Monday, January 31, 2022

Conservatism, A Prophecy (Fiery The Angels Fell 2022, Part One.)

Where they burn books, they will also ultimately burn people. ~Heinrich Heine

I saw this earlier today, George Takei commenting on the whole Maus thing. George gets it.

These fucking people aren't worried about harsh language, or nudity, or violence or any such things. They want to use those excuses to get rid of any criticism of Antisemitism, Fascism and White Supremacy.

I'll bet you money that it won't be very long before some CHUD kid becomes a "Conservative" superstar by writing a book report or a school paper favorable to Nazis, praising the "Accomplishments" of Nazi Germany, or whatever. Now, I'm not talking about some kid writing a paper about the BF-109 or the Me-262 and their merits vs. the Meteor or the Spitfire or about the Panzer or the Tiger Tank in the desert with Rommel's Afrika Corps, or about the hunt for the Bismarck on the high seas...I'm talking about some kid writing something in full-on praise of Nazi ideology and torch-lit rallies, the Hitler Youth, and that type of shit.

It will happen, at the rate things are going, if it hasn't happened already and the rest of us just ain't noticed yet.

And these fucking people want the Nazi shit, I guarantee you they'll pull whatever whiny pearl-clutching don't-offend-our-lily-white-sensibilities garbage they have to, so they can try and bring that about...and again...if they can make it harder for kids to get information that criticizes fucking Nazis, they might get incrementally closer in a generation or so.

Fiery the angels fell; deep thunder rolled around their shores; burning with the fires of Orc. ~Roy Batty, Blade Runner (A deliberate misquote of William Blake's "America: A Prophecy.)

I mean, come on, we live in a country where Kyle Rittenhouse walks free, and the only thing preventing these motherfuckers from forming some kind of Freikorps Amerika and fighting in the streets is fear of the fact that Federal law enforcement, the military and [enough of] their fellow citizens who have guns wouldn't stand for it and that in any real conflict, they'd lose.

Which is exactly why they're trying to ban books and burn down education as a concept, so that they can try again in another 20 years or so and maybe have a lot more idiots they can add to the mob. It's why these fucking people are now wading into our politics openly, because even with Trump gone, Lauren Boebert, Marge Green and Paul Gosar held that gate open for them. Yes, there's a fire in Reagan's shining city on a hill.

And these fuckers are the ones burning it down.

Because, fundamentally, they figure if they manage to degrade and destroy enough of this country, its knowledge and its power, maybe they can start a civil war, do a little ethnic cleansing, and get themselves a shitty little Bantustan For Whypipo.

Seems like a hell of a dumb ass thing to aspire to, if you ask me.

But don't take my word for it, they're telling you this themselves, loud as can be, right out in the open. These motherfuckers want to call other people "Communists" when Communism hasn't been a thing since 1989...but they themselves are openly trying to bring back the 1930s  and going to absolutely ridiculous level efforts to avoid saying those three little words "Nazis Are Bad."

There's only one reason people don't want to say those words.

Just one.

And it's funny how so many of these supposed "Free Speech" absolutists are clamming up these days, the second they're asked to denounce fascism or Nazis.

There's only one reason for some dude to say they'll vomit if they hear one more person on their own "side" denounce Nazis. 

Hell, I saw a Tweet before I started writing this in which Rick Scott fucking denounced the Orlando Nazis. When you've lost that Skeletor-looking motherfucker, it might be time to start thinking about calling it a day. Rick Scott might be a dirty Republican scumbag...but he seems to get that some things ain't right.

Ron DeSantis's press secretary...not so much.

Although she stops short of claiming them. That's funny.

If you're anti-Anti-Nazi, that still circles back around to "You're A Nazi." And it usually does so sooner, rather than later.

I'm not sure where she thinks blaming the Democrats for this will help, except that avoidance of responsibility seems to be hardwired into the Republican psyche by now.

I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I've watched c-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate. All those ... moments will be lost in time, like rain. Time to die. ~Roy Batty, Blade Runner.

And they'll blame everybody else and try and pawn that shit off on whoever else they can exactly until it advantages them not to. I guarantee you, these fucking people are openly longing for the day when they can Goose Step in public...and more to the point, longing for the day when they can persecute others without reason, and without any fear of consequences.

The weird pseudo-religious bullshit at this point exists only to fool the feeble-minded and gain Man's approval for their shitty agenda. The only thing these fucking people want to do with the Cross of Jesus Christ is set it on fire.

Remember, the very first thing that the Nazis did when they came to power was start telling the Christians what they could believe and telling the churches what they could preach and teach and forcing Pagan rituals on Christian churches/

And resisting that kind of garbage is how Martin Niemoller ended up in a concentration camp.

I mean, if somebody wants to practice Christianity or Paganism or whatever the fuck...I don't care...but one of these things is not like the other one. 

If somebody finds some way to combine the two of their own free will and on their own time, great. You can settle that up with God on your own. It's not my problem. I'm a Christian-influenced Agnostic Theist, it's none of my business. But again, one of these things is not like the other one. These are different, and generally mutually hostile, belief systems.

Jesus said no man can serve two masters, best, he will love the one and hate the other...and quite likely will end up despising both of them.

One will ultimately win out...and with these people involved...well they're going to stack the deck against anything that teaches about a forgiving Savior and a loving and merciful God, aren't they?

If you think these fuckers won't start forcing people to do whatever stupid shenanigans pop into their heads...and Democracy and Free Will, Scripture and the Truth be have another thing coming. Why the hell else do you think they're so aggressively going after anything that smacks of criticism of their (unacknowledged) beliefs and so opposed to critical thinking, multicultural pluralism and the simple idea that "Hey, can't we all just get along?"

(Because they don't want to.)

And the next thing they'll tell you is "Well, people are struggling and don't have time to worry about all this stuff, Democracy is too hard."

'Cause these fucking people, they're perfectly well fine with a "Little intellectual elite in a far distant capital" making all the decisions as long as it includes people like Stephen Miller and Steve Bannon and they think it agrees with their fascist bullshit.


Ronald Reagan knew that kind of talk was bullshit, for all his faults he believed in democracy and peace. The fact that conservatism has forgotten his example...and actively rejected it, in fact, even going so far as to openly revile George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush, who were Reagan's most direct heirs.

Instead, we've got people who...fuck the next election, or the one after that...they want to fight their neighbors, split the country and break off a piece so they can be ruled by somebody like Donald Trump, and spend most of their time deciding who they want to exclude from their neo-Soviet Russian satellite state?

Excuse me, seriously? What's wrong with you?

If this is what Conservatism has become, then it's become Anti-American.

And it's time for that shit to die.

A lot of good moments, a lot of legacies, will end up wasted. Hell, they have already. "Like tears in rain" basically is what happened to pretty much everything I was taught to believe. The 1980's conservatism I was taught makes me...A Democrat.

I'm good with that, now.

And you know what? If modern Republicanism requires banning books and cheating and political dirty tricks or restricting knowledge and supporting goddamn fucking Nazis for it to continue to exist...then it doesn't deserve to exist.


And deep down, Republicans, you know that. You're not the steely-eyed Cold Warriors who faced down real honest-to-God Communists and fucking won. Hell, you fuckers ain't even George Wallace...who ultimately repented of his racism and brought Black folks into government in Alabama.

You people claim you're Americans, you could've followed in the footsteps of giants and stood up for diversity and freedom in a nation of immigrants that even Reagan said has all the strength of the world..

So, why choose the shitty little Austrian Corporal who burned Germany and most of Europe to the ground instead? 

Because even Trump didn't go far enough?

See, here's the thing about books and history and knowledge. I know how that story ended.

And so do you. It won't be any different this time.

So why do it?

If we lose freedom here, there is no place to escape to. This is the last stand on Earth. And this idea that government is beholden to the people, that it has no other source of power except to sovereign people, is still the newest and most unique idea in all the long history of man's relation to man. This is the issue of this election. Whether we believe in our capacity for self-government or whether we abandon the American revolution and confess that a little intellectual elite in a far-distant capital can plan our lives for us better than we can plan them ourselves. ~Ronald Reagan

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