Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Antichrist Superstar (Scenes From The Culture War X.)

And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:

And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. ~Revelation 13:16-17

I saw this earlier tonight.

Conservatives, presumed Christians, cheering, shrieking like they're at a rock concert, and finally chanting his name as Kyle Rittenhouse gives a speech.

I mean...the fuck?

Dude killed two people. Why is that something to cheer about?

I'll admit that I've not been a Christian for some years now, but whatever happened to "Thou Shalt Not Kill?"

Not just that, somebody made a fucking song to serve as his "Entrance music" in this apparently Professional Wrestling-themed "Conservative" event. Like Reed Galen said, somebody is pouring millions of dollars into...basically...a gala event celebrating fascism. And this is happening right here in the United States. If anybody wonders why I think it's inevitable that Americans will eventually start shooting at each other...even though I also think we as a people should still do the best we can to prevent it...it is that "Conservative" America is turning itself into something that the United States armed forces would bomb the shit out of if it was happening in some other country.

I'm going to say it again, as somebody who was a conservative when the Yugoslav Wars were raging and who made it over there after the first round ended, and saw what the fucking Serbs did...these fucking people, they think the Bosnian Serbs were the fucking good guys. Me? I was horrified by the whole damn mess, because that's the proper human reaction, politics be damned. I feel the same way every time the police shoot down some black dude for no reason. I especially felt disgusted by the George Floyd killing. But where I was repulsed...these fucking people saw an opportunity to create an ethnic conflict and pit American against American.

These people see Kyle Rittenhouse as the first of a new Freikorps Amerika.  or perhaps an American version of the Serbian "White Eagles." I wonder how many war crimes they will commit? While I believe that a lot of these people will end up killing themselves with grandstanding, negligence and plain stupidity if all this shit turns into a conflict and the sundering of America...somebody wants this, and insurgency and war are Darwinian enterprises. They don't care how many people have to die for them to get to the ones who know what they're doing. Somebody will eventually learn something, and this crap had best be treated as a threat...national security and otherwise...before that happens.

Somebody wants America divided, fighting a civil war and plagued by rampant disease...and if you think COVID-19 is bad now...imagine social distancing when you've been shot.

I saw this earlier tonight too.

Some Swedish startup has come up with a microchip that (they say) would contain all of a person's vaccination information and stuff. Now, as a former member of the End Times Prophecy movement who has unwillingly been made aware of current conspiracy theories...well, guess what? Every anti-vaxxer or other goddamned nut out there is going to see this as the culmination of everything they ever said they believed. It doesn't matter if none of this shit ever goes anywhere. In fact, every couple years or so something like this seems to crop up and of course it never amounts to anything for a variety of reasons...but what it did back in the day...and now with this vaccination angle added will continue to do is make every fucking End Times Nut that's out there...and every Antivaxxer now as well...feel justified. 

It should be noted, though, that the two streams of thought appear to have #1 effectively merged, and #2 Jesus has apparently been entirely kicked out of what's supposed to be His own narrative and replaced with varying combinations of Antivaxxer woo and Q-Anon bullshit...and not a little Trump cult stuff as well.

And I'm here to tell you, if these fucking people ever take over a country or succeed in breaking off part of this one, guess what?

They're going to become all about the Chinese-style surveillance society, and I'll bet you money the "Mark Of The Beast" very quickly isn't the Mark Of The Beast anymore...especially when they see that something like this could mean vast convenience and technological privilege for the wealthy and whatever upper classes there are, and maybe the upper middle gets a slice too...but for everybody else (and really, for them too) it could also mean a total lack of bodily autonomy or privacy with the State literally under your skin.

Think about that for a second, and consider that I was skeptical of State power as a conservative and remain so having been pushed pretty much all the way Left by two issues alone: I've always hated Donald Trump and I've always been against fascism. 

'Cause if these fucking people, these cheering fascists, this roaring mob? If they're the State...all bets on everything are off, and even if all they get is a part of this country...if they gain full power over a nation, they will become a world-spanning threat that literally everyone is going to have to deal with.

Because these absolutely are people who will cheer for a murderer. If you don't think they'd ram the government, the State, all the way up your ass if they controlled it...you have another thing coming. And if you don't think they'd use that power to do things like shoot a little girl in the face just for walking down the street, or to commit war crimes against their own neighbors, you're flat out wrong. These people are moral bottomless pits and narcissists for whom the lives of other people have no meaning.

Which really was the whole point of all this "Culture War" bullshit to begin with. Divide the country and create an "Us vs. Them" where there wasn't before, so that any old stupid thing could spark the Apocalypse.

So that the powerful and the wealthy can use that shit to jam their power underneath your skin. 'Cause trust me, all that talk about the Mark Of The Beast and Revelations will be abandoned same as everything else when it becomes inconvenient to these people's Bad Faith religion. Trust me, if a chip under your skin means somebody owns you and not them, these relative status-obsessed fucking gomers will be all about that shit.

But don't think they won't dredge all that talk back up every Sunday morning when it means you're damned and they're not...hell, that's already the basis of their religion. 

Trust me, these motherfuckers will see things like chipping people as them getting to choose who goes to heaven and who doesn't. Nobody with a brain in their head wants that shit. You think these fuckers are obnoxious now? It'll get worse.

Because they know...they know...in the context of their own people, the people raised and schooled on this stuff who swallow all the contradictory bullshit...it will mean total, demonstrative, utter control. These people don't care about God or Jesus now...if they ever really did at all.

They see somebody else being a slave a s a symbol of their freedom.

They see somebody else's needless death as a symbol of their life.

That's why they love guns, that's why they're cheering for a killer. Sinful unregenerate Man sees no greater power than taking life away from another. It has always been that way.

We had best start doing something about this shit now, because if you don't think these fucking people would emulate all the worst parts of Revelation in the name of forcing their shitty worldview on the rest of humanity...you haven't been paying attention.

If we lose freedom here, there is no place to escape to. This is the last stand on Earth. And this idea that government is beholden to the people, that it has no other source of power except to sovereign people, is still the newest and most unique idea in all the long history of man's relation to man. This is the issue of this election. Whether we believe in our capacity for self-government or whether we abandon the American revolution and confess that a little intellectual elite in a far-distant capital can plan our lives for us better than we can plan them ourselves. ~Ronald Reagan


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