So, I found out yesterday that a friend of mine's little brother is a Proud Boy. Then, I hunted up the thread on Facebook, call it morbid curiosity.
It's dumber than I realized, and I knew this shit was pretty fuckin' dumb.
This kid claims to be a Seventh Day Adventist...and Seventh Day Adventists...along with other similar groups like the Jehovah's Witnesses usually are peaceful and reject involvement in worldly affairs. Part-way into the conversation he starts ranting about Blue Laws and "Traditional culture" and how these things will lead to the glorious appearing of Christ and the Rapture (which I'm not sure he doesn't think those things happen at the same time) and how it's his "duty" to try to help create a government that will force Christianity on people so they don't die when Christ returns.
Or something something Gazpacho.
I'm a former conservative. I'm a former Christian, and something in my brain is going "What the fuck?"
It's like this, and take it from a former Baptist, here. If you don't accept Christ because you want to, you don't accept Christ. You cannot make a person Believe, they have to want to.
The dominant traditional cultures in Biblical times were never the Israelites or the Christians. In point of fact during the life of Jesus, the dominant "traditional" culture of the world as those people knew it was Greek or Roman in character and practiced a lot of male bisexuality, I have to wonder how that fits in this fool's definition of traditional values? As for where Jesus came from, the subject local culture was Aramaic-speaking Jewish or Hellenized Syrian, and those who rejected Greco-Roman ways also rejected much of what these idiots would call "values." The culture of today's Middle East has not changed that much, and you can still see this.
I was specifically a member of the End Times Prophecy Movement for four years, and I got pretty deep into it, enough to know that Millerite-descended churches like the Jehovah's Witnesses and Seventh Day Adventists were often specifically thought of as heretics by the conservative and Fundamentalist Protestants that made up the main body of the End Times Prophecy Movement of the era.
And those churches generally do not accept doctrines like the main End Times Prophecy narratives as I was taught to understand them. They have their own interpretations, which are not the same. I knew people in those days of chat rooms and message boards who would go over this in some detail, even getting into the nuts and bolts of these movements and their founding members and how some of them engaged in occult was not uncommon for American people in general in the first half of 19th century, among other religions, Mormonism was born out of these same trends.
As one might guess, this kid hasn't the slightest idea of anything he's talking about. The beliefs he's professing are nothing more than modern pop-Evangelical End Times crap that's even mutated well away from what it was when I was part of the movement.
Among other things, instead of leaving matters of justice or vengeance to God, the modern beliefs have mostly abandoned the pre-Tribulation Rapture in favor of belief in the "Christians" making some kind of heroic stand and physically fighting the Antichrist.
According to what I was taught, there would already be plenty of people who would do that, and the Bible foretold that those people would lose...because Man cannot throw off what would ultimately be a cumulative result of Man's corrupt ways and godless was an article of faith of the movement that I was a part of that Man's Utopian urges were misguided, that only God could redeem the World....and that it would happen, but when God so chose.
But of course Man gets impatient.
No man knows the day or the hour, not even the Son, but the Father only.
And that's aside from the fact that the Rapture is a false doctrine, it's not even mentioned as such in the Bible, but rather is a certain interpretation of a few selected verses.
In the comments, my friend talks about how his little brother talked about "reporting him" to the "new government" for being a "Leftist" to "save himself and his kid."
Well, little bro, I have to ask what's wrong with you, that you'd want to live in that kind of world?
Also, speaking as a somebody who was a child of the late Cold War, during whose formative years the Soviet Union was still a thing, and who as a teenager still expected that one night there might one night be sun-bright flashes to the southeast and northwest of where I lived at as my state's two Strategic Air Command bases were destroyed, the wail of air raid sirens in the distance, and the scream of jet engines splitting the night as BUFFs screamed past at treetop level, gunning for some payback, gone to visit the same fates on Engels and Tartu that'd been inflicted on K.I. Sawyer and Wurtsmith Air Force Bases...
I have to wonder, what do you think Communism even is? 'Cause what you're saying is exactly what the Communists would do. Splitting up families to prove the power of the State, and encouraging people to 'Inform' on each other are exactly things that the Communist Party did, and stood for.
There's a reason that men, real honest-to-God conservative Men like Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush were able to stop Communism with a combination of Capitalism and moral force, and that they took pains to make sure that physical force was used only around the margins or in proxy conflicts.
People who don't believe in anything think that the greatest power is to take life. They don't understand that the Soul is immortal, and that there are far, far worse fates than mere death. Fear not those who can destroy the body, but fear He who can destroy both body and soul in hell.
Seriously why the fuck do you think people can do such a thing as resist guns and police and physical force with protest signs and moral force? It's that. People don't have to have guns to not be afraid of your dumb ass.
And this is America, aren't we supposed to be better than this type of shit?
Listen, kid, what you're proposing sounds far more like the Stalinist totalitarianism that even the Soviet Union had given up by the time I was born than it does like anything else.
I've been saying since 2015 that Republicans are basically Communists now for a goddamned reason.
Excuse me, just what did we bother going through all that work of winning the Cold War for, anyway?
It gets worse.
This dude goes on to rant about putting people in concentration camps, for no better reason than because those people aren't fascists, apparently.
I'm not sure what the fuck any of this is, but it's not America, it's not conservatism, it's not freedom.
And these fucking people are even turning on the Republican Party. These fucking people are even mad that the system, as expected, took full measures to save itself and continues to do the same. What the fuck else did you idiots think would happen?
Think about that, for a second. Y'all built this, Republicans. We have actual Americans that are this fucking dumb, You're the ones who broke this kid, Republicans, you did this.
I don't believe for one second...especially if this is the quality of the Enemy...that whatever they try to do on January 6th will have much more effect than these fucking people embarrassing themselves even more. It's not for nothing that I know people who've asked me if the Proud Boys were simply a group of right-wing homosexuals. When their leader, Gavin McInness, routinely sticks stuff up his own ass live on his show because something something Hillary Clinton, it's hard to imagine how an actual old school traditional conservative could reach a different conclusion.
All this contradictory bullshit is the product of confusion, and stupidity. There's no better or kinder way to put it and I'm not sorry. Somebody needs to tell these people what is true.
But here's the thing. There's somebody out there watching this crap, with their brain engaged and the wheels turning and sooner or later if this crap is not checked it will result in insurgent warfare and terrorism. Sooner or later people with their brains engaged and their eyes open will start actually learning shit, because they have to, as combat is probably the most Darwinian learning environment with the hardest learning curve there is. If you want to stay alive sooner or later you have to stop trying to immanentize some kind of right-wing Eschaton and actually do things a certain way, and that way doesn't give a shit how many cereal brands you can name off when you get shot and laughs at the fact that you punch like an interior decorator and really can't shoot. If these idiots want to be alive, they'll get over stuff like that real quick when the shit hits the fan and start acting according to what's really going on. That's when they'll become a real threat.
Yes, a lot of them will crumble, lots of them will die, but some of them won't and it doesn't take all that many to create a hell of a terrorist problem.
And that's why we have to stop this crap now.
Before these confused functionally-illiterate morons kill more people.
I can't put it any more simply than that.
Not Peace, but a Sword
“Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. And a person's enemies will be those of their own household. ~Matthew 10:34-36
I suddenly remembered my Charlemagne, let my armies be the rocks and the trees...and the birds in the sky. ~Henry Jones, Sr. after he's caused a German fighter to crash by scaring a flock of birds into flight with his umbrella. From Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.