From Stettin on the Baltic to Varna on the Black Sea, the regimes planted by totalitarianism have had more than thirty years to establish their legitimacy. But none — not one regime — has yet been able to risk free elections. Regimes planted by bayonets do not take root....If history teaches anything, it teaches self-delusion in the face of unpleasant facts is folly....Our military strength is a prerequisite to peace, but let it be clear we maintain this strength in the hope it will never be used, for the ultimate determinant in the struggle that's now going on in the world will not be bombs and rockets but a test of wills and ideas, a trial of spiritual resolve, the values we hold, the beliefs we cherish, the ideals to which we are dedicated. ~Ronald Reagan
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. spoke at the big Antivaxxer rally in Washington D.C. today.
Don't ask me to try and make any sense of all this conspiracy theory gibberish, it's just not going to happen.
Like I couldn't even tell you why the hell these people are so fixated on Bill Gates, or 5G cell phones.
But there's that comment about the Holocaust...
And to me, that shit makes the rest of this argle-bargle irrelevant.
In fact, that shit makes me wonder if it's not just word salad
specifically intended to confuse the feeble-minded.
Especially when it's now a known fact that Nazis are using Antivax bullshit as a recruiting tool, and of course these days, "Conservatives" in general have never met a conspiracy theory that they didn't like, or thought was too fucking looney.
Mostly because none of this shit really is about conservatism in any real way, it's all about fear of everything and feeling important and having someone or something to hate.
When you have...whether with malice aforethought or simply out of some vapid desire to be famous...placed yourself on the side of chicken-shit coward Nazis who wait until they think the camera's off to say "Seig Fucking Heil" you forfeit the right to rhetorically place yourself on the same side as Anne Frank. I don't give a damn who you are or what you think you're doing or why you think you're doing it.
If you're enabling fascists, Nazis and racists, you don't get to claim to be the victim. I don't give a fuck. I don't give a shit how much your racist ass thinks equality feels like oppression or whatever, it isn't.
Tell me something, do you really think if any of this bullshit was real, that these Nazi fucks (or loopy American political hacks like RFK Jr. for that matter)
wouldn't use "Satellites and 5G" to "Control the world's population and cut off food supplies?"
As if that even makes any sense.
When people tell on themselves, like a little kid who took a shit in the pool and knows it's bad but somehow wants everybody to know about it, they can't wait to tell you they're bad people. So, listen to them the first time.
All this crazy bullshit from the "Fringe" and "Q" is just projection. It's camouflage, disinformation. It's entirely meant to confuse the issues and hornswoggle the masses. For some people it seems to work. I'm sorry, but I think you'd have to be a real idiot to believe this shit.
And while RFK Jr. is out there at the head of the idiot Conga line with a can of Crisco in one hand, a rubber chicken in the other and one of those hats with a space for a beer can on either side of it on his head, the old Republican political Commissar is talking nothing but rank Banana Republic authoritarianism where he thinks it's safe to do so.
Like, seriously? Arresting House Representatives for literally doing their jobs and executing their sworn oaths to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution?
First of all, in order to remove a person from Congress, much less arrest them for a crime, you have to have evidence that they're not doing their jobs or that there is some other shady shit going on...and I'm only seeing that from Republicans. It's not wrong or illegal to investigate Donald Trump, and sure as hell not wrong or illegal to punish people who literally, in broad daylight with the whole world watching, tried to overthrow our government.
Newt's just mad because they didn't stay on task and acted like a bunch of reality-show freaks who were all getting their 15 minutes of fame...not that there's any real way the plan would've worked.
Newt doesn't actually care about that, he wants two things: #1 To be relevant again, so the political groupies will come around and #2 For his dick to work again so he can fuck them.
I mean, why the fuck do you think this asshole really became a Catholic in the first place? Being a sinful sot is one hell of a lot easier if you can convince yourself that God forgives your sins when you go to confession on a weekly basis.
I say arrest Newt Gingrich, see how he likes having to live in the world he thinks he wants.
Personally, I always thought all that was horse shit. Do these people really believe that God is that stupid?
(Yes they do, and
no one acts more like they think it's all crap than "Conservative" Christians do.)
But what these assholes are telling us, is they're going to keep up with their destructive, shitty behavior until they've either turned the whole United States of America into some shitty third world Banana Republic.
Or they've weakened our national cohesion and identity enough that they can just grab a few states and turn them into some kind of a shitty third world Banana Republic.
Just so
they're the ones who get to either be or at least own this version's United Fruit Company and Newt Gingrich gets to be
El Presidente and send the Army out to gun down the poor and any priest who has the guts to actually preach what's in the Bible (much less actual Catholic doctrine) instead of Newt Gingrich's preferred version which is basically political "Conservatism" with a liturgy.
Republicans are telling you they want Americans to be poor, sick, and stupid and have to live in a fucking war zone.
They're telling you if they can't get people to believe in their hateful, shitty beliefs, nor somehow gain the power to force people to believe in their Ayn Rand Contract With America Alan Greenspan Trickle-Down
bullshit that they're going to divide and obstruct and keep starting shit until this country comes flying apart or seizes up like a badly maintained engine.
And they're not even being the least bit shy about telling everybody that this is exactly what they want to do.
And I'm here to tell you, if we don't stop this bullshit, it will get worse.
Trust me, nobody knows more than our enemies do that this is America, and We The People are the last line of defense.
That's exactly why they work so hard to target us with all this bullshit.
I'm willing to bet if this Ukraine thing blows all the way up like it looks like it's going to, and we or NATO or even just our Eastern EU allies that don't want to be Russian subjects again (with support from us) end up in a war with the Russians, these motherfuckers will end up starting some kind of a right-wing insurgency, if nothing else, to degrade our effectiveness or lessen the amount of support we can provide.
Tucker Carlson is telling us exactly this when he gives Vladimir Putin a network blowjob every night, unless he's trying to stir up random anger by raging about M&M's.
Again, nobody has more contempt for Republican voters than Republicans do. Nobody has more hate in their hearts for Tucker Carlson's viewers than Tucker himself does.
These people see other Americans...of all creeds and colors and every other damn thing...the same way that colonizers like Cecil Rhodes saw the Black Africans. We're dirt to them, "Human Capital" or numbers for them to crunch. Our Constitution, freedom, rights, or any other goddamn thing doesn't mean shit to them
These people are destroying America...indeed the Western World...for profit.
They're doing this shit right in the open in broad daylight.
And then they have the balls to try and blame it all on Black people and Muslims?
And unless we as a people stand up and tell these motherfuckers to go fuck themselves, and smack some sense into these addled Antivaxxers and conspiracy theorists who've become nothing but right-wing camp followers, and pull the plug on all these lies, they're going to get what they want...which is a subjugated...or more likely simply divided...America.
'Cause you know what's going to happen if they can divide us and break off a piece of this country for themselves?
The next war won't just be in Ukraine, it'll be right here, too.
And don't think the military industrial complex and the various profiteers won't find a way to make bank off of all the killing, either.
But here's the thing. This is America and we don't have to put up with this bullshit.
We don't have to be susceptible to foreign manipulation or right-wing media lies. The whole reason these people are doing this shit is that information warfare is cheap and Americans are prone to things like bigotry, confirmation bias and magical thinking. Too many of us don't get out much, and basic critical thinking is in short supply.
And they've decided it's just easier to game that shit than it is to take us on straight up. That's all.
Who benefits from all that?
Not you.
Understand that, and you're off to a good start.
Who benefits from Americans believing in a bunch of woo woo bullshit and being divided?
Not you.
Who benefits from the breakup of America, from conflicts, and wars?
Not you.
Who benefits from hate, racism and stupidity?
Want to take a guess who doesn't?
Emancipate yourself from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our minds.
~Bob Marley
Without truth, there is no freedom.
Truth is verifiable, woo woo bullshit never is.
Repeat this until you understand it.
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