Saturday, December 18, 2021

Barbarians (Scenes From The Culture War VII)

I do not like Green Eggs and Ham. I do not like them, Sam I am. ~Dr. Seuss, Green Eggs And Ham.

"The adults are working?"

Says the guy with easily the most impressive record, pre-Trump at least, for childish horse shit.

And, bro, I hate to tell you this but with Blowbert, Cawthorn and MTG in the House you're old news even in the category of "Most Tedious Asshole."

From the 2013 government shutdown (and the fact that his idiot Tea Party friends in the House literally  sang hymns while embarrassing the entire country) to reading "Green Eggs And Ham" all night as a Filibuster speech to failure to act like a grown ass man OR any self-respecting Latino should have when Trump insulted his father and his slinking off to Cancun while his whole state was freezing in the cold, much of it without electricity, well, I'd hardly call Ted Cruz an adult. Ted Cruz is what happens when a self-important socially-stunted asshole is allowed to spend way too much time jacking off in college and moves on to a career of huffing their own farts but other assholes also tell him way too often how great he is because he went to Harvard and somehow managed not to learn much of anything.

And, ya know, the "Absolute dick-bag who thinks way too highly of himself" effect really shines through in the finished product, Ted. 

And then I saw this while I was writing yesterday's post.

I mean, really?

I'm a United States Air Force security forces veteran. My own AFSC has been open to women since 1973. 

I had an LT who was a United States Air Force Academy graduate, and the service academies have been open to women since 1976/

Women began transitioning into certain direct combat roles...fighter pilots and such...while I was still in fucking Boot Camp in April of 1993.

And I served during the implementation of Don't Ask Don't Tell, so don't get me started on the whole gay thing. We knew (roughly) who was gay and who wasn't. It's not that hard to figure out. The vast majority of people didn't care. Not that anybody spoke much about it, not out of malice...we just didn't care...most of us, anyway.

I was a conservative at that time, thus, my ancestors and elders and superiors had made these decisions and it was part of my job to support that. Personally, I was fine with all that stuff. It was really none of my business to worry about it.

And I'm here to tell you, if there was some hyper-conservative ultra dude who wouldn't shut up about the gay thing in your squadron...chances were very good that you might come in to work one day and maybe they wouldn't be there. Might be some rumors, maybe something happened. Their replacement would PCS in and nobody would think much about it after that. But then a few years later after you got out you'd bump into them somewhere and find out they'd been asshole buddies with some other hyper-conservative ultra dude and got caught at it.

And that's OK, now, but at that time you didn't want to out yourself.

I'm not saying it's right, but that's how it was.

I don't know what the hell Jesse Kelly's problem is, he's known for saying a lot of violently stupid shit. And I've heard that he served, but I have my doubts for that exact reason. Frankly I wouldn't be surprised if he did, but washed out either in boot camp or AIT, "A" School or whatever tech school he was in for his service branch. Maybe it was something embarrassing but (mostly) harmless. Maybe he failed a drug test. I don't know. I could be wrong. That's usually best-case, though. Worst case is: Sometimes dudes like this, they make it and go on to do crimes somewhere or else they're in a firefight somewhere in the Sandbox and crying in the bottom of a hole while a bunch of their buddies get killed.

Sometimes they serve their time, get out, and only then do some horrible thing. I've seen that happen too. 

Stuff like this is why, you walk into any recruiting office in the country talking about "Type A men who want to sit on a throne made of Chinese skulls" the very next thing you're going to do is walk right back out the door again.

Anyway he seems like he's seriously overcompensating for something, and I'm not sure I want to know what it is.

Actually, to be honest I think almost the entire "Conservative" Movement is that way right now. Mass psychosis, midlife-crisis, fuck, I don't know. I'm just glad I got out of the Republican Party in 2008 and didn't get any of this crap on me.

And what is it with these Fox News fools all interviewing each other lately? Are they trying to remind us, on purpose, how much of a circle jerk self-licking ice cream cone all this conservative shit has turned into?

"Fantasies of being a barbarian king" seem to be a go-to move for a certain kind of insecure (mostly, but not all) white conservative dude. It's just a variant of the same old shit that they think when civilization comes crashing down they'll be the lord in the castle or the warlord with all the drugs and guns and armed homies. They never think they'll be the catamite strapped to the back of the technical truck or the serf in the fields or chained to the throne and dancing for the crime lord.

But ya know, Jesse, I'd just like to point out one flaw in your plan that you might not have thought much about. When the world ends, you might not be able to be very picky about where you stick your cock.

Also...what the...?

Jesus Christ passed out in a shopping cart. What the fuck?

"Woke imperialism?"

(Adds that to list: "Oxymorons for your consideration.")

I don't know what the fuck happened to the Wall Street Journal but it seems like there was a time when they wouldn't have bothered with this silly bullshit.

Of course, I get it. Conservatives think the world is supposed to be shit, especially for anybody who isn't a rich white conservative of the proper religious and social background...or the criminals and various lackeys that they can benefit from. And they think this not only because they believe the world is a cruel place, and is supposed to be so, but because they actively work to make it like that so they can profit off of the fucking cruelty in the first place, or off of the criminals and lackeys who provide them with drugs or who implement their cruelty.

Also, such a worldview and the assorted wrongs of the world (that they're working to make worse) make the cocaine addiction so much easier to justify.

We're supposed to be better people than that.

This is America. We don't have a common culture, common language, or a thousand years of history. No blood, no soil. All we have is what we want to be.

And some of us want to be barbarians.

Think about that for a second.

We have all this knowledge, all this technology, over three quarters of a goddamn century of being the world's dominant superpower and we have people who would rather be dancing around a fire shouting "Unga Bunga" because they think that would bring more meaning to their lives.

There's something fucking wrong with these people.

Freedom is the right to question and change the established way of doing things. It is the continuous revolution of the marketplace. It is the understanding that allows to recognize shortcomings and seek solutions. ~Ronald Reagan


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