Friday, February 14, 2020


We declare our right on this earth to be a man, to be a human being, to be respected as a human being, to be given the rights of a human being in this society, on this earth, in this day, which we intend to bring into existence by any means necessary. ~Malcolm X.

A few days ago, I wrote that there's a lot of supposed "Conservatives" and Republicans out there, that aspire to be murderers. A couple hours ago, I saw this.

Some fucking "Oathkeeper" asshole wannabe threatening Virginia state delegate Kathy Tran, over who the hell knows what.

So, how did we go from "Pro-life" to threatening to murder babies with baseball bats?

How in the hell is this acceptable? As far as I'm concerned this Dave Briggman asshole should get his ass whupped, then go to jail.

I mean, who in the fuck talks like that to another human being?

Who, other than a modern American conservative, could have such little regard for the life of a child or the sanctity of the family?

Don't look away, answer the question. How in the hell is this acceptable?!

All my life, people have been meeting brute force with soul force, campaigning, organizing, protesting, working together. LGBT folks, non-Christians and People of Color, among many others. But, for that to work, at least some of the people on the other side have to have a conscience, or at least a limit of endurance somewhere along the way  Public opinion generally tells after awhile as well, and fundamentally politics is a game of addition and possibility, not of purity and subtraction.

Actually, for a lot of Republicans, that's true. The Republican Party is getting smaller.

But it's also going from conspiracy theory crazy to strap on a bomb-vest crazy.

Republicans have set everything they claimed to believe in on fire. Republicans have been campaigning against abortion for 40+ years.

But now, just straight up infanticide is Okay, so long as the child being killed is the child of a Democrat?

Republicans have spent four years losing their minds, and about ten days now getting much worse.

And they're still at it.

Sooner or later, it's going to come down to a fight. Sooner or later brute force is going to have to meet brute force. The rest of us have to love our freedom, our lives, and our neighbors as much as they love their hate and racism and the thoughts of killing everybody else that they whack off to.

Sometimes soul force doesn't work and you have to fight.

And if you want to survive that, you have to win.

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