I have not written much, this month. Oh, sure, I was dealing with car trouble for a couple of weeks. I've been busy, I've been tired. But you should know, dear reader, that there's more than that going on.
I've had a lot on my mind.
Maybe it's just the various ridiculous behaviors of the Evangelicals and the Republicans lately, especially since the election, maybe there's more than that going on. I don't know.
But I will tell you one thing, I've completely had it with religion...or at least with Christianity (most particularly the Evangelical or Fundamentalist sort) at least as it's practiced in the United States of America.
Consider the above photo, for example. Two women, simply sharing a kiss in the middle of a group of people dancing.
Presumably, this happened on Thanksgiving, but I've been sporadically seeing conservative butt-hurt about this for a week now.
I mean, what the fuck? For one thing, not all families are the same, our definition of family has been changing and growing for...basically my whole life. I don't give a damn if it's a "family program" nothing about this kiss here seems out of line to me.
This is America, in the 21st goddamned century, people have the right to do what they want as long as they're not hurting anybody else. Hell, this is America, there's a credible chance (though certainly, one that's reduced by the conduct and the hostility of the Christians and the conservatives themselves in this case) that one or the other or maybe even both of these women might be a Christian or a conservative herself. Certainly, as recently as a decade ago there were still some gay Republicans around.
But you can't tell that to these fucking people.
I'm serious, conservatives, ya'll are killing it for me, not least with the arrogant assumptions that somebody being white, straight and conservative is somehow the default nature of things, and anything else has to have "permission" by you to even exist.
Let's get one thing straight, there's six or seven billion people on this planet and I'm pretty sure the percentage of them that are white, politically conservative straight Americans or Europeans is a small percentage of that number. Ya'll ain't the default of anything, you're privileged assholes who have no fucking idea how the rest of the world works or what it's composed of.
And I'm going to be quite honest here. I'm not a Christian and I haven't been one in over a decade, and any belief I have in the concept and understanding of God that I once followed is being slowly strangled by this fucking bullshit.
I've officially amended my current theological viewpoint from "Agnostic Theist" to just plain "Agnostic."
Let me point out, that I have no issue with anybody else's concept of God. No Jewish or Muslim person that I've ever met (and relatively few that I've ever even heard of) has ever engaged in the kind of sustained patterns of bad conduct that have become routine fare for white conservative Evangelicals or Trump Supporters. Hell, I've damned few problems with other Christian sects besides Evangelicals at this point. They're not the ones ruining this whole "belief" thing for me. They're not the ones whose behavior repulses me to the point where I want nothing to do with their idea of God.
I've yet to see a Catholic person come out in favor of gassing migrant children, for example. Of course that might have something to do with the fact that probably a majority of said migrants are Catholic. That might have something to do with the fact that even the Pope has come out in favor of supporting these asylum seekers, immigrants and migrants, and said that national security should take second place to common decency in this matter. It is, after all, perfectly legal to seek asylum. Helping the foreigner, the immigrant, the needy and the stranger are all likewise things that the Christian religion not only encourages, but requires on a scriptural level. If you're a Christian, and you don't want to help the poor, you need to find a different religion.
But then, I honestly wonder if These Fucking People would try to shoot Jesus if they found out that he was a brown-skinned Middle-Eastern Jew who didn't share their right-wing politics.
Certainly they can't seem to understand that other people have a right to exist and be left in peace, like that fucking guy who (after he'd been told not to) went to North Sentinel Island to bother the Sentinelese tribes-people and try to
These people are, with some justification, violently xenophobic, to the point where they try to shoot down Indian Navy helicopters with bows and arrows. This damned Evangelist had been told repeatedly to not go to the island. He didn't listen, the natives shot him full of arrows.
Just sayin' when the natives only want to be left alone and will violently try to repulse anybody who comes too close it's probably best to just stay away. Also, be careful what you wish for, for you may get it.
And some "Christians" want these Native people punished when everybody from the Indian government and military on down told this dude not to go to that island, for this exact reason?
Fuck that.
I have a better idea, let's stop listening to the conservative white Evangelicals. Actually, I'm not certain about that term anymore either. I mean...can you "Evangelize" somebody for Donald Trump? He's not a god.
Like I said, it's been awhile since I've actually heard an American conservative talk about Jesus.
Instead, it's all Trump, all the time. Hell, the other day Franklin Graham referred to Trump as a "Defender of the Faith."
Are you fucking kidding me with that shit?
I find it telling that Evangelicals would rather accept crumbs from the tables of tyrants...even Islamic tyrants that two years and two months ago they'd have equated with the Devil himself...than listen to what their own religion teaches about justice, not committing murder, and the sanctity of life.
Listen, Christians, if ya'll want your religion to stop losing followers you're going to have to start doing better than this crap.
It's just that simple. This is America, not Saudi Arabia. No one has to follow your god.