Sunday, December 19, 2021

Donkey Show (Scenes From The Culture War VIII.)

The martyrs of history were not fools, and our honored dead who gave their lives to stop the advance of the Nazis didn't die in vain. Where, then, is the road to peace? Well, it's a simple answer after all. You and I have the courage to say to our enemies, "There is a price we will not pay." There is a point beyond which they must not advance. This is the meaning in the phrase of Barry Goldwater's "peace through strength." Winston Churchill said that "the destiny of man is not measured by material computation. When great forces are on the move in the world, we learn we are spirits — not animals." And he said, "There is something going on in time and space, and beyond time and space, which, whether we like it or not, spells duty. ~Ronald Reagan

I saw this today.

Texas is building its own border wall. Of course, it's only a couple hundred feet long. I suppose people will just walk around the fucking thing. 

I'm not sure how or where these fucking people think they have the authority to do this kind of shit. I also think, in the face of an opportunity for displaying racism and stupid culture war grandstanding, Greg Abbott doesn't actually give a shit, and doesn't care if it costs the state a bunch of money or if they have to rip it down later. Like, literally, it's all bullshit. 

I used to be a Republican. I'm here to tell you if there's one thing I, speaking as a former Republican here have gotten sick of it's the modern Right's constant Tijuana donkey show politics. The orange man up on the stage constantly raping the braying jackass for attention and money got old with me as soon as it got started. And the whole time, all these old WASP-y shits have stood there telling everybody how great this shit is, even as Trump blew jizz and donkey shit all over everything you people ever claimed to believe before. 

You Republicans aren't "Owning The Libs" you're making damned fools of yourself. You let Donald Trump basically become your God and you fools are giving him everything you can like it's some kind of sacrificial offering. I know a whole bunch of you fuckers have read the Bible and know how it says that's going to turn out. 

And ya know, the worst damn part of it is, he doesn't care. Trump is a narcissist. He has a personality disorder. You could stuff the whole damned world in that empty space where Donald Trump's soul is supposed to be and he'd still demand seconds. Yet no matter what outlandish bullshit he comes up with, all you fuckers scramble to placate him when he does.

And I get it, "Conservatives" hate cultural and demographic and social change. Well, not only because of decisions our ancestors made but because of our and our country's continuing actions that shit ain't going to stop any time soon. And more to the point, the rest of the world doesn't (and shouldn't) have to hold itself in stasis or tiptoe around your comfort zones. You fuckers ain't the center of the universe.

And other people coming here, or Black people having anything, or the Democrats being in power ain't going to take your "Whiteness" away. Does it ever occur to you that maybe that's an idea that never should've existed in the first damn place? What good is it, really?

Colonialism, the Indian Wars, Slavery...I'm fairly sure the vast majority of humanity understands these were bad things. Of course, wealthy white conservatives (or those who base their identity on being the hangers-on to such) would be the exception. 

Let me ask you something, and note I ask this as a former conservative and a white man myself. What's so great about this shit? 

The only reason "Whiteness" is a thing is wealthy planters rigged the game to set the Black people and the less-wealthy whites against each other so they could "divide and rule" and stay in power. What are you getting out of it? Do you get off on others' pain? Do you like watching other people struggle? 'Cause I'll tell you what. The way America works, you give the State the power to put a boot on a Black person's throat, sooner or later it'll get around to you. 

Seriously, what's so great (or so bad) about Whiteness that you think anybody...least of all the Democrats, who still have a majority of white people as their elected officials...would want to "Replace" that shit? Not to mention, what the hell do you think anybody...and I'll remind you we're dealing with Democrats going to actually do with the other half of the country. Or where might they come up with 165 million people at the drop of a had to "replace" anybody?

Increasingly it seems to me that these fucking people hate America. They hate it either because it's not shitty enough or, in fact, because of its tradition of expanding liberty rather than just allowing a tiny slice of the elite to have it. Yeah, there you go. I said it. These people hate America, they hate its Constitution, they hate the Amendments to that Constitution most of all. They hate equality and freedom and tradition...and that's what shows you the last thing these motherfuckers are is actually conservative

These fucking people, the Greg Abbott and David Duke types, they want a caste system, only worse than the one that India used to have. They want to be like the Pashtun tribalists in Afghanistan and Pakistan and have people kowtow to their shitty religion and social know, the Taliban.

But this is America. We don't have to put up with that shit. 

These fuckers live in constant fear that somebody else is going to treat them the way their ancestors treated everybody else. That's actually kind of weird, given that they do not otherwise give a shit about history...unless, like anything else, they can use it as a stick to beat somebody else with. What the fuck did you think the Lost Cause even was?

They don't want to live in America if America includes Black people or everybody gets a slice. Unless America is like the Antebellum South and only rich white people even get fully counted.

And ya know, belief in racial purity and superiority didn't seem to work out all that well for the Confederates. It sure didn't work out very good for the Nazis, either. Seems like when push comes to need more people, not less. You need more people to have money, not fewer.

Yes, yes,  I know, that's why these people don't like Capitalism anymore either.

And ain't nobody going to replace your ass. If you don't get vaccinated and start taking this virus shit seriously you fuckers are going to be dead and no one will care. You won't have to worry about being treated the way that your ancestors treated everybody else because you'll have done exactly that to yourselves...except that you'll have eliminated yourselves without a trying to ignore COVID-19 and hope it goes away.

It won't.

And y'all are making it worse. The longer this goes on, the more it will mutate and the more variants there will be. This could have been over by now.

It should have been over with by now.

The virus isn't some grand conspiracy against conservatives, it's a natural event, made worse by manmade factors, and there's three ways to deal with it. Get vaccinated, social distance, or wear a mask. This isn't hard. I'm vaccinated, I still mask up when I have to. Right now I'm not going much of anywhere.

And the Eugenics types like Tucker Carlson will only too late realize that most of their followers are dead or dying and they'll jet off to Russia or some tax shelter like the Cayman Islands or follow Elon Musk to Mars and live off the money they made because of all these dumb shits.  As for the money, that's assuming civilization hasn't fallen apart and the money is still worth something.

Because they figure nothing will touch them, they can buy their way out of it, or they have an escape plan.

And yes, Tucker is vaccinated, he's bullshitting you. So is Marge, most likely. I think she's lying.

They're all bullshitting you, and they don't care.

So maybe you should start.

Stop being entranced by the disgusting spectacle of the Republican donkey show and give a shit about your own life.

You want a better country, you have to be a better citizen. And this ain't it.


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