See, in Em City, retribution gives way to redemption. Timmy boy believes he can save every one of us, from each other, from ourselves, from the system that dumped us in here. Only thing he don't get is, you gotta want to be saved. ~Augustus Hill, from the HBO series "Oz" (Season One.)There's a disturbing trend I've been seeing lately. I've brought this up before but it seems to be getting worse.
Trump Supporters are starting to talk like suicide bombers, like cultists who are angry because the rest of us rejected their shitty orange god. A friend of mine once called these people the Kamikaze Caucus.
This is a fucking problem. More to the point if you think this is somehow representative of or in defense of American or Western culture, or even political or social conservatism, you need to go home and rethink your fucking life.
America is not built around "Great Men" we don't have "Dear Leaders" or emperors or kings any other kind of dictatorial tin-pot, we are according to our own founders a nation of laws, not men. We don't do taxidermy and stuff our leaders when they die, and America is not even built to deal with political personality cults.
People need to cut this shit out right the fuck now, even, and perhaps especially if they are or claim to be conservative.
For one thing, go ahead and tell me where either murder or suicide is somehow acceptable. Go ahead, I'll wait. And yes, that is exactly what this is and don't you forget it either.
These people who are beating off to the idea of trying to kill their political opposition, who are wanting to install Trump as a dictator, who are talking like suicide bombers? I'd bet that 90%-plus have never actually faced much real struggle, let alone the prospect of death, and they sure as hell have never been in combat in wars civil or otherwise, nor visited a country that is ruled by a dictator, nor had to clean up after any of the above.
Every last one of these goddamned idiotic fake Blackshirts thinks that fascism is something that will only happen to
other people, that mass death and war are somehow not going to hurt them personally, or cost them money, that they're not the ones who will have to fight and die, or live with horrible disabling injuries or PTSD or their shit getting blow up and...well, the list goes on. Every last one of these fucking fools thinks
they're the one who has the game beat, who thinks Trump won't ultimately betray
them even though he's betrayed our entire country multiple times at this point.
How's that working out for Republicans in Georgia, right about now?
Brian Kemp won the Georgia governorship by actively trying to out-Trump Trump and all he got for it was cast into the outer darkness by MAGA anyway.
How is it working out for Senate Republicans who are suddenly having to play defense against their own outgoing President and his assorted hare-brained schemes, and more to the point all the various whack-a-nut schemes trickling up from Trump's base as well?
These people are going to get caught between an irate general public and even more irate Trump Supporters over the next couple years, and they have no one to blame for this shit but themselves.
How the fuck does it work for conservative media or the voters who are so smacked out of their minds on all this stupid horseshit that they can't tell the difference between Communism, liberalism and even moderate Republicanism?
More to the point, some of these fucking people are so high on the smell of their own bullshit that they don't know, or have forgotten, that Communism hasn't really been a thing since 1989. Ya know, I was there, just a 15 year old conservative kid when the Wall came down, all excited because in a couple weeks I'd be turning 16 and get my driver's license and shit. But I watched the news and stuff, I paid attention, I was there.
With their endless lust for using words they don't understand to ratfuck enemies that mostly exist only in their heads, these motherfucking people have cast aside both the American and NATO victory in the Cold War and any good that came from the leadership of men like Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush.
And why?
Because most of these people are small insecure idiots who desire fascism not so much because they think it will kill their enemies (although they may say that's the reason) but because they think that then, they'll be able to touch the power of the Transcendent State at last...and no, I don't mean they think they'll be able to reach God or some other divine thing, no, they want to worship the if anything in the whole damn world could be less conservative than that.
They want fascism because they think it'll somehow magically turn them into the Alpha Males and strutting John Wayne type figures they imagine themselves to be. Somewhere I have a picture of Mike Pence in a bomber jacket, glowering Bumboclaatly across the DMZ at North Korea as if he thought he could force them to submit by the sheer power of his Marlboro-Man-like manliness (that exists only in his head.) They want this shit because they think it'll immanentize some kind of right-wing eschaton and they'll get to live in heaven while the rest of us live in hell but still have to give them money or something.
They want this shit, fundamentally, because they think that then, in the right-wing eschaton, women will have to fuck them.
And in case you doubt that it's about exactly that, or wonder what the Unfuckable Dork Brigade does for fun, Jesse Kelly of Fox News is apparently spending his time jerking off to the idea of Barron Trump and Kyle Rittenhouse being some kind of sexual athletes.
Come on dude, Barron is what? 14?
Don't get me wrong, I'd probably got more than I should have at that age, but the girlfriend I had through the latter part of middle school and all through high school was a chubby, religious nerd girl whose goal in life was to do things like math for a living.
And I was just fine with all that at the time. Still am, in fact. So yes, please define "hot conservative chick" especially one that somebody's going to score with as a young dude, because I sure don't remember any.
Not just that, I'd hardly call myself some kind of Don Juan even though I've actively tried to be just that on occasion, enough to actually cause myself personal problems here and there. But ya know, I actually cared about the partners I've had, I don't view sex as something I'm entitled to, or through a lens of wealth and power, nor would I ever even consider having killed people as "pelts on the wall."
Come to think of it, I'm honestly really glad that my own service was during peacetime, especially considering what a few of my friends had to deal with several years later in Afghanistan and Iraq. Here's a pro tip for ya, Jesse. I've never met a person who actually served in combat, much less killed people themselves, who refers to dead human beings as "pelts on the wall."
Not because I'm anything so righteous, not because I'm a good person, I'm not. But I'm also not a fucking psycho and I understand that I have to live with what I do. And I'm here to tell you, talk like that is an awful lot to throw at a young person who may not have that understanding of life yet, and who will have to live with the consequences of their actions.
Even if you make it through war physically unscathed, PTSD is a bitch. Unless you have something mentally or morally wrong with you, knowing that you killed somebody is something that can wreck a person...and I've seen people crack under far less stress than that. Hell I've been that guy.
Kyle Rittenhouse ain't never going to have any kind of a life. He done fucked up, and no amount of cheap right-wing internet fame is ever going to fix
that. Especially considering that the second he's in prison or otherwise not-useful all these Republicans will abandon him and it's quite likely the only people who will even offer him humane treatment will be those he was brainwashed into despising for no reason worth mentioning.
Jesse Kelly doesn't care about any of that, he just wants to have people he can use to further his shitty political and social beliefs, and whatever the cost to them is, well, that doesn't matter. It's not him who has to pay it. But then, it never really is, is it?
In point of fact, one hell of a lot of conservative dogma these days seems to be grounded in nothing more than self-serving fantasy, because reality is just that hard for These Fucking People.
And it's no wonder that conservatism has become a haven for cheats, conmen, crooks, fabulists, fascists, liars, scammers, scumbags, shady prosperity gospel preachers and the sort of people who think they're some kind of micro-god that can order the rest of the Universe about.
In fact, it's a wonder they have anybody else
left, at this point.
And it's not getting any better.
When there's no values except pushing the danger and risk onto others while trying to gobble up as much of the profit as possible, and literally everything is transactional and grounded only in the moment and based on something as squishy as "feelings" it's honestly probably a miracle that things aren't worse than they actually are right now.
If these people have any one consistent value it seems to be that they want the rest of us to die, so they can take our stuff.
Does any of that sound conservative to you, really?
That's not a political movement, it's a criminal enterprise and if we're going to stop it, it needs to be treated that way. You cannot reason with unreasonable people.
If you want to stop it, you have to do something. You have to be a better citizen.
We voted the bastards out, and it looks like we're going to have to keep doing that.
But you gotta want to be saved.
The Kamikaze Caucus...doesn't.
That is all.