I saw this earlier today. Evidently, at least for Erick Erickson, The Supreme Court and the "Conservative" movement in general going off the rails lately is all about revenge.
Revenge for what, Erick? Civil Rights? Women not being your personal property? The fact that your side lost the Civil War?
Fuck that motherfucker.
My personal theory is the Supreme Court went rogue to try and cause distraction and kick up a fuss to protect the Republican Party in general and Donald Trump in particular from accountability since there appear to be...maybe...a dozen Republicans nationwide who weren't balls-deep in the whole goddamned attempt to overthrow our government and replace it with Donald Trump. A man who, evidently, threw food at the wall, tried to choke out a Secret Service agent, and who damned well knew members of the mob he whipped up were armed.
And Trump wanted to lead them into battle, against his own country.
Think about that for a second.
That's the literal Constitutional definition of treason, right there.
But Erick here shows that Trump isn't really the problem, just a shitty opportunist.And Erick, that Supreme Court you're bitching about? It's been dominated by Republicans for that same 50 years you're bitching about...but not your kind of Republicans, apparently.
And in that lies a warning for all you other Republicans. If SCOTUS keeps at this rogue bullshit it's going to break this country. At that point, normie Republicans, you will be at the mercy of the mob.
Which ostensibly-respectable, often anti-Trump Republicans like Erick Erickson will be only too happy to lead, since it never was really about Trump either.
It was ever and always about racism.
And all this bullshit is about accountability, not just for 1/6 but going way back. For example a warrant was found this week in the basement of a Mississippi court house. A warrant for the arrest of the white woman whose lies led to the murder of Emmett Till. She's still alive. His family wants that woman arrested.
That's what these fucking people are afraid of. What you got to hide, Erick?
If you think these motherfuckers will stop with wrecking the Civil Rights of Black people, or of LGBT people, you're wrong. In fact, they'll probably be coming after you first...because as racist and terrible as you've been you weren't racist or terrible enough.
My Grandpa, a Naval Aviation retiree, had saved some newspapers for various reasons from when he was stationed in the South. As a kid...and later as an adult after he died...I looked through some of those. There's not much those Southern white people hated more than Northern white people, and it was mainly over the whole idea that people in general had rights, that workers could organize, and stuff like that. A lot of those Southern newspapers were the Newsmax and Fox News of their time.But it's worse than that, even.
Apparently a lot of these Republicans want to fuck 12-year-old girls. They keep getting caught talking about that shit. The same people who call liberals "Groomers" and LGBT people "Sexual Deviants" are consistently getting caught talking about the idea of Tween girls having sex.
Doesn't that seem kind of fucked up to you?
But it's part and parcel of these sons of bitches' belief that other people's humanity and sovereignty over their own bodies is not a thing they need to respect.
And when the massive social disruption caused by these so-called "Conservatives" leads to a divided America and Neo-Confederate forces and the United States Armed Forces peering through their gunsights at each other, and a bloody tit-for-tat of airstrikes, missile attacks and naval battles, and hordes of refugees...many of whom will be non-Christians, non-fascist conservatives, People of Color and women...expect that among those refugees will be 13-year-old Moms...and those who (rightly) don't want to be Moms.
Expect that if we ever take back the parts of the country that these sons of bitches end up controlling, we're going to need things like the Special Court for Sierra Leone...but here in America and specifically for dealing with things like sexual assault.
Because that's the kind of world These Fucking People want to live in, apparently.
A world where most people's lives are nasty, brutish and short...but where old wealthy white dudes get to live in fabulous wealth and practice perversions that would shame the Devil...while old simpering priests that dress like one-man Pride floats extol how "Righteous" they are before the captive masses.
I don't want to live in that kind of world, and you don't either.
Vote these fuckers out, demand that Trump be prosecuted, and remove the current corrupt Supreme Court members...and more to the point bring them up on charges of treason too, because when you're literally working on behalf of a foreign power to destroy America and replace the Constitution with radical Catholic doctrine...the Knights of Malta...that's what you call that shit.
And people like Erick Erickson go along with it because Racism. Don't let them fool you, either.
This is America, assholes, we don't goddamned answer to your religion, the Federalist Society, or the Sovereign Military Order of Malta...or the 1920's Ku Klux Klan, neither.
And we all sure as hell ain't waiting for the Rapture...which isn't even a Biblical doctrine, but something a dude named John Nelson Darby made up whole-cloth in the 19th century.
The time for Knights ended 600 fucking years ago, the age of aristocrats over 100 years ago. We as a goddamned species had better wake up and deal with the 21st Century and stop tolerating those who won't, be they Communist-revanchist Russian dictators or American Catholic extremists.
Слава Україна!
My black face fades,hiding inside the black granite.
I said I wouldn't
dammit: No tears.
I'm stone. I'm flesh.
My clouded reflection eyes me
like a bird of prey, the profile of night slanted against morning.
I turn this way—the stone lets me go.
I turn that way—I'm inside
the Vietnam Veterans Memorial
again, depending on the light
to make a difference.
I go down the 58,022 names,
half-expecting to find
my own in letters like smoke.
~Facing It, by Yusef Komunyakaa, US Army Veteran