~Roy Batty, Blade Runner.
I was going to write something a week ago. Instead, I had a PTSD issue last Monday, which is something I haven't had in over a decade. For me, it all stems from my marriage, my divorce, and all the crazy religious crap around that. As I've mentioned before, my ex-wife had Borderline Personality Disorder. Given that our political situation since 2015 daily reminds me of my ex-wife, it's a wonder that it's taken me this long to snap on somebody...and naturally it was the wrong person.
It happened in the comments on a post about the Santa Fe, Texas school shootings. Some gun nut showed up and made some inappropriate comments, and the post had already profoundly bothered me. So yeah, it all went downhill from there.
As a result, I was angry and depressed all last week and well into this one.
On Sunday I got the ferrets out early in the morning to avoid the heat, and then after they were put up for the day I spent most of Memorial Day sitting outside. I was mostly messing around online on my Tablet and drinking (which I also do not do regularly, and have not in a long time, but I'd bought the cheap stuff and it was a holiday) and the fog sort of lifted. Late in the afternoon the sky clouded over and thunder rumbled, and long story short, my Schnauzer is terrified of thunder. I didn't want to get wet. He froze, and between me and the dog suddenly being terrified of stairs, we just made it in the door as the sky opened up. It rained for an hour or so, and then cleared up like nothing had happened, thankfully lowering the temperature by a good ten degrees for the rest of the day.
Funny thing, but right up until the sky turned gray the weather channel app on my phone and tablet said it was supposed to be hot and sunny all day.
It's funny how Man, for all his hubris, for all of our vast technology, still cannot reliably do something as simple as determine what the weather is supposed to be in the afternoon.
But you know, we really don't need all that technology, if you think about it.
Do you realize that when we look out over a vast landscape from a higher elevation, or when we look up into the sky at night...we, with just our own eyes...can see literally forever? Technically, at sea level, the human visual range...also limited by the curvature of the Earth itself...is around ten miles. But the more unimpeded that vision is by things getting in the way, the further we can see.
Granted, technically when we look up at the night sky, we're looking out over such a vast distance that what we're seeing is actually in the past due to the sheer vastness of the distances involved and the limitations of the speed of light, but I digress.
Think about that, in the context of America, of our politics, school shootings and of course, Trump.
Why are we, the nation that sent men to the Moon, so prone to listening to leaders of such small vision? For example, one who would take Memorial Day as yet another opportunity to honor himself, instead of honoring fallen airmen, marines, sailors and soldiers.
Very early on Sunday morning, I learned that American Astronaut (and US Navy officer) Alan Bean had died. I first saw this on Rick Wilson's Twitter feed. Wilson, of course, is a Republican strategist. Most of the other people who mentioned anything about Bean or his death were Democrats, scientists, or science fiction fans or writers.
Decency and vision know no Partisan divide, but then neither do shortsightedness and stupidity, unfortunately.
For much of last week on Jim Wright's Twitter feed I watched a number of threads where various "Bernie Bros" and other far-left white people basically debated the merits of voting, of all fucking things. The Trump Presidency has turned into an endless, ridiculous self-congratulatory clown-show of governmental incompetence, malicious stupidity and scandal after scandal after scandal. For example, the Department of Homeland Security apparently lost track of 1,500 or so migrant children entrusted to its care last year. Think about that for a second...and then think about what the hell kind of privileged asshole you'd have to be to care more about some Progressive policy idea than the lives of 1,500 children or 30,000 elderly people in Louisiana.
This right here is another thing I saw last week, a survey taken that says only 25% of Evangelicals think that the United States of America has a responsibility to take in refugees. Sorry, ya'll, but that's not the Christianity that I was taught.
“'When a foreigner resides among you in your land, do not mistreat them. The foreigner residing among you must be treated as your native-born. Love them as yourself, for you were foreigners in Egypt. I am the LORD your God.”
~Leviticus 19:33-34, New International Version.
But then, the same people basically have the attitude that the only things Leviticus is really good for in abusing children, LGBT people and women,
Let's not forget the three commandments of Evangelicalism.
#1: Thou Shalt Not, under any circumstances be LGBT, marginalized or poor. Remember that Thy Church is a popular social club and conduct yourself accordingly.
#2: Thou Shalt Not under any circumstances have an Abortion, unless it be to hide thy affair with some powerful Man, in which case, It Is Thy Fault, O Harlot!
#3: Thou Shalt Always Vote Republican, that thy true deity, Angry 100-metric-ton Assault BattleMech Jesus, Ayn Rand, Mammon, Velociraptor-riding Creationist Jesus Donald Trump! shall be appeased.
#3a: Jesus who?
That last add-on there was actually not a joke. I think Evangelicalism has officially reached the point of being a Christless Christianity, and in fact is rapidly approaching Trump Cult status.
As of last night, I learned that the First Lady hadn't been seen in public in 18 days, but several people had gotten it confirmed via the Secret Service that she's moved back to New York. There are rumors of abuse. Also, it's entirely possible that Trump and Rudy Giuliani could go full Brokeback #MAGA if both of their wives take the opportunity to split. Hey, it wouldn't make any less sense than anything else that's happened in the last three years.
Speaking of incidents that'll make you question hard-right conservative sexuality, then there's this guy, Canadian (?!) Alt-Right Nazi Gavin McInnes, who apparently stuck a microphone up his own ass because something something gazpacho Hillary Clinton blargh blargh grunt grunt *Thumps chest in simian-like rage* I mean, come on dude, if you want to get long hard things stuck up your ass, there's plenty of decent conservative gay men out there. Go find yourself one and deal with your issues. This bullshit is disgusting. I pity the sound crew on your show.
Apparently this idiot was pretty clear about his intentions toward the microphone and/or Hillary Clinton when speaking with somebody or other. Maybe it's just me, but I think these motherfuckers and their obsession with Hillary Clinton is more than just a little creepy.
But then, I felt the same way about their obsession with Barack Obama, too. These people's obsessions say far more about them than they say about Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton. A lot of it seems to come down to the usual mediocre white male worries about penis inadequacy...although I'd dare say calling these fools mediocre is probably an upgrade.
If you can't find it within yourself to stand up and vote against this garbage in the most effective possible way, (i.e. voting for the major party that isn't acting like this) because the Democrats don't inspire you or aren't fighting for whatever your pet policy issue is, don't call yourself a liberal. Hell, don't call yourself a decent human being.
It's the people who need to be "Inspired" that are why when it comes to getting out of this mess, we're just going to squeak by because pissed off conservatives who got cheated will vote against it and this country will survive by a percentage point or two, only to see the fight have to be renewed in two or four years when the Republicans find a way to wash this orange mess off of themselves. If the non-voters who bitch about this crap and the white uber-liberals/Bernie Bros would just get off their butts and vote with the rest of us, we could exile these Republican motherfuckers to the wilderness for decades, where they could either rethink their lives or stick microphones up their butts to their heart's content and we wouldn't have to see it on social media.
We. The. People. have the power to end this crap in the next couple of election cycles, Period. There are a lot more of the rest of us than there are of Republicans, let aloneTrump Supporters.
Will we? That's on us...all of us.
Look around you, and make the call.
Choose wisely.