Tuesday, November 17, 2020

The Enchanted World (Left Behind Is A Lie, Revisited.)

When men stop believing in God, it isn't that they then believe in nothing: they believe in everything. ~Umberto Eco

Apparently there's some kind of horse shit going around the internet via One America News Now, that says Trump somehow won 410 electoral votes, somehow including both California and Hawaii.


Note I say this as a resident of a state that flipped back to Blue myself.

Supposedly, the military found this information on a Dominion server.

Couple problems here: 

First, The Dominion voting machine company neither has offices in Germany, nor manufactures all of the voting machines used in the US.

Second: The military doesn't investigate anything much in Germany, unless it happens specifically on US military installations, by treaty if there's something that happens involving US citizens, interests or personnel, the German police investigate, perhaps assisted by the FBI or military criminal investigation services, either automatically or by their request depending on the nature of the issue, and all of this is spelled out in publicly available documents, but that's just what I remember off the top of my head right now.

Third, has whoever made this crap up ever been to California or Hawaii, let alone lately?

Seriously if anything ever should have spelled the end of these fucking people's belief in some kind of magical Republican utopia it's 'living in America these last five years.'

I'm serious. Aside from judges, tax cuts for the wealthy and the reputations of American Christianity and "Conservatism" being largely ruined...and a budding conspiracy theorist fascist movement that thinks Fox News sucks and neither current Republicans nor Trump were cruel or evil or racist enough, what has anybody gotten out of this mess, least of all the average Republican voter?

 Here we are now, entertain us. I feel stupid, and contagious. ~Curt Cobain, Smells Like Teen Spirit

Oh wait did I say that out loud?

But of course that's not really what I'm on about here, is it. That's right.

What happens to these people when Joe Biden is sworn in as President on January 20th, 2021?

What happens when all the facts about the last five years, Russia, kids in cages, foreign manipulation, the Federal Government's bungled COVID-19 response, obviously-corrupted judicial confirmations and Billy Barr's Justice Department start coming out?

What happens when there is no Apocalypse, no Rapture, no Conquering Christ on a white horse, no Y2K virus that brings the modern world crashing down?

Most likely, the same thing that happened to Harold Camping's followers on May 22nd, 2011. Pretty much the same thing that happened to anybody who bought into the 2012 Apocalyptic horse shit, or the Y2K bullshit, or basically every apocalyptic prediction in the history of humanity.

Let me spell it out for you: One way or another there's always at least some True Believers who completely lose their ass on this stuff.

This time, to hear them tell it, literally millions of people bet their souls on Donald Trump in one way or another.

Too often, such things end up with mass death, Jonestown, Heaven's Gate...you get the picture.

There's always some bullshitter somewhere who recants and converts to something else because they might go to jail or get shot if they don't.

And there's always people who went absolutely all-in on said bullshitter's lies who end up looking really fucking stupid when the truth comes out.

This time around it was some mailman with (apparently) some pretty severe issues in Pennsylvania who fell apart, along with their story, once it all got questioned by the FBI and who immediately recanted when questioned. Today, it's Rudy Giuliani, who as of not too long ago made a complete ass of himself in a PA courtroom and had his case better explained by those who were arguing against it, in the course of their demolishing said arguments.

What happens to these people when their magical world does not come to pass?


Fuck, I don't know, but we'd better be prepared to find out, as millions of Americans clearly have no connection to reality at this point.

We'd better start doing something about that. If there is no truth, freedom dies.

Previous Postscript.

Part Eighteen.

Part One.


#Election2020 #Special #Top20

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