like in America when men were free. ~Ronald Reagan

I saw this over the weekend.

"Are Red-Pilled Men just a feminist Psyop?"

Please, just take a moment and consider the sheer level of paranoia that this statement must require in order for it to have entered someone's mind.

And this is Prager U, the voice of the old-white-guy-that-hates-spicy-food type of conservatives.

So, they're basically deciding they don't need the MRA's, the Nazis, etc. anymore.

Or the LGBT's or POC, or women, for that matter.

Which makes me wonder if they have something up their sleeve, or if they're counting on Civil War and the Russians or some shit.

The thing that gets me is, if these motherfuckers' goal is remaking American society as a whole, they've mostly failed.

 There's too much resistance, nobody wants this shit. When all else fails, the rest of the government can tell Leonard Leo's pet federal judiciary to go fuck itself, because they're not going to enforce SHIT without the compliance of the rest of the Federal government. 

But the thing is, Republicans have remade the American Right at the Base level into a goddamn wet dream for corporate assholes, dictators and kings.

I mean, I literally don't understand it. And I rather emphatically say that as somebody that used to be a Republican voter. 

I swear these people don't WANT to be Americans. Under the aegis of "Owning The Libs" the MAGA base would clap itself in chains, if only someone promised that they would be a superior class of slave to some potential tranche of future slaves.

It's to the point where, as I remarked to somebody on Twitter this morning, Liz Cheney would have a decent shot at a political future if she switched parties. Even hard-right guys like Tea Party Joe Walsh are voting Democrat these days. The Lincoln Project motherfuckers be in the club, already...without having done much more than leave the Republican Party and run ads against it and shit. Think about that for a second.

The issue is that these Republican assclowns, in giving themselves over to assorted fascists, Trump, and the vicissitudes of the Base, have essentially jammed like 98% of America's political spectrum onto the Democratic/"Left" side, whether it's actually "Left" at all or not, leaving the fringiest fringe of the scumbag far-right in actual control of the Republican/"Right" side with invertebrates like Kevin McCarthy nominally in charge.

And if they can't complete The Work and bring in Fascism tinged with medieval Catholicism, well, they can sure obstruct everything else and create more problems they can potentially take advantage of.

And these fucking people are actively working to crowbar our political divides wider and raise up the specter of political persecution and violence in the hope of fomenting civil war, which while they're unlikely to actually win on their own strength or pull any significant amount of US forces over to their side, if they can secure the support of America's enemies like Russia and/or competitors like China they figure they can lose a civil war but still effectively win and get their own nation out of it via international/UN negotiated settlement. 

This is the basic strategy a lot of guerilla movements (Like the FLN in Algeria) used in the 1960's...but for colonialism instead of against it. 

See, these idiots, they think Civilization has a Color Bar. To them, White Conservative Man is the bringer of civilization and light and the rest of us...aren't...and are therefore fit only to be colonized

(Where people like Arabic Jews, Black Uncle Toms and gay Asian fake-media fascists figure they're going to fit in with this bullshit, I'll never understand.)

And the MAGA base is screaming "Colonize me, Daddy!"

Thing is, whatever land these motherfuckers get would be subjected to ethnic, political, religious and other cleansings in hopes of hurting the rest of the world with swarms of refugees and (as the Algerian War did) bringing down some element of the global system (as the Algerian War brought down the French Fourth Republic. Next, Whatever they end up with will be a lab for levels of autocracy, evil, and fascism that'll require new terminology to describe. 

If this succeeds, it might save Putin's dystopian authoritarian project that the Ukrainians are otherwise wrecking, but in real terms it'll just create a couple small banana republics that Russia and/or China will then have to financially support. 

And yes, they will, because the Berre Seid's and Clarence Thomas's and Donald Trumps and Leonard Leo's et al will hoover up 90% or more of said Banana Republic's tax bases leaving the population in utter poverty and politically and religiously fueled/mandated willful ignorance.

(And don't be surprised if Leo and his ilk, not to mention the reactionary elements of the American Catholic hierarchy, try and use control of actual territory to form their own Church and go fully schismatic against the Vatican, also.)

And that won't do, because the actual people driving this thing don't need the distractions...but nobody can publicly say no to the oligarchs without wrecking the whole premise of their entire movement. Russia will have to step in and finance a Potemkin Village Nation so most of what the world sees is the "Glory" of Nationalist Conservatism. A few people might get thrown out some windows, though.

So, they'll basically create a Republican version of North Korea or Russia.

Think about that for a second.

All you Republicans who were against things like minimum wage, unions, etc. Y'all have fun with that. And note, you didn't know what you were asking for the first time...but you're sure going to find out. Most likely the hard way, because you're stupid. Remember...we're all basically a couple meals or missed paychecks from Revolution as it is.

Imagine a society where even the very old or the severely disabled are faced with the choice of "Work or starve" and where compassion and decency are for suckers, dismissed as "Liberal" and you constantly get threatened with legal action.

Can you imagine what the religious doctrines preached from the pulpits in such a place would even be??

Imagine a nation run...By people like Elon Musk, with a population kept in line by a trifecta of Guns Everywhere Vigilantism, mob rule, and Tucker Carlson Sneering Smarmily through the nightly news for the few what got any free time to watch it. Such a nation must by nature have few cops or soldiers of its own. But that would at least in theory get outsourced to Russian Orcs, FSB agents and Russian paratroopers everywhere...and they're the ones really running things.

But as long as Republicans get to play their fuck fuck games and impose the latest version of Christless Christianity on somebody else, they don't care.

Imagine the spiraling effects, in the world, of such a nation. You think the post-Brexit UK is a soup sandwich? LOL. In a country where nobody believes in government...situations like that of Donald Trump (where the ruler has no concept of what's going on and neither the desire nor intelligence to do the job, but he wants to sodomize the new cabinet secretary) or Liz Truss (who simply doesn't last long enough to do much at all) would be normal.

Imagine  most people basically doing the minimum necessary to avoid being killed while those above them fight for power, wealth and the favor of Russian or Chinese Communist overlords, while avoiding getting pitched out the window they own self.

You'd basically have a nation where everybody steals, where everybody has to steal, just to survive and where the only order at all comes from the use of force, and nobody has the slightest idea who's really in charge until they get shot for doing the wrong thing.

You wanna consider the mass mental issues that might result from that?

And Republicans and their assorted Nationalist butt-buddies would call this "Righteous."

The worst part is, I absolutely know there's Republicans who'd look at that, look at the kind of lead-lined radioactive shithole such a society would rapidly become and say "Yes, Please."

For no better reason than they think it's funny, or that it might annoy liberals and moderate conservatives.

I'm sorry, but I used to be a Republican and none of this is what I was taught.

"Conservatives" these days live in a Land Of Confusion, if not outright cruel fantasy.

And the world could not long tolerate these fucking people getting the kind of country or power that they want to have, lest we all be plunged into a new Dark Age.

Make it fucking stop.

Because if we don't, maybe there ain't no "End Times" but American Revelation certainly will be at hand.

When's enough going to be enough?

Слава Україна!

For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. ~Matthew 24:27

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