Monday, May 25, 2020

Human Capital Stock? (Left Behind Is A Lie, Postscript.)

Along the way, I had the opportunity to pass through the dominions of United Fruit, convincing me once again of just how terrible these capitalist octopuses are. I have sworn before a picture of the old and mourned comrade Stalin that I won't rest until I see these capitalist octopuses annihilated. ~Che Guevara, from a letter to his aunt.

Human Capital Stock?

Human capital stock?!

Hold on, back the fucking truck up you simpering Chipmunk-faced chickenshit goon, and wipe that stupid smile off your face before somebody leaves you picking your goddamn teeth up off the damn ground.

Human Capital Stock? I'm a working person, but I've been in management a couple times for a year or so each, and I am here to tell you that had I ever spoken like that, not only would I have gotten fired, but I'd have almost certainly gotten assaulted for saying it either right when I said it or as soon as I could be found off the property. If I'd said such as a squad leader, much less as a cafeteria supervisor or small business owner the consequences would have rained down like waters.

Hell, if I'd said such a thing live on CNN I'd quite expect that I'd be having to learn to walk with people's steel-toed work-boots jammed up my ass and maybe somebody's foot broke off and decomposing up there too.

This is America, jack.

There was a time, not very long ago in the grand scheme of things, when I was taught that people did not speak about other human beings in that sort of way. In point of fact, I'd like to point out that when I said things even one-100th of this fucking arrogant, I got told "You ever talk that way again I'm a punch you right in the mouth" and I got told that by coworkers, family members, neighbors, etc. the great majority of whom...well, they probably wouldn't rate as "Conservatives" today, but they did at the time.

In fact, I was a conservative throughout the 1990's when we decried exactly the kind of moral relativism and lack of care about anything that is all the rage on the Right these days, and I have to say, this is exactly the kind of dehumanizing language that the conservative writers of the day, especially the Christian ones, warned about.

Except of course, they blamed such things on abortion and homosexuality and secularism and figured that this kind of talk would come from Godless secular liberals, not a Republican administration or a White House that never fails to remind everybody that'll listen just how Evangelical it is and just how much they love Jesus.

Again, these very people are proof that Left Behind Is A Lie, that Christianity and Conservatism as currently constituted are nothing but put-ons, scams to try to help evil people seem righteous and stay in power. This crap is not what I was taught.

Jesus would chase this motherfucker around with a hammer and certainly beat that condescending little smirk off his fat fucking face.

In any kind of a sane world, Alvin here would be getting kicked in the nuts so regularly by working people that his annoying squeaky voice would certainly be an octave or two higher by the time he managed to disappear from public life and go hide on a remote island somewhere, never emerging from his hut without wearing a cup.

I mean, fucking seriously, have any of these fucking people ever actually read the Bible?!

I'll be ready to go back to work when my state says it's got this crap under control, and I'll be ready to go back to "normal" whatever that is anymore, when you Trump motherfuckers are gone and locked up for your crimes and the Federal government goes back to having competent leadership and takes threats like this virus seriously instead of scheming to use them to kill people...their own citizens...without whom we do not even have a country.

If this virus continues to rampage around the world for a few years, as it damned well looks like it's going to, nations will fall because of it. Those that fall will be accelerated in their destruction by Man's inhumanity to Man, by the utter refusal of some people to see others even as human beings, by words like "Human capital stock."

Where I'm at, I'm probably going to be Okay, most people around here do not seem to have that kind of mentality. My state has a few nuts, and the DeVos family, but people who care about other people are actually in power, with the backing of a substantial majority of the public.

But obviously some places on this Earth, or even within this continent, will make hell look pleasant by comparison...because especially if the United States of America breaks apart, there will be somewhere that those who believe other people are nothing but numbers, another form of capital, beneath all consideration, slaves for all intents and purposes, will end up in power. Where they will not be checked by decades or centuries of law or tradition or advancing civil rights, nor constrained by a Democratic Congress nor Federalism and state governments, nor by the fact that people on all sides of the political spectrum have guns and enough have the training to use them effectively.

And that's why these fucking people are trying to weaponize the virus against everybody else, trying to turn social distancing into just another culture war battle flag, and trying to force people to go back to work so they can get back to making money.

But America is, fundamentally, a democracy with too many brakes on their power. They've spent the last few years crawling around in the duct-work probing the defenses like the Xenomorphs in Aliens and found the system too hard to break or circumvent in many places, and the people too prone to having their own opinions. That's why they want people to go back to work and add a third, fourth, and fifth wave of the virus to the second one that's emerging.

Trouble is, it's only their own supporters they've brainwashed into believing only the things that are favorable to their worldview, it's only their own supporters who aren't trying to be safe, or who are eager to go back to work. Most Americans recognize the scam the wealthy have perpetrated now, if they didn't before. Trump has overplayed these people's hand, and done it badly and obviously and bragged about it. There will be change, and there may well be blood.

The problem is, that's roughly an aggregate two thirds of us.

The problem is, there's another third or so of us, roughly one American in three, who looks at writing like mine and screams, with conviction, that yes, they are indeed human capital stock and proud of it.

What they're really saying here is "Exploit me, just so I am given someone to exploit." What they are really saying is that they are absolutely fine with being slaves, just so that they get to be a better class of slaves than all or even some of the other slaves. Hell, I'll bet there's a pretty decent percentage of these fucking people that think there's no way the term "Human capital stock" could ever apply to them, because they're white people.

And they're the ones who, in the end, will end up with nothing and who will avoid being the slaves, or be liberated from that fate, only because the rest of us stood up. Capital doesn't give a goddamn what color you are.

And hell, I do not doubt that there are at least some of these people who would sign up to be slaves for, say, their outstanding debts to be paid off, without realizing that the debt itself would simply be purchased, bundled, and itself sold at a profit, so the bad guys would essentially get to make money off them twice right out the gate.

When these motherfuckers call the media "Enemies of the people" what they're not telling us is WE aren't "The People." We're the "Human Capital Stock." They hate on the media...but like any crazy motherfuckers...they can't WAIT to tell us how crazy they are, what they did, and look at that big poop they did out in the yard. Because they think it's funny, some kind of a joke.

They don't realize we aren't required to think it's funny.

Hell, there's some of these fucking people who would be slaves merely because liberals said slavery was bad, or because they want some big-talking dipshit to protect them from the evils of the world. If you want to know what the end game is, why they've turned their own people into primitives dancing around a fire shouting Unga Bunga, "Human Capital Stock" is both the why and the endgame.

That's what MAGA is, these fucking fools don't believe in their own freedom, much less yours, let alone ours.

Whatever becomes of us, as a nation, as a people, we can't afford to wait around for these sons of bitches to find their basic humanity nor waste time trying to talk them into it, because they will merely exploit that time to force their shitty agendas and shitty selfish god on the rest of us.

These people must be removed from power, and kicked to the curb and never listened to again, unless you actually like the idea of being Human Capital Stock.

If you want a better nation, one that treats people as human beings, you have to be a better citizen.

And vote, like your life and freedom depend on it, because they do.

End Of Line.

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