Sunday, November 1, 2020

Takbir! (American Revelation, Final Judgment: It's The Weekend.)

 "In Your Guts You Know He's Nuts." ~Lyndon B. Johnson campaign slogan, 1964 (Referencing Barry Goldwater.)


And the smoke of their torment ascends for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receives the mark of his name. ~Revelation 14:11

I saw this yesterday. In Texas, Trump Supporters tried to run a Biden campaign bus off the road.

This is America, this is not supposed to be happening here. This is the kind of shit that we routinely deplore and issue stern warnings about when it happens in other countries. This is the exact kind of shit we were going to invade Haiti over in 1994. But I guess violent rejection of legitimate elections and holding up normal shit because the world doesn't like you is fine if you're white.

This is the type of shit we bomb other countries for.

And if you don't think Republicans are cackling with glee as they hope they can split the country and goad us into bombing ourselves, you have another thing coming. I think these absolute motherfuckers know they wouldn't get the whole country, so if you're not one of theirs they want you to know, and to see, that the cost of your freedom is dueling jets in the sky and a steady stream of death in an Alabama that they've turned into Al Anbar.

Because they know if you're not one of theirs, that it will cause you pain that your continued freedom is painted with the blood of the hero and the innocent alike.

Because they know those who are their own will charge gleefully into the fire, throwing themselves onto the wire so that the second wave might climb over their backs into the firebase, with ancient AK-47's, sharpened sticks or their bare hands, to fight for that endless hate, that upraised middle finger, for white supremacy.

For the demons gnawing at their souls. 

If these people were led by an angry bearded man shouting "Takbir!" and shouting back "Allah Akbar!" in the call-and-response way of Islam as they fired their guns in the air in some dusty Middle Eastern city, they'd be dead. If they were doing that in America, and trying to hunt down a politician of either party, they'd not just be dead, but the skies would be full of Reaper drones hunting down all their friends, too.

Why is it different when it's angry white chuckleheads whose only real difference is their fealty to a godless American wannabe Saddam?

I'm going to be honest here, I'd intended for this to be a weeklong series that would include an installment every day of the week running up to election day, but the last two days and most of today I've at long last been just plain wrecked. It's effectively been exhaustion down to what I'd call a spiritual level. I'm not one to routinely speak about things like spirits and supernatural stuff, but I have to say that I feel like in these last few days before the election, there's bad spirits running amok with these Trump people.

In the context of American Revelation, it's like the Devil knows his time is short, that his time will soon be at hand, and that judgment will rain down like waters, and righteousness like a mighty stream.

And his followers, they know it too.

But this isn't just about Trump. This is, fundamentally, the sum total of conservatism now fully divorced from morality, still trying to stand athwart the flow of history yelling "STOP!!"

You see, that is perhaps the most screwed up thing about this mess.

There are those who believe that Trump and Trumpism represent the end of history, a status quo that must be maintained and preserved at all costs. Even if that cost is America, even if that cost is their lives and the vote. These are the people who speak about this demented old man as if he will never die. 

And that he will somehow shield them from death, and grant them his sternal life that he doesn't have.

They think Trump is Jesus.

In spite of the evidence of aging, of dementia, of the damned virus, that we see every day.

They speak as if their current ongoing emotional ejaculation and upraised middle finger that they just have to have everyone see will go on forever

But nothing on this Earth lasts forever.

There are people in this country, who believe in Trump more than they ever believed in America, more than they ever believed in the vote, more than they ever believed in Jesus Christ.

Yet most of them claim to be Christians. Most of them claim to believe that nothing of this Earth is eternal, and yet most if not all of them act not only as if Donald Trump will never die, but as if there will never be another time that is not right now

Seriously I've spent the last five and a half years spending my days deciding between aggravation and annoyance at this whole ongoing shit show. 

I'm hoping like hell there's a light at the end of the tunnel on Tuesday.

Because if there isn't, this crap will never stop.

Having had a taste of acting like this, of blocking traffic and holding up other people's lives, not out of protest or for a purpose, but in celebration of their false god, do you think these people will ever stop, unless we stop them?

I seem to remember that when it was Black Lives Matter or Native Americans at Standing Rock blocking commerce and construction and traffic these people flew into a homicidal rage and wanted corporations and the government or random people in their cars to just straight up murder people.

But I'm guessing they think this is Okay because it's them.

How many people are they keeping from their families, from their homes, from their jobs, with this silly bullshit, with this ecstatic celebration of Donald Trump?

Remember this the next time some Republican tells you that family, home, tradition, or work is important.

Because it's not, except to the extent that it can be used to beat other people over the head with for mostly imagined failings and mostly fake moral judgments. Angry grievance and petty outrage over shit that's none of their business is the lifeblood of modern Republicanism, and it has been in increasing amounts since 1994. Why the hell do you think Newt Gingrich is all in for Donald Trump? Why do you think Rush Limbaugh supports Trump?

Because in either case and equal measure, he's the one who really built this, and he knows it. Newt and Rush are the Two Anti-Witnesses of American Revelation, the two lampstands illuminating a generation of American Bullshit that has led us to this point.

It's time to end this, it's time to rip the idols out of the temple.

If we don't, it's going to be the end of us.

This is American Revelation.

America, or Trump.

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