They worshipped, so they said, the Great Old Ones who lived ages before there were any men, and who came to the young world out of the sky. Those Old Ones were gone now, inside the earth and under the sea; but their dead bodies had told their secrets in dreams to the first men, who formed a cult which had never died. This was that cult, and the prisoners said it had always existed and always would exist, hidden in distant wastes and dark places all over the world until the time when the great priest Cthulhu, from his dark house in the mighty city of R'lyeh under the waters, should rise and bring the earth again beneath his sway. Some day he would call, when the stars were ready, and the secret cult would always be waiting to liberate him. ~HP Lovecraft, The Call Of Cthulhu
I've been seeing this.
"I love harassing cancer patients" said the Trump Supporter...on the record, on video, plain as day.
What the even....fuck?! I mean, what in the actual goddamned fuck is wrong with these people? Somebody who's suffering from cancer already has enough shit to deal with, they don't need you making it worse. My God, what the fuck?!
The next time some idiot tells you Critical Race Theory or something like that is bad and history should focus on the deeds of "Great White Men" think about this bit.
Because you know who guys like this think it a "Great Man?" Trump, that's who.
He's basically nothing but The Great Liberator for Assholes. For awhile, that was enough.
But it won't be forever, maybe not even more much longer.
Eventually, Asshole Freedom demands direction, and Trump ain't that guy. Simply being an asshole isn't going to be enough forever, though. Eventually these fuckers are going to want to hurt people.
And, like it or not, Trump is a coward. He'll talk up a good game and then not do anything.
And these assholes, deep down, they know that.
But they fiend, they thirst, for action.
Over the weekend, there was some kind of a spat between Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis, who has been campaigning for 2024 without saying he was campaigning for 2024 for awhile now, and who in fact has been working hard at staking out asshole positions further to the Right than Trump while stoking Antivaxxer Woo Woo and Culture War Bullshit the whole time.
I've been saying for a long time now, that I think Trump is done...but don't worry, they'll find somebody worse. And Ann Coulter just indirectly agreed with me and proved my point. Certainly, she's got a craving for a President worse than Donald Trump.
I feel dirty now.
But trust me, it will get worse.
And apparently, Trump and others, like old-school Republican dirty-trickster Roger Stone...see,
they sense the threat of people like Ron DeSantis too.
Which means that, since they know what would happen, and who would lose, if all these dudes just got out the measuring tape and whipped it out, that there's going to be a lot of overcompensating as these assholes snipe back and forth and it's going to get really old, really fast, but I have a lot of friends who will think this shit is hilarious.
Trouble is, now that Nixon Tattoo has entered the chat, this is already sounding like the plot to a very bad porno. Just add a goat, a rentboy and a Thai stripper or two and there you have it. Shit, this isn't helping.
Trouble is, all these Republicans, who see themselves as Great Men, they all have mobs of violent followers.
And sure, there's a lot of overlap between the different mobs of followers. But once you've lost somebody like Ann Coulter...mainly on the grounds of not being shitty enough?
Well, that's going to leave a mark.
Some people will question your shitty Republican-ness when that happens.
And I've also said for years that there's a high degree of potential for inter-Republican violence. If something like that happens, well, my money's not on Trump. But given these people's own rabid rejection of Democracy, how else would they choose leaders? The acclaim of the roaring mob?
Trouble is, that has to be earned, and all Trump knows how to do is talk real big to these people. All throughout his Presidency, that's all he did, was talk about what he was going to do. Eventually, somebody's going to actually do something.
But here's a clue, with these people: The shitty Republican agenda always wins out.
There is, indeed, Eternal Life within the Eater Of Souls.
While plenty of all the shitty wrinkly-old-balls Republicans like Ed Meese and Roger Stone are still endorsing Trump, I'm seeing a lot more drift than I thought I would have, and if anything the quality of those who've stuck with Trump has gotten even worse at the base level.
And do you really think those people are going to listen to some old guy like Ed Meese? Dude was Reagan's attorney general for part of his time, I quite doubt that a lot of Trump Supporters even know who he is. Roger Stone is only relevant because he's friends with Trump.
There are no Great Men in conservatism anymore, not since George HW Bush and John McCain died, anyway.
But in a world where all you have to do is put "Cryptocurrency argle bargle Blockchain something something Gazpacho NFT Unga Bunga" out there on the internet and you can scam off a million bucks, what's the point? Start selling hyperlinks to stupid pictures, make your bank and then shut your website down and disappear, and because none of this crap is regulated, nobody can do shit about it.
Meanwhile nobody's ever heard of
you, the person, and you don't
really want them to. But these assholes
thirst for some kind of
greatness, some kind of
meaning in their lives.
In that type of environment, How the hell do you think somebody is going to establish a reputation as a "Great Man?"
Well, I mean, there's the Elon Musk or John McAfee "Lifestyle Brand For Assholes" route. But that takes time, is expensive, and you have to hold the attention of a very ADHD mob for a long time.
You could also always start fear-mongering about Satan, but in a country where there's fewer and fewer religious people every day, that's not as likely to stick as it was in 1985.
Or there's violence, rhetorical and otherwise, because what else grabs the attention of smooth-brained chucklefucks?
Thing is, you know who knows better than to harass cancer patients?
Satanists have better morals than Republicans.
And in my experience, Satanists have way better morals than a lot of Evangelicals.
So, considering what's coming? Adjust your expectations accordingly.
I went home with the waitress, the way I always do
How was I to know, she was with the Russians, too?
I was gambling in Havana, I took a little risk
Send lawyers, guns and money, dad, get me out of this, ha
I'm the innocent bystander
Somehow I got stuck between the rock and a hard place
And I'm down on my luck, yes I'm down on my luck
Well, I'm down on my luck
And I'm hiding in Honduras
I'm a desperate man
Send lawyers, guns, and money
The shit has hit the fan
~Lawyers, Guns and Money, by Warren Zevon
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