If we lose freedom here, there is no place to escape to. This is the last stand on Earth. And this idea that government is beholden to the people, that it has no other source of power except to sovereign people, is still the newest and most unique idea in all the long history of man's relation to man. This is the issue of this election. Whether we believe in our capacity for self-government or whether we abandon the American revolution and confess that a little intellectual elite in a far-distant capital can plan our lives for us better than we can plan them ourselves. ~Ronald Reagan
I saw this earlier today, because Kirk Cameron was trending on Twitter. He's bitching about schools "Grooming for Leftist politics, racial confusion and sexual chaos."
You hear that, LGBT people, liberals and non-whites? Kirk Cameron says "Get back in your place and let white 'Conservatives' have (and run) everything."
Meanwhile, most of those people be like "Who's Kirk Cameron?"
Wait until this motherfucker finds out that Jesus was a Brown middle-eastern Jew, a carpenter and itinerant Rabbi who preached a Gospel of compassionate, peaceful, simple, socialistic living...or for that matter, the Apostle Paul, a Roman Citizen and Rabbi who, despite adding extensive and often misogynistic form to the same, did not change its basic form.
But of course, these fucking people don't give a shit about any of that, not really.Their "god" if they could be said to have one, is really just a particular form of oligarchic, racist social conservatism. It's like the ideologies of Rhodesia and [Apartheid] South Africa but...anymore aside from a few religious weirdos like Kirk Cameron, it doesn't really bother with religion as a justification.
But just like those two countries, or the modern Taliban, they're all too happy to conflate guns and religion because it's not about God, it's about forcing their cultural memes and their ways onto other people. And the fact that just a Republican winning the Presidency and then spending four years abusing the shit out of the American system wasn't enough to do that enrages these fucking people.
They thought Trump would wave some kind of "Art of the Deal" magic wand and everybody else would just obey and leave the public sphere and all the money to the white "Conservatives." They really, really did. The fact that we all did not instantly become just like them is what they were so mad about for all that time.
The funny part is, I have yet to meet a Trump Supporter who can or will tell me why they like Trump. Standard Republicans (what's left of them, anyway) are usually far more forthcoming and transactional about the whole thing.
But those fucking people aren't running things anymore. It's Lauren and Marge's Party now. And there's a reason for that...just like there's a reason Elon Musk has been put in front of us as the latest dog-and-pony show.
The people who really create all this bullshit...in the name of lower taxes...don't want anybody around who knows anything. Why else would Republicans be on this stupid anti-education kick in the first place?
And the Republicans are very quickly dispensing with capitalism or any semblance of a belief in democracy (or anything else they ever said they believed in before.) All in the pursuit of maintaining their mostly-imagined and unofficially-granted privileges and shoring up declining social power. These people don't want America, they want a caste system and segregation, if not slavery.
But they've forgotten how American law works, and how people work...if they ever knew that part. Nobody but them wants this shit.
The truth is, the poor and middle-class white folks who support this garbage are more likely than anyone to end up being the people enslaved by it, because nobody else will obediently play along. And their guns won't matter worth a damn because their "elites" and the people they put endless faith and trust in, will teach them that it's "cool" or it "owns the libs" to be a slave to this shitty ideology.
And the truth is, I'm not sure these fucking idiots would care. After all, these are people who'll literally hand weapons to babies because they think it makes some kind of political statement.Seriously, look at the photo montage above. Literally the only image therein that I find even remotely understandable is the little girl with the pink .22 rifle, which she appears to be at least capable of physically using and probably of doing so safely if supervised by an adult. It's all very Boy Scouts or...perhaps more accurately...Young Pioneers. Yes, I fucking went there. Do you think these fucking people wouldn't sign up for Communist Totalitarianism if they thought it would give them an easy life and someone below them to kick?
But you know, it gets even worse.
Letting babies handle weapons or handing a rifle to a kid who can't even hold it up? This isn't politics of any sort, it's mental illness and unsafe behavior. If you can't operate something as simple as a piece of toilet paper yet, you're not going to be capable (under any circumstances) of making the kinds of decisions one might have to make with a weapon.
Not that these fucking people want to make any decisions at all, really. What the fuck do you think the authoritarian, if not totalitarian religious crap is for?
And I don't give a damn, if you'd hand a semiautomatic pistol to a baby, you're not qualified to be adult supervision your own damn self.
And that's why they think 'Leftist politics, racial confusion and sexual chaos" are inherently bad. That's why they support people like Vladimir Putin who rule nations they have endless contempt for from the top down, with utterly perfunctory efforts at, well, anything.
Because the cynicism, the fake religiosity, the hateful, mocking, patronizing crap and the openly pointless wars...are all symbols of power in these people's minds.
They don't want anybody to really believe anything.
Because somebody with deeply held convictions might oppose them. This was me vs. a lot of other Republicans in 2008, for example. I would imagine that a lot of the Ukrainians fighting against the Russians would qualify as conservative in many American minds, they're still fighting.
It's Because these fucking people want someone to tell them what to believe, what their place in the world is, who they can fuck, and more importantly that they must have someone beneath them in the hierarchy and they want to have to endlessly rationalize all this endless stupid shit, as opposed to figuring that stuff out honestly for themselves and going out and making their own place in the world and knowing where they stand because they fucking went out and earned it.
That used to be the Republican way, but it sure isn't anymore. Fear and unearned privilege are the way now.
Because freedom is too hard, or something.
Because these fucking people have drowned morality and their own self-determination and self-respect in an ocean of hatred.
Reagan fucking Wept.
We The People need to wake the fuck up and see these fucking people reaching for our throats with their bloody hands, and then we need to fucking stand up and do something about it.
If you want a better country, you have to be a better citizen. Freedom isn't free, sometimes you have to fight for it.
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For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. ~Matthew 24:27