Sunday, December 26, 2021

Cocaine Jesus and the 57 Communists

I said, "Tell me, what is it about cocaine that makes it so wonderful?", and he said, "Well, it intensifies your personality." I said, "Yeah, but what if you're an asshole?" ~Bill Cosby, Himself

I saw this last night.

The Cleveland Indians, Jesus, and Robert E. Lee...what? Unless this is a particularly off the wall game of "Marry, Shag or Kill" I don't even see the point of this silly bullshit.

Also...why is she wishing Merry Christmas to racist brand names and a football team? (Which got rid of its name only to have the lack of a name become a brand in its own right.)

Also, Communism hasn't been a thing since 1989. 

And since Communism generally mandates Atheism...well, that kind of eliminates both God and Satan from the discussion, doesn't it?

Historically speaking, here, there were plenty of Black Communists and Communism as a whole was not a racist philosophy nor did it seek to profit from things like racism in the same way that Capitalism so often does.

In fact, I find it interesting that she considers the Capitalistic decision to retire certain racist brand icons or names to be somehow both Communist and racist. I honestly have to wonder how the fuck this lady served in the Air Force without getting booted out for racist bullshit, or how she made it all the way to retirement without knowing what words mean?

She served during the Cold War. I've honestly never heard of anybody else that did who wasn't glad when that shit was over, let alone wanted to go back to it later. I mean, maybe it's just me but I never found the idea of dying in a nuclear airburst to be appealing, let alone surviving it long enough to die of radiation poisoning.

Or was it the shitty culture and politics of the Republican Party that broke this person? I mean, having heard all about it growing up, what the hell makes a person "Long for the return of McCarthyism?"

I was a Republican for a majority of my adult life, so far, and I never heard anybody do anything but disavow that shit.

The "Joe McCarthy was right" crap didn't start until 2010 or so. And I was horrified by that shit then, not least because I knew how badly it ended for the Republicans.

So is she a Republican because she's a bad person, or did she become a bad person because she's a Republican?

More often than not, though, that's one of those "What came first, the chicken or the egg?" Type of questions. Terrible people just seem to naturally be drawn to the Republican Party anymore, like it's some perverse law of attraction.

And she retired the same year I got medically why is she still posting pictures of herself in a damn flight suit all the time or trying to make herself look like some kind of Anime superhero?

It's been 25 years, Wendy, it's time to move on. If I was posting pictures of myself in full battle rattle when I was 22 years old, anybody what knows me would be laughing about it. Why? Because I haven't even been that guy in over 25 years now.

It's almost like these people know they're shit, and they're desperately trying to be somebody else or reclaim who they used to be...but without changing anything about themselves as they've become, least of all their shitty opinions. 

It doesn't work that way.

I'm going to point it out once again, that these fucking idiots conflating their shitty political and social beliefs with Jesus and Christianity is a pretty big goddamn reason why I'm not a Christian anymore.

And while I'm at it...if these people are so right, or so righteous...why are so many of them always fucked up on drugs? Why is it that in so many conservative-led governments, they find traces of cocaine all over the place in legislative spaces?

And why is it, that I haven't seen a picture or a video of Donald Trump Jr. in over a year where it didn't look like he was higher than the goddamn International Space Station? 

I mean, dude, In 25 years of working in food service I worked with Jamaican Rastafari that got high less often than Junior does. I mean, for fuck's sake, dude, I don't know what your issue is, but get help! At this point, keep it up much longer and you'll be far more known as a stoner than as a Republican and you can ditch the politics and just start a career as a YouTube person who posts videos of saying dumb shit while obviously baked. 

Oh, wait, never mind. You're doing that already. Ditch the shitty politics and it'll probably be more popular. Granted the Trump Supporters already think Junior is some kind of Cocaine Jesus, but still...

We're coming up on the new year, in a brave new world where the only constant is change. So why, then, do these people who think they know All Truth seem so desperate to reach back into the past...if they aren't just avoiding reality altogether?

And how in the fuck is this shit what conservatism turned into anyway? I'm sorry, but I cannot for the life of me imagine somebody like John Eisenhower or even Jenna Bush recording a video of themselves while they look higher than a goddamn kite, let alone calling somebody a hero for basically just chickenshit coded-swearing at the President.

If you really think that, you need to rethink your life.

I mean, I'm pretty sure the children of most previous Presidents would have the character and guts to just say "Fuck that guy" if they didn't like the current one.

And that's the problem. This whole "Let's go Brandon" thing neatly encapsulates both the childishness and the gutlessness of modern Republicanism. Profiles In Courage they ain't.

And that's the thing, ain't it? You can't turn off that kind of cowardice. Having fostered and nurtured this mentality and run everybody out who wouldn't have it, there will come a day when Republicans need their people to be brave...and they will be incapable of it.

They will look at the enemy and say "I don't care what you do to me, I'm high."

I'm old enough that I can remember when we were better than that, better than even tolerating this garbage. The whole idea here is that if you want a better country, you have to be a better citizen. If you want the world to be better, you have to be a better person. You have to stand up.

And this ain't it.

As we head into a new year, remember that.


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