Sunday, January 9, 2022

Deities, Demigods and Dicks (Death Cult Romance, Part Two.)

I'm frankly sick and tired of the political preachers across this country telling me as a citizen that if I want to be a moral person, I must believe in "A," "B," "C" and "D." Just who do they think they are? And from where do they presume to claim the right to dictate their moral beliefs to me?

And I am even more angry as a legislator who must endure the threats of every religious group who thinks it has some God-granted right to control my vote on every roll call in the Senate. I am warning them today: I will fight them every step of the way if they try to dictate their moral convictions to all Americans in the name of "conservatism." … This unrelenting obsession with a particular goal destroys the perspective of many decent people. They have become easy prey to manipulation and misjudgment. 

~Barry Goldwater


I saw this yesterday, some Republican state senator announcing his campaign for governor and concluding the announcement by blowing a Shofar...a horn of a type once allegedly used by the ancient Israelites, but now mostly associated with whack-off Pentecostal garbage.

I'd just like to point out, and please take note that I say this as a former Christian myself, in addition to being a former conservative. I'm sick of this fucking bullshit. This is America, believe whatever you damn well please, but leave your religion out of politics. 

Far too often, religion gets used to promote political bullshit that is or should be completely antithetical to not just Christianity...but to any religion practiced by even remotely civilized people. It's often cover, nothing but cover, for simple cruelty and meanness of spirit. A hell of a lot of bad people have figured out, over the years, that they can get Man's approval for their shitty agendas simply by claiming to be religious.

And the thing is, they wouldn't do it if it didn't work. So many feeble-minded religious people end up putting absolute faith in various impossibilities that they're primed to believe bullshit already, so long as it mingles properly with their confirmation biases and tickles their ears just so.

And what the Bible actually says about that...and people who follow that kind of damned.

And I daresay among world religions, organized Christianity as a whole has historically been particularly willing to prostitute itself in this way. 

It goes right back, pretty close to the beginning, at least. Constantine did not, in first tolerating Christianity, then accepting it, then making it the religion of the Empire....he did not Christianize Rome. He Romanized Christianity, in so doing he allowed it to become not so much the religion of Rome or the basis of what would become Western culture...but eventually to become the totem of assorted political and religious movements that far exceeded Rome in debauchery or savagery.

And for what?

Don't look away, don't wave your hands around, you tell me: What's the goddamned point?

So that allegedly Christian and "Conservative" news anchors in our modern day can hawk pills that make old men's dicks get hard as a cure for diseases completely unrelated to the functioning of one's penis? Is there something special about dying with a hard-on that I don't know about?

These Fucking People's true "Gods" are their own dicks and you can tell 'em I said that.

If I had to guess I'd say that the Phallus-obsessed Romans would greatly approve of this, once it was explained to them...and even they would probably laugh at it. 

I can't imagine the early Christians would be so impressed with this silly bullshit, though.

And that's all it is: Pure bullshit.

These fucking people don't give a damn about God or religion, so much of what "Conservatism" has become these days is over-the-top shock-jock bullshit that's got nothing to do with any particular belief or philosophy. A lot of it basically boils down to "Say whatever's popular and get people to buy some bullshit product."

As if bags and buckets of "Survival food" that (premade or otherwise) has to be cooked will do one much good when they're stuck in their car during a blizzard?

I've been saying for a long time now that capitalism has become nothing more than an excuse to bullshit people into spending money on stuff that nobody needs, that often has no real purpose at best and at worst is actively harmful. 

And far too often, profit becomes an end in and of itself, the accumulation of wealth becomes its own purpose and responsibility to our fellow humans and the world we live in be damned. It's much the same way with modern conservatism, unfortunately.

These fucking people long ago forgot what the damned point was, but now, they don't care. They just know if they have something to sell and if they talk up a bunch of right-wing sounding bullshit they'll get a bunch of feeble-minded fools to give them money.

And these people, these so-called "Patriots" right-wing fanatics and Trump Supporters...well a hell of a lot of them believe so much in what they are doing that they don't have the guts to show their faces or not hide the license plate numbers on their cars. 

Bur of course the members of the Dark Brotherhood, or the priests of the death god, must remain masked lest the masses find out who they are and pound these fucking cowards into a red stain on the fucking pavement.

And yes, that's always how it is. They know they're wrong, they hate you. They just hope you don't know it, so that they can get away with whatever bullshit agenda they're trying to push.

I mean, seriously, when the hell did conservatism become so full-up with all these greedy gutless wonders that have no greater goal than to whip up a roaring mob that's ready to burn down they can sell shit to it when they're not trying to hide from it? I mean seriously aren't these people contradicting themselves at this point? 

And what happens if they succeed?

What good is all this money when civilization has collapsed and the money isn't worth anything anymore?

They never think about that part, do they?

This is what happens when we allow people into our politics whose only goal is literally blowing their own horn and trying to get famous or make a buck off of some stupid ideology that basically boils down to some dude worshiping his own Wang.

If you want a better country, you have to be a better citizen.

And this? That's not what this is.

Part One.

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