Tuesday, January 4, 2022

1/6, One Year Later (Part One.)

Half a league, half a league,
Half a league onward,
All in the valley of Death
Rode the six hundred.
“Forward, the Light Brigade!
Charge for the guns!” he said.
Into the valley of Death
Rode the six hundred.

“Forward, the Light Brigade!”
Was there a man dismayed?
Not though the soldier knew
Someone had blundered.
Theirs not to make reply,
Theirs not to reason why,
Theirs but to do and die.
Into the valley of Death
Rode the six hundred. 
~Alfred Lord Tennyson, Charge of the Light Brigade.

I saw this earlier.

Rick Wilson said today that Melania Trump is only a few months away from doing online porn and having an Onlyfans site.

And all things considered he may not be wrong.

(And people tried to overthrow our country for these grifting assholes?)

I may be an outlier here, but I get the sense that Trump and his family are becoming increasingly irrelevant, and certain people's pathetic sad-sack quests to restore them to power...well, how is any of that shit going, anyway?

If anything, at this point Republicans are trying to find somebody worse. Maybe somebody more competent, but overall, certainly worse than Trump is something they want.

None of this means these people and their followers aren't a threat, though. In fact I think it'll make them worse.

That's not only because they will continue to degrade public discourse and expectations in an endless search for attention and money...but because they might just try something stupid to get themselves back in the news for awhile.

Hell, Trump himself was going to commemorate the 1/6 Insurrection but evidently decided not to because of public backlash while blaming the House Select Committee. 

Yep, you heard that right.

It's coming up on the one-year anniversary of the January 6th insurrection, lots of the people involved have been thrown in jail...to a person every last one of them incriminated Trump while begging for mercy for themselves, others have cooperated, providing memos and Powerpoints and shit because they don't want to go to jail and lately things don't look so hot for Mango Marcos.

And it's not like a lot of the other Republicans are helping much.

For example, Peter Navarro still can't wait to tell us how crazy he is, and just how much he still thinks he could have said just the right thing to VP Pence to get him to throw the election to Trump.

As if Pence and all the other Republicans he'd consulted would have changed their minds on him not having that power because of the words of one more fanatic.

And that's absolutely why I still tell you not to turn your back on these motherfuckers nor sleep on anything they do. It's not just me saying you can't trust these fucking people. They're telling you that themselves. And some of these people are still obsessed with this bullshit.

And I'm here to tell you, under a conventional, old-school (And I don't like using that word here) George W. Bush style Republican these fucking people would be the same way, in fact they'd probably be even more aggressive in threatening open revolt.

Think they didn't like Bernie Sanders or Hillary Clinton? I'm here to tell you the Party of "No, we didn't think this through" would positively hate a hypothetical President Liz Cheney or President Mitch McConnell. They're not actually interested in Conservatism or Republicanism, let alone competence or self-interest. Even authoritarianism is no good if it makes even a token effort at following the Constitution or the law...because none of these fucking people give a shit about any of that. Why in the hell else do you think they flocked to somebody like Trump in the first place and went full MAGA?

They don't give a shit about any of that stuff, they just want somebody who will abuse their mostly-imagined enemies and tell them how great they are. 

And the cruelty is the fucking point.

I'm serious, bring back shit like Gladiators, like in the Roman empire, give these motherfuckers an outlet for their cruelty and hate and rage besides politics...and I'm willing to bet that you could probably fit the remaining members of the Republican Party in my neighborhood.

It's not just that Republicans or their policies aren't popular...they haven't been for 50 years.

And a lot...I mean, a lot...of the more dedicated Trump Supporters that I've met are former Democrats (mostly of a certain age) or longtime non-voters.

Conversely, a lot of current Democrats and Democratic voters are former Republicans.

Like me.

Adjust your expectations accordingly. 

Thing is, nobody sees Republicans as the strongest tribe anymore, not even Republicans.

That's why Biden's numbers stay pretty consistent...if average...despite so much of the media being completely in the bag for R's because they miss the drama and easy money of the Trump era.

That's why so many of these fucking people try to portray themselves as some kind of edgy rebels against common decency, or even try to claim the label of "Counter-culture" for themselves now.

The thing is, Republicans have spent more than a decade trying to fundamentally change America and they not only mostly failed or even drove things in the other direction, but painfully and publicly tripped over their own dicks a lot of the time.

So now they're dead set on trying to prevent any changes that they can, because conservatives figure that stasis favors them. They know things are broken, and want to keep them that way in case broken becomes exploitable. As if their own base...that wants to burn down the world and wants to burn it down now...would stand for that?

These people know they're shit, but Trump went a long way towards making it acceptable to be a shitty person. It's all bullshit, none of this works, and no they didn't think this through. If anything, all the shit conservatives and Republicans have been doing to try and keep their base amped up and guarantee their own power is exactly what destroyed them.

It's like an old noble or royal family that the members of don't get out much and get desperate to maintain their power without doing any real work. Eventually the cousins and siblings start fucking each other to make sure the blood and the money and the power stay in the family and everybody just goes insane after a couple generations of this. Throw in some fanatical followers, a few glib grifters, a couple of seedy foreign allies and a deep belief in conspiracies and the occult, add a Rasputin-wannabe or two and here they are.

And it's been a year since 1/6 and these idiots are still trying. 

I'd argue if anything, these people trying to have a civil war or some kind of right-wing insurgency is probably even more likely now...but it's not going to work out the way they think it will. A hell of a lot of "Conservatives" are pretty anti-American these days.

It won't work, but people will still die who did not need to. That's the whole damned point I keep trying to make and why we shouldn't be tolerating this shit.

We have not seen the last of the Unfuckable Dork Brigade.

But don't be surprised if it tries to fund its terrorist efforts with Bitcoin or NFT's. And no, they didn't think that through, either.

But they want you to be the one to pay the price for their stupidity, not themselves.

This bullshit will continue until we put a stop to it.

See, in Em City, retribution gives way to redemption. Timmy boy believes he can save every one of us, from each other, from ourselves, from the system that dumped us in here. Only thing he don't get is, you gotta want to be saved. ~Augustus Hill, from the HBO series "Oz" (Season One.)

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