So, Biden and Trump are set to debate on Thursday.
Just sayin' if you want to win, it helps to at least act like you believe you can.
Of course, the motherfuckers will declare victory anyway. Not that they expect anybody else to believe it.
That's the whole point of these fucking people switch-hitting between "Biden is old and doddering" and "Biden is an evil mastermind" or jacked on performance-enhancing drugs or some shit.
They're basically down to Magic Words And Phrases at this point (and they know too many in the media will at least pretend to believe in that horseshit.) The Unga Bunga version of "Liberalism" as a word, like "Communism" or any other fucking thing means whatever they want it to mean...or whatever, politically, they need it to mean right now. (And if they get the power they think they want, they'll use this dishonest shit on each other, too. Fuck that, they're already doing it to each other now.) What it meant yesterday doesn't even matter.
These fucking people have bought whole-hog into the "LOL, Nothing Matters" ...except Power...ethic of Putinism. How has that worked out for all those Russian conscripts thrown into the meat grinder in Ukraine??
About the same way that Trumpism fully realized, or neo-Confederate secessionism (But I repeat myself) would work out for the average American Idiot, I'd wager.
But they'll get mad if you point that out. See, it's the image they think something projects that's what actually matters to these smooth-brained chucklefucks. (You can see this in something as simple as how Lindsey Graham or Scott Adams talk about Trump.) That's why a whole bunch of dudes that wouldn't know Cicero the Roman Senator from Cicero the Skyrim character have Greek and Roman statue AVI's.
And guess what?? Our enemies know this shit about us now, and have decided to exploit it by manipulating all these fools. Get smart, my people, now it's a National Security issue. Be intelligent, for America.Ya know, if I was Joe I'd chug a couple green Monsters and maybe eat a couple Altoids mints on camera right before the debate just to troll these idiots. Do it right in front of whoever works at CNN that's gonna run and tell Fox News.
Performance enhancing drugs, my ass. If anybody's gonna be on drugs, it's Trump. He has a demonstrable record of that kind of crap. But in MAGA's collective mind, if Trump loses, they lose and make bad choices and shit, and are (in their own minds) worthy of Judgment. Maybe it's just me, but I think the number of shitty little narcissists in America has been way, way undercounted.
So they're gonna try and declare "Victory" no matter what, in pretty much the same way my loser Pentecostal ex-wife did...along with all the endless fake hokum and false prophecies...and for the same reason. [Jack Nicholson voice] "They can't handle the Truth."
But, they'd have declared "Victory" if Trump had got us into an interstellar war with Aliens who, using antimatter weapons fired from Low-Earth Orbit, reduced America to a glass-sided crater slowly filling in with radioactive water from both oceans. I mean this seriously, guys...I don't know what the hell y'all see in this demented, fat, orange motherfucker.I get that for a lot of these old nasty Republicans and the wealthy and shit, Trump is just a trojan horse to use to get what they want...but that doesn't even close to explain to me why even a hell of a lot of these alleged manipulators fall into cultic devotion, homoerotic Trump-meme-ing and perverse slobbering sycophancy their own damn selves...simply because Trump yells louder than they do.
At a base level, yes, I think a lot of Republicans are just Lost (as in the Biblical/Christian sense of that word) and yes, they're that desperate for something, hell, anything to believe in.
Well, that and Trump lets them be the worst people they can be, and lets them feel righteous about it.
Until he doesn't, anyway, but they never think he'll throw them, personally, under the bus. It won't happen to me.
(And then, too many of them don't care when he does exactly that. It basically took Mike Pence like three years to decide he was against Trump! Bro, if somebody who claimed to pretty much be my side sent a mob to kill me I'd have switched parties that damn day.)
And what these motherfuckers wanna be is basically a Christianized (yet also strangely Christ-less and thus devoid of any form of Grace) version of Radical Islam. You know, the kind of base religiosity that engages in mob behavior and burns people for shit they may or may not have done, and the laws of their own God and country be damned. They'll attack the police too.Same with the government, the military, etc. Nothing matters to them.
Hell, They did it on January 6th! These fucking people want a "religion" that lets them hurt people, and sacralizes their hate. I suspect, given the chance, they'd go further than any Pakistani mob ever would, too.
And this Atheistic New York City fat-cat that I knew was a scumbag who hated the Lord's Word 40 years ago would egg them on, simply because the goddamned Christian Nationalists and the Evangelicals and the Prosperity Gospel scammers are the last ones still actually cheering for his ass, and he needs them to fuel his narcissism more than he actually needs America.
The thing I'll never understand is that the vast majority of Evangelicals seem fine with this kind of arrangement.
I couldn't do it, just sayin.' And I'm not a "Born Again" anything.
But these same fucking people are madder than hell that LGBT people exist.And they seem mad enough about it to participate in outright Antichristianity and go to hell.
Ya know, it seems to me like Going To Hell to "Own The Libs" or because you think it'll somehow magically something something Gazpacho hurt somebody else is just plain nonsensical bullshit.
Okay, so you got to hurt some Gay people? Is eternal separation from God and being cast into Sheol (Remember that the folk-Christian concept of Hell comes from Dante's Inferno, not the Bible) where your soul is destroyed...because you engaged in idolatrous worship of a Man so you could get to do that somehow worth it?? Help me, here.
Nobody acts more like they know Christianity is a lie and God is nothing but a superstition than the Christians do at this point.
I get that Spite is the only reason a lot of these motherfuckers get up in the morning, really, I do. These fucking people want to live in a far more malicious version of Idiocracy.
But it seems to me like, ya know, obeying your own holy books or at least some basic sense of self-preservation (By the people who, in most other aspects of life, cowardly self-preservation to the point of even avoidance of basic responsibilities is simply what they do) would at least apply here.
And you'd be wrong, because expressing fanaticism and hatred literally is the most important thing to these fucking people, who think you can be "Anything you want" as long as you're not Gay...or otherwise "Not one of them."Like, Lindsay Graham gave away the game when he said, a few years back, that Black people could do anything they wanted in South Carolina, as long as they're "Conservative."
Seems like a pretty limited selection of options, I think I'll pass, and I say that as an old straight white guy.
But these fucking people don't want a leader, or even a political philosophy. They want an Imperial Cult that everybody is required to make offerings to. They want a "God" that they can see and hear and reach out and touch.
Because faith...even as literally defined in the Bible...was too difficult, or something.
And yet, all it took was a con artist loser like Donald Trump saying "Follow me" and they did it.
It's got electrolytes...
I mean, who the fuck jogs wearing body armor if they don't have to??
It seems strange to me that the same people who preached fanatical faith in Jesus Christ ten years ago now seem to have an infinite faith in Donald Trump, despite the fact that all he's done is hurt them, too.
One of these things is not like the other one.Jesus sacrificed Himself for the Sin of the world.
Trump wants to sacrifice the World to assuage his own narcissism and Sin.
And Trump attracts people who are like himself, so it will only get worse if we don't do anything about this shit.
You can either stand up and fight against this crap or not.
But also, you either believe in freedom or you don't.
And remember, you're going to have to be the one who lives with the consequences of which way you decide.
Not somebody else, You.
And if you're not free, what the fuck does it matter how much money you got for your soul??
Personally, I'm unwilling to just let the country I served, and where I live, be destroyed for the sake of one man's ego.
There's nobody I wanna hurt bad enough to destroy myself and give up my own freedom to do it.
Remember that, because there's going to be a test...for all of us.
We're up against people who'd rather be Slaves Of The Caesars or live in the Empire from Star Wars than be free, if everybody else gets to be free too.
I don't know about you, but I've seen Star Wars enough to know how that works out. Funny how none of the people doing this shit think they're gonna be the one that gets Force Choked.
~Malcolm X.
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For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. ~Matthew 24:27